Economics Research Papers/Topics

Highlevel Manpower Development An Assessment Of The Growth And Academic Performance Of Nigerian Universities

ABSTRACT In an ardent attempt to put their natural resources into better use, developed and developing countries have given a very high priority to the planning and development of high-level manpower wince the end of World War II. The university, being the capetone of any country's educational system and the main supplier of graduates and allied high-level manpower, undoubtedly assumes a strategic position in any serious endeavour to develop highly skilled personnel. Consequently in Nigeria, ...

Effect Of Urbanization On Sustainable Development In South West Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study considers the effect of urbanization on key economic social and environmental variables. These variables are used to develop indices to measure sustainable development in the urban areas of south-west Nigeria. It is done by assessing the impact of urbanization and some other driving force of development on urban economic growth and the quality of life and quality of the environment in the area. A thorough review of issues and concerns relating to urbanization economics gro...

Dynamic Interactions Among Road Transport Infrastructure Development, Economic Growth And Poverty Level In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study examines the interactive effects among road transport infrastructure development, economic growth and poverty level in Nigeria. This was with the view to providing empirical evidence on the linkages among road transport infrastructure, economic growth and poverty level. The study used secondary data. Annual time series data from 1980 to 2013 on road network, Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) and Real Consumption Expenditure per Capita were collected from Central Bank of N...


vi Abstract The misconception of services as being nonproductive has led to the neglect of the service sector in both economic theory and applied economic researches. The Nigerian economy highly depends on the oil sector to generate revenue for the entire economy. This study examines the response of economic growth to the dynamics of the service sector in Nigeria from the windows of governance indicators. Using annual data series, endogenous growth model and autoregressive distributed lag tec...


ABSTRACT This study empirically examines the effects of exchange rate on balance of payment in Nigeria, using quarterly data from 1981-2017. The empirical methodology utilized the Bounds cointegration test to detect possible long-run and short-run dynamic relationship, and found no presence of long run relationship between the variables used in the model. The study employed the Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), to check for properties in the relationship between the variables above liste...


ABSTRACT ThepurposeofthisstudyistoexaminetheeffectofsectoralForeignDirectInvestment oneconomicgrowthinNigeriamakinguseoftimeseriesdatafortheperiod1981-2018. AnAuto-regressiveDistributedLag(ARDL)technique(withemphasisonshortrun estimates)isusedtoexaminetherelationshipforseriesthatareI(0)andI(1).Thestudy considersfive FDIsectors which includes:Telecommunication infrastructures,oil, Agriculture,Manufacturing,Services andotherinfrastructuressectorsasitsvariables representingsectoralforeigndirecti...


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of investment in the Nigerian economy by making use of time series data for the period, 1970-2015. The study employed the auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) for the analysis. From the result, it is shown that exchange rate, interest rate, inflation rate, and total financial saving, all have a positive effect on investment whereas external debt has a negative effect on investment. Therefore, the Government should improve the...

Impact Of Trade Liberalisation On Poverty In Zimbabwe (1986-2012)

ABSTRACT Since the late 1980s, Zimbabwe has experienced rising poverty for quite a number of years despite policy makers implementing trade liberalisation. Therefore, the study sought to determine the impact of trade liberalisation on poverty in Zimbabwe. Using time series data from 1986 to 2012, an Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation criteria was employed to estimate the change of poverty in Zimbabwe. The study found out that trade liberalization has positive effect on poverty. Policy ma...

Does investing in intellectual capital improve financial performance? Panel evidence from firms listed in Tanzania DSE

Abstract: Despite that reviews have been done in intellectual capital and the performance of firms, their status has remained uncertain in the emerging economy. Previous studies have generally focused on single industries and have overlooked the input of the service and manufacturing sectors as a whole. This study offers new insight into the area of intellectual capital and its relationship with firms’ performance in Tanzania and evaluates intellectual capital within the service and manufa...

Assessing The Effects Of Capital Structure On Performance Of Non-Financial Firms Listed On The Zse (2010 – 2016)

ABSTRACT All firms have to make a decision on how to finance their operations. A firm can use retained profit or borrow from financial institutions, or offer securities and shares. Each source of funds has its own advantages and disadvantages. The proportion of debt to equity applied by firms determines the capital structure of a firm. This study therefore investigated the relationship between capital structure and the performance of non-financial companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchan...

Determinants Of Nhif Services Provision Among Accredited Drugs Dispensing Outlets In Kilombero District

ABSTRACT Health insurance scheme is important in improving health finance in Tanzania. However, health insurance faces numerous difficulties including inadequate health services availability. This study attempted to assess the determinants of health insurance services provision among Accredited Drugs Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in Kilombero district. The objective of the study is to assess the social-economic factors affecting the response of private sector Accredited Drugs dispending Outlets...

Capital Structures In Nigerian Firms - Patterns Determinants, Adjustment, Optimality And Costs

Abstract This study is an attempt to extend the frontiers of knowledge about company finances, with particular empirical reference to Nigeria. It examines the extent to which Nigerian firms use owners’ funds (equity) and borrowed funds (debt). It covers a period of 10 years, from 1974 to 1983. The study  samples 87 non-financial companies quoted on the Nigeria Stock Exchange; the sample excuses the financial sector because its financing patterns sharply differ from those of the other secto...

An Examination Of The Determinants Of Real Exchange Rate In Namibia

ABSTRACT This study examines the determinants of the real exchange rate in Namibia using annual time series for the period 1980 to 2014. The fundamental determinants of the real exchange rate in Namibia are openness, terms of trade, ratio of government expenditure to GDP and the ratio of investment to GDP. Time series properties were tested for stationarity using the Dickey Fuller-GLS test. The variables were found to be nonstationary but became stationary at their first differences. The stu...

706 - 720 Of 1535 Results