Economics Research Papers/Topics

Trade Openness And Economic Growth: Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT In contrast to previous studies on the relationship between trade openness and economic growth, this study develops a new measure of trade openness. Composite Trade Intensity (CTI) was employed to generate an index to capture trade openness. The study used Trade Intensity (TI) and Relative World Trade Intensity (RWTI) dataset to create an index for trade policy openness. This new measure of trade openness improves on the results of trade openness compared with the traditional measure...

Determinants Of Demand For Mobile Telecom Services In Cape Coast

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the determinants of demand for mobile telecom services by individuals in Cape Coast metropolis in the Central Region of Ghana. The logit model was used to identify determinants of mobile telecom services subscription. The mobile telecom subscription equation was estimated using the maximum likelihood estimation technique. Data for the study were collected via survey of individual subscribers and non-subscribers of mobile telecom services. The questio...

Determinants Of The Choice Of Mode Of Transport Of Intra-City Spare Parts Dealers In Accra

ABSTRACT In contemporary times, there has been a clarion call from transport experts and researchers suggesting the need to discourage the number of trips made on private cars during peak hours. Some studies suggest the use of toll differentials, whereby private cars are charged higher than others to ensure diversion from private cars to public transport. This thesis explored the determinants of the choice of mode of transport of intra-city spare parts dealers, and estimated the specific and...

Empirical Investigation into the Determinants of Non-Traditional Exports Growth in Ghana: A Gravity Model of Trade Approach

ABSTRACT  The exports sector plays a vital role in economic growth and development in Ghana. NonTraditional Exports (NTEs) is essential in expanding the exports sector. Hence, this paper applied the augmented gravity model of trade to investigate the determinants of Non-Traditional Exports (NTEs) growth in Ghana. A panel dataset of Ghana and her 78 major trading partners from 2004 to 2016 was used. The Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood regression (PPML) was used to reveal the effect that var...

Demand and Benefit Incidence of Healthcare Services in Ghana

         ABSTRACT  This thesis investigates the factors that determine demand for healthcare in Ghana by placing emphasis on price, income, and opportunity cost (the price of time). The study uses data from the sixth round of Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS 6) conducted in 2012/2013. The thesis is organized in a paper-based approach. The first paper aims at finding the sensitivity of demand for healthcare services to price and income, as well as finding the benefit incidence of the ...

Determinants Of Technical Efficiency Of Smallholder Pineapple Producers In The Akuapem South Municipality

ABSTRACT The efficiency of resource-use is of major concern in agricultural production since farmers’ productivity and profitability depends on them. The study thus assesses the efficient use of production resource among small-holder pineapple farmers’ in the Akuapem South Municipality. The study area was selected since it has one of the largest numbers of small-holder pineapple producers in the country. The objective of the study was to determine and estimate the levels of resource effic...

Determinants Of Tax Revenue: Evidence From Ghana.

ABSTRACT Most developing countries face the problem of raising tax revenue to carry out public sector spending. Tax revenue is necessary for economic growth and development. Unfortunately tax revenue generation has been low in Ghana. This study therefore examined the determinants of tax revenue with evidence from Ghana using quarterly data from 1988 to 2008. The tax effort function is used by regressing government expenditure, real gross domestic product and financial deepening on tax revenue...

Private Capital Flows And Macroeconomic Performance: Growth Implications Of Shocks For Sub-Saharan African Economies

ABSTRACT In theory, private capital flows (PCF) strengthen domestic investment for economic growth. In sub-Saharan African (SSA) economies, Foreign Direct Investment per Capita (FDIC), Portfolio Investment per Capita (PIC) and Bank Lending per Capita (BLC) components of PCF grew inversely to Gross Domestic Product per Capita (GDPC). While growth rates of FDIC, PIC and BLC respectively averaged 269.6%, 31.7% and 55.6% in 1981-1990; 42.9%, 36.6% and 28.6% in 1991-2000; 30.7%, - 174.7% and 24.2%...

The Effects Of National Health Insurance Scheme On Outpatient Utilization And Expenditure In Ghana: A Case Study Of Mfantseman Municipality

ABSTRACT Recognizing the potential of Mutual Health Organizations (MHOs) to eliminate user fees and increase utilization of health care services in the country, the government of Ghana enacted the National Health Insurance Act in 2003, mandating the establishment of district-wide MHOs. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) on the probability of utilizing outpatient care and expenditure in the Mfantseman Municipality of the Central ...

Exchange Rate Regimes And Economic Performance: A Comparative Analysis

ABSTRACT In 1973 the industrial countries of the world abandoned the Bretton - Wood adjustable - peg exchange rate system as a means of international payments, and embraced a floating exchange rate system. By the beginning of the 1980's some developing countries of the world joined the league of exchange rate-floaters. It was thought that a floating exchange rate system is intrinsically superior to a fixed one because it not only insulates an economy from the events in other economies but als...

Prospects Of The Proposed West African Optimum Currency Area

Abstract The adoption of the Euro by the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) has spurred the various Regional Economic Communities (REC) of the African Union (AU) to pursue their longterm aim of forming monetary unions and adopting common currencies. As part of the regional integration into monetary unions, ECOWAS has been pursuing a monetary union since 1987 which it finally agreed to launch a common currency (the ECO) in 2020. Even though the ECOWAS countries have not been able to si...

Decentralizing Public Sector Collective Bargaining And The Contradictions Of Federal Practice In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Economic reforms and the quest for efficiency in public administration call for the decentralization of collective bargaining and wages in the public sector in Nigeria. But the effort to decentralize has translated into both a protracted industrial relations crisis and intergovernmental conflict. This situation is traced to the failed effort at institutionalising collective bargaining and the consolidation of the unified wage structure in the public sector by the resort to ad hoc wag...

The Impact Of Foreign Aid On Output Growth And Inflation In Ghana

ABSTRACT Foreign aid has become one of the most important sources of capital flows to developing countries in the present past. According to development theorists, this massive inflow of capital wilt fill the foreign exchange gap and propel developing countries into sustained growth and development. This study attempts to examine the impact of this massive capital inflow on the inflation and the growth of output in Ghana for the period under consideration. The principal objective ofthe study...

Capital Flight and Institutional Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Corruption

ABSTRACT Empirical evidence indicates that macroeconomic uncertainty, political and institutional instability, less developed financial system, and higher rate of return differentials in other countries abroad induces capital flight from Sub-Saharan Africa. This research recognizes corruption as an aspect of a weak political and institutional system. However, the relationship between corruption and capital flight has received little emphasis, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study, th...

Health Expenditure and Health Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Governance and Institutional Quality

Abstract The effect of both private and public health expenditures on health outcomes has received much attention in the literature. However, how governance and institutional quality mediate between these health expenditures and health outcomes have attracted limited attention as far as SubSaharan Africa (SSA) is concerned, thus, necessitating this study. This study used the system generalized method of moment estimation technique. It covered 22 Sub-Saharan Africa countries with data spannin...

976 - 990 Of 1535 Results