Procurement and Supply Chain Management Research Papers/Topics

Supplies Evaluation Criteria in Procurement and Attainment of Total Quality Management in Government Sectors in Tanzania A case Study of Tanzania A case Study of Tanzania National Road Agency

Abstract The main concern of this study was to find out the supplier evaluation criteria and total quality management in government organizations in Tanzania. The major three specific objectives were, to identify methods used in evaluating suppliers in the agency, to identifY the strengths and/or weaknesses of the supplier evaluation matrix used by the Procurement Management Unit - T ANROADS, to identifY measure to be used in order to attain total quality management in government sector. Thro...

The Role Of E-Procurement In The Performance Of International Firms. (A Case Study Of The Cocacola Company-Uganda.)

ABSTRACT The research topic "effects of e-procurement and the performance of international firms the case study of Coca-Cola Company in Kampala Uganda. The main objectives of the study included • To find out the effects of e-procurement on International firms • To find out the benefits of e-procurement • To examine the relationship between e-procurement and international firms • To find out the applications of e-procurement. The literature review presents work of other scholars on ar...

The Effect Of Suppliers Selection On The Quality Performance Of An Organisation Case Study: Mount Meru Millers Limited Located Lira District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL. ..................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..............................................................................

Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Relationship Betweeen The Purchaser And Supplier A Case Study Of Samona Products Limited.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................. i APPROVAL .................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION .............................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................. : .................................. iv ABSTRACT .........................................

The Impact Of Centralization Of The Procurement Function On Service Delivery In An Organization A Case Study Of Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited (Kengen)

Abstract This refers to how an organization structures its decision making authority. Probably the best way to reface this discussion is to begin by evaluating where the authority for decision exists within the organization versus the physical location of personnel. If an executive at the corporate headquarters must approve a decision, then a firm maintains a centralized authority structure for that decision even if the purchasing personnel are located through the organizational hierarchy. If...

E- Procurement And Organisational Performance Case Study Of Nakumatti Supermarket In Kampala, Uganda

This research studied electronic procurement and organizational performance case study of Nakumatti supermarket in Kampala, Uganda. The objectives of the study include; To identify the impact of E-tendering on organizational performance, to examine the relevancy of E-auctioning on organizational performance and to establish the relationship between E-procurement and organizational performance Data was collected using self administered questionnaires. The study used purposive sampling tec...

The Effect Of Corruption In The Public Procurement Process In An Organisation (A Case Study: Civil Aviation Authority, Uganda)

Public procurement has a long history. It was written on a red clay tablet, which found in Syria, the earliest procurement order dates from between 2400 and 2800 B.C. The order was for "50 jars of fragrant smooth oil for 600 small weights in grain" (Coe, 1989, p. 87). Other evidence of historical procurement comprises the development of the silk trade between China and a Greek colony in 800 B.C. (Khi V. Thai, 2001). Corruption comes from a Latin word 'corrumpere' which means to break( s...

The Inventory Management And Customer Satisfaction; A Case Of Mukw Ano Group Of Companies

ABSTRACT  The study aimed at examining the inventory ri1anagement and customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies by taking objectives to determine the impact inventory levels on customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies, to examine the challenges in managing inventory and consumption, to establish the relationship between inventory management on customer satisfaction in Mukwano Group of Companies. Inventory management plays a vital role in enhancing customer satisfaction a...

Effects Of Outsourcing On The Performance Of An Organization A Case Study Of Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited Mombasa Kenya

ABSTRACT  The research topic "Effect of Outsourcing on the Organizational Performance," the case of Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited (KPRL), Mombasa Kenya. The main objectives of the study included. To find out the effect of outsourcing on the organization performance To find out the process of outsourcing in the organization To examine the relationship between outsourcing and performance of the organization To find out solutions to the effects of outsourcing The literature review presents...

Contract management and service delivery in mityana district local government in uganda.

ABSTRACT: The study looked at contract management and service delivery with the objectives; To establish the relationship between accountability in contract management and service delivery, to determine the relationship between communication in contract execution and service delivery and to establish the level of skills / knowledge possessed by contract management stakeholders and how they impact on service delivery. A sample of 69 respondents were detennined using Sloven's Fonnula; n = N l+...

The effect of e-business on the performance of the procurement process. A case study on safaricom company moi a venue branch.

ABSTARCT The study was carTied out using Safaricom Company, Moi Avenue branch located in Nairobi Kenya. This research was intended to examine the impact of e-business in the procurement process in organizations. Data used was collected from Safaricom suppliers, its customers and the purchasing department. Questionnaires and interviews guides were used as tools to gather this data from 40 respondents. The data was analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Both male and female respondent...

Supplier Management Techniques And Operational Efficiency Case Study: Regal Paints Limited Kampala

ABSTRACT The ma:in purpose of the study was to establish the Impact of Management techniques on Operational Efficiency and the objectives were to; Determine the relationship between supplier management techniques and operational efficiency of an organization. Asses the effects of Supplier Management techniques on operational Efficiency in Regal paints Ltd. The findings are intended to benefit future academicians especially Kampala Intemational University business studies, help organization on...

Outsourcing And Service Delivery A Case Study Of Uganda Police Force

ABSTRACT Outsourcing is the buzz word of the new millennium while companies are increasing moving jobs offshore to cut clown costs. The public is feeling cheated that their jobs are being stolen by cheat foreign labour. In this study aims at investigating the impact of outsourcing on service delivery at Uganda Police Force. The study was guided by the following specific objectives to establish the influence of outsourcing on quality :efservice deli• ~ry at Uganda police. to find out tlw eff...

The Factors Affecting The Effectiveness Of Public Procurement In Municipal Councils A Case Study Of Maua Municipal Council

ABSTRACT This research study set out to investigate the factors affecting the effectiveness of public procurement practice in Maua Municipal Council. These factors affect overall perfonnance of the council in discharching its social responsibilities to the society which is the main financier of the council.And also MMC is under local government that is subject to PPDA Act and regulations hence should comply with the procedures of the act The general objective of the study was to study the fa...

Outsourcing Services And Service Delivery In Namutumba District Local Government

ABSTRACT The study focused on outsourcing and service delivery in Namutumba District Local Government. The objectives of the study were to identify the benefits of outsourcing, the reasons for outsourcing, and challenges associated with outsourcing in Namutumba District Local Government in Namutumba, Uganda. The research used a cross sectional survey design on the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches that were adopted to establish the effects of outsourcing services and service del...

226 - 240 Of 317 Results