Economics Research Papers/Topics

Examining the Niche of Secondary Education within the Framework of Industrial Economy in Tanzania

Abstract This paper examined the position and roles of current secondary education planning towards achievement of the new framework of industrial economy in the context of Tanzania. The paper focused on examining: i) the contribution of secondary school graduates towards industrial economy; ii) the influence of modern industrialization in the rural development within the framework of five year development plan 2016-2020 and iii) the role of industrialization process in plummeting rural-urban...

Gendered Decision Making In The Adoption Of Maize Storage Technologies In Ushetu And Mbulu Districts

ABSTRACT Existence of Post-harvest loss is still a threat that does not only affect the state of food security, but also significantly compromises the livelihood of the majority. To mitigate this different stakeholder from the government and non-governmental institutions have put several programs to popularize loss reduction innovations specifically at the storage level. Among the initiatives introduced enhanced knowledge and training on the use of metal silo and hermetic bags. Despite the ef...

Microsimulation Analysis Of Indirect Tax Benefits On Poverty Reduction In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the impact on income distribution and inequality in Tanzania from the changes to indirect tax policies using the standard static microsimulation model TAZMOD v1.8. The simulations model two indirect tax reforms involving changes to the excise duty and the VAT rate of alcoholic drink and tobacco products as well as changes to the National Health Insurance Fund employers and employees ' contributions. The first reform results have a positive impact on government tax...

Effects Of Industrialization On Tanzania’s Economic Growth: A Case Of Manufacturing Sector

ABSTRACT This study analyses the Effects of Industrialization on Tanzania’s Economic growth: A Case of Manufacturing Sector. Due to recently controversial literatures on manufacturing as an engine to economic growth or not, the study adapt a VAR model to examine the underlying effects of industrialization (manufacturing) on Tanzania economic growth from 1970 to 2017 period using yearly time series data by using the Granger Causality test and OLS method. The empirical results indicate that m...

Small Scale Entrepreneurs Willingness To Pay Tax In Enhancing Local Government Revenue Collection: A Case Of Local Market Sellers In Dodoma City

ABSTRACT Tax is the major source of revenues in both developed and developing countries like Tanzania. This study sought to investigate small scale entrepreneurs’ willingness to pay tax at enhancing Local Government revenue collection taking a case of Dodoma city council. Specifically, the study analyzed attitudes of small scale entrepreneurs on tax payment, assessed small scale entrepreneurs’ knowledge on tax system applied by the local government and investigated factors affecting tax p...

Impact Of Education Expenditure On Economic Growth And Welfare In Tanzania: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

ABSTRACT Education expenditure is trusted to be one of the key priorities towards economic growth and welfare improvement. The Tanzanian government believes that the improvement in economic growth and living standard of the people can be achieved through increase in public education expenditure. However, despite the efforts of improving the quality and access to education in Tanzania, there is still no clear understanding of quantitative effects of education expenditure on economic growth and...

Economic Growth And Its Relationship With Export, Foreign Direct Investment And Government Expenditure In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The key aim of this thesis was to analyse the relationship among exports, foreign direct investments, government spending and economic development in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study aimed to examine the effect of exports on economic growth in Tanzania; to inspect the relationship among foreign direct investments on economic growth, and to test the relationship between government spending (Gross national expenditure) and economic growth. Additionally, the research quest...

Determinants And Measurement Of Poverty From Multidimensional Perspectives In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The literatures show that, until recently, Tanzania’s poverty indices have been calculated using an income approach only. Therefore, this study aimed at covering the existing gap of measuring poverty in multidimensional way. The main objective of the study was to calculate the multidimensional poverty index of Tanzania. Specifically, the study intended to determine non-monetary deprivation levels in Tanzania; to examine the determinants of multidimensional poverty; and to determin...

The Impact Of Fiscal And Monetary Policies On Economic Growth And Stability In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study analyzed the impact of fiscal and monetary policies on economic growth and stability in Tanzania. The study questioned mechanisms that make one policy more effective than the other and traced efficient way of using these policies; which most prior empirical works did not mention. The study filled this gap in literature by analyzing fiscal adjustments of revenue and spending; comparing effects of money supply and interest rate; and finally deriving an optimal policy – mix...

Microsimulation Analysis Of The Impact Of Indirect Tax Benefits On Income Distribution And Poverty Alleviation In Tanzania

Abstract: This paper analyses the impacts of indirect tax policy reforms on income distribution and poverty in Tanzania by applying a standard static microsimulation model TAZMOD v1.8. The simulations model two indirect tax reforms involving changes to the excise duty and value-added tax rates on alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, and changes to employers’ and employees’ contributions to the National Health Insurance Fund. The results of the first reform find a positive effect on g...

Social Capital And Willingness To Pay For Community Based Health Insurance: Empirical Evidence From Rural Tanzania

Abstract This study examines the effect of social capital on willingness to pay (WTP) for health services provided through community based health insurance schemes (Community Health Fund) in Tanzania. The study covered 274 household heads. We use probit regression analysis to model the relationship between the predictors and our outcome variable. Our results have shown that with the exception of religion, all other social capital variables have a positive and significant impact on the WTP fo...

Economic Analysis Of Maize Storage Technologies Adopted By Smallholder Farmers In Kilosa And Kongwa Districts

ABSTRACT Maize storage losses are a threat to smallholder farmers in developing countries. In Tanzania, smallholder farmers adopt various storage technologies in storing their maize. Hence, it is crucial to examine effectiveness of each technology adopted in storage loss abatement. Thus, this study aimed to undertake an Economic Analysis of Maize Storage Technologies Adopted by Smallholder Farmers in Kilosa and Kongwa Districts. It specifically focused on identifying various maize storage tec...

Russia And Tanzania: Bilateral Trade Relation Analysis

Abstract The article analyzes the development of trade relations between Russia and Tanzania in 2010-2017, defining the Tanzania’s contribution to Russia’s foreign trade, the dynamics and commodity structure of mutual export and import of the two countries, the degree of intensity of trade relations, factors hindering the development of trade, and perspective directions of diversification of bilateral trade and economic relations. The assessment of promising sectors of the economy for the...

Investigating The Relationship Between Stock Prices And Exchange Rates In Zambia

Abstract This study sets out to investigate the relationship between stock prices and exchange rates in Zambia. The relationship between the two variables is well explained by the portfolio balance and the traditional approaches to exchange rates determination. The portfolio balance explains that stock prices lead exchange rates by affecting investors’ wealth and interest rates in an economy; on the other hand the traditional approach explains that exchange rates leads Stock prices. There ...

An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Systematic Risk And Return At The Namibian Stock Exchange

Abstract This paper presents an empirical analysis of the related risk and return. This study is helpful to analyse the asymmetric nature of data including the seasonal effect and non-linear properties in risk and return relationship scenario. In this study, monthly data was used regarding stock prices and the NSX local index, Market capitalisation ratios and beta was calculated. The data span of all variables covers the time period from January 2013 to December 2017. Our results show that t...

751 - 765 Of 1535 Results