Economics Research Papers/Topics

Dynamics Of Interest Rate Pass-Through In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines the dynamics of interest rate pass-through in Ghana since Bank of Ghana opted for inflation targeting monetary policy framework in accordance with the legislative instrument governing the institution. Time series data (policy rate, lending rate, deposit rate, interbank rate and Treasury bill rate) sourced from Bank of Ghana were analyzed using an error correction model. Per the estimation results, policy rate has an incomplete influence on wholesale market rates a...

Childrens Time Use in Ghana ; Determinants And Effects on School Attendance

ABSTRACT Children spending excessive time on market and domestic chores is common and pervasive in developing countries. This time input contributes to household’s current consumption which is beneficial to improving the current standard of living in the households. However with the tendency of affecting children’s welfare. There has been a lot of research on time use of children with more focus on children’s time on market activities whiles less attention is given to the hours childre...

Impact Of Educational Expenditure On Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study inspected the connection between educational expenditure and financial economic growth in Nigeria utilizing time series and secondary data from 1981 to 2018, sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), and the World Bank. Significant measurable apparatuses were utilized in investigating the connections between these factors. Stationarity attributes of the factors were tested utilizing the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) procedure on Eviews. The relationships between educ...

An Assessment Of The Determinants Of Agricultural Output In Nigeria: 1981-2018.

ABSTRACT. This study assesses the determinants of agricultural output in Nigeria using annual data covering periods from 1981 to 2018. The variables employed were Agricultural Growth (AG), Agricultural Credit (AC), Government Expenditure on Agriculture (GEA) and Money Supply (MS) with Agricultural Growth (AG) as the dependent variable. The study employed the use of econometric analysis such as; Descriptive statistics, Unit root test (ADF), Granger causality test, Johansen co-integration test ...

Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment On Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Most countries strive to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) because of its acknowledged advantages as a tool of economic development. Africa – and Nigeria in particular – joined the rest of the world in seeking FDI as evidenced by the formation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), which has the attraction of foreign investment to Africa as a major component. This study investigated the empirical relationship between FDI and and Nigeria’s economic impr...

The Role Of E-Payment Systems On Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigates the role of e-payment systems on economic growth in Nigeria over the period of 2010-2018. Specifically, the study analyses the role of e-payment systems on economic growth using value of e-payment transactions and volume of epayment transactions. The study used quarterly time series data for value of POS, ATM, mobile, Internet transactions and real GDP for model 1 and volume of POS, ATM, mobile, internet transactions and real GDP for model 2. The multiple regr...

Impact Of Service Sector On Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The service sector is a crucial component of every country’s economy, and it has been identified as a sector with the capability to become a significant driver of sustained growth in Africa. This study examines the Impact of Service Sector on Economic Growth in Nigeria from the period 1981 to 2019 using annual time series data sourced from the CBN statistical bulletin. The econometric approach of the paper is based on ordinary least square (OLS), Augmented- Dickey Fuller test, Joha...

The Effect Of Population Growth On Nigerias Economic Growth

Abstract Over time there has been mixed and controversial evidence in the literature regarding the relationship between population growth and economic growth and development. This study is an empirical analysis of economic growth and population growth in Nigeria, some writers have found a positive relationship between the two variables, others noticed a negative relationship, and some examined little to no correlation between the two variables. The purpose of this research paper is to observe...

The Effectiveness Of Monetary Policy In Controlling Inflation In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This paper investigated the effectiveness of monetary policy in controlling inflation in Nigeria using secondary annual data spanning from 1981 to 2019. Money Supply, Treasury bills rate, monetary policy rate and exchange rate were the variables used in the study to check inflation. The paper employed cointegration method to check for the long run relationship between the variables, Augmented Dickey Fuller unit root test to check if the variables are stationary or non-stationary, Gra...

The Impact Of Exchange Rate Fluctuations On Economic Growth In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study evaluates the relationship between exchange rate fluctuations and its impact on the Nigerian economic growth. This study made use of secondary annual data from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s statistical bulletin & publications from the National Bureau of statistics (NBS). This study adopted the classical least regression model and ordinary least square method (OLS) to analyze the data. This study has been able to demonstrate that exchange rate fluctuations is pivota...

Managers’ Experience and Efficiency of Regional & Selected Ghanaian Hospitals in Maternal & Newborn Health Service Provision

ABSTRACT Despite the numerous studies on technical efficiency in the Ghanaian health sector, none has included regional hospitals, which are secondary referral hospitals.  Researching the efficiency of this group of hospitals is important given their critical role and the fact that they employ substantial amounts of public resources. This thesis provides evidence on the relative technical efficiency of all regional hospitals, plus some selected large district/municipal/metropolitan hospital...


ABSTRACT The dilemma concerning the choice between austerity and stimulus packages has reignited the finance-growth debate. This study joins the debate to examine the linkages between financial deepening, trade openness and economic growth in selected West African countries. The study looks at the two monetary zones in West Africa, namely the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) and West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). Using a panel data of twelve (12) countries covering 1992—2009...

Effects Of Exchange Rate On Balance Of Payment In Nigeria (1981 – 2017)

ABSTRACT This study empirically examines the effects of exchange rate on balance of payment in Nigeria, using quarterly data from 1981-2017. The empirical methodology utilized the Bounds cointegration test to detect possible long-run and short-run dynamic relationship, and found no presence of long run relationship between the variables used in the model. The study employed the Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), to check for properties in the relationship between the variables above list...

Effect Of Risk Management Disclosure On The Profitability Of Listed Banks In Ghana

ABSTRACT Within the context of corporate reporting and disclosure, information on risk has become important because of the complexity of modern businesses and these complexities have exposed firms to a lot of risks. Aside calls for the study of risk management disclosure in different cultural context, the effects of risk management on the profitability of banks still remain an issue. Content analysis was employed to examine the annual reports of listed banks from 2012 to 2016. Fixed and rando...

Determinants Of Tax Revenue: Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT Most developing countries face the problem of raising tax revenue to carry out public sector spending. Tax revenue is necessary for economic growth and development. Unfortunately tax revenue generation has been low in Ghana. This study therefore examined the determinants of tax revenue with evidence from Ghana using quarterly data from 1988 to 2008. The tax effort function is used by regressing government expenditure, real gross domestic product and financial deepening on tax revenue...

931 - 945 Of 1535 Results