Procurement and Supply Chain Management Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Packaging On Sales Performance In An Organisation. (A Case Study Of Mukwano Industries)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ...............................................................

The Impact Of Inventory Management On The Profitability In Organizations: A Case Study Of Mtn Inventory And Engineering Department In Bugolobi

ABSTRACT  The study is focused on Inventory Management and Profitability. This is based on three main objectives which include, to establish the relationship between inventory Management and profitability in organizations, to establish the different tools of Inventory Management and lastly to establish the control measures or systems used in Inventory Management. There is also a detailed discussion of the related literature to the topic under evaluation of which is cited by different researc...

Outsourcing And Profitability In Business Firms A Case Study Of Mukwano Industries Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. .i DECLARATION ............................................................................................................. iii APPROVAL. ..................................................................................................................... .iv DEDICATION ..............................................................................................

Tendering Process And Service Delivery In Local Government In Uganda. A Case Study Of Arua District Local Government Headquarters

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ........••.••...............••..•••••.•.••.......................•.•.••.•••.......................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........•.••.•.•.•...........................••.••.•............

The Effect Of Ethical Principles On The Procurement Process (Case Study Of Local Gorvernment, Bundibugyo District)

ABSTRACT Ethical principles make procurement to be transparent and accountable. The public procurement and disposal department of Bundibugyo district, due to its own characteristics has not applied the ethical practices as clearly stated in the PPDA Act 2003 as widely as it should have. The purpose of this exploratory study is to increase the understanding of the different ethical principles in Uganda and emphasis the practices of morality during the procurement process. The study will also ...

Total Quality Management And Customer Service Delivery A Case Study Of Uganda Telecom

Table of Contents Chapter 1 1.0 lntroduction .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background of Study ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................ .3 1.3 Purpose and Objectives of the Study ...........................

Retailing And Organisation Performance A Case Study Of Shoprite Supermarket In Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT The overall objective of the study was to find out the impact of retail and organization performance a case study of Shoprite supermarket in Kampala Uganda The study was guided by three objectives; to determine the various forms of retailing, impact of customer satisfaction on organization performance, and to examine the impact of retailing on organization performance of Shoprite supermarket. Data was collected using a questionnaire and interview guide, and during data collection pu...

Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Relationship Betweeen The Purchaser And Supplier A Case Study Of Samona Products Limited

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................. i APPROVAL .................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION .............................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................. : .................................. iv ABSTRACT ..........................................

Effects Of Total Quality Management And Supply Chain ,. ' Management On Organizational Pbrformance A Case Study Of Bidco Oil Refinary (K) Ltd Thika, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research report is about "Total Quality Management on organizational performance'", a Case Study of Bid co Oil Refinery in Thika, Kenya. The research was conducted in two (2) month during the"practical training. Much effort was put on studying procedures and technicalities involving the understanding ability in relating the variable and the procedures of Total Quality Management (TQM). Chapter one, describes an overview of Total Quality Management and background of Bidco Compan...

The Impact Of Contract Management On Service Delivery. Case Study: Nampunge Community Primary School In Wakiso District

ABSTRACT The study established the extent to which contract management influences service delivery in Nampunge community primary school. The objectives of the study established the extent to which contract governance, monitoring and relationship management influences service delivery in Nampunge community primary school. The study used a descriptive research design using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study population consisted of 36 respondents, from whom a sample of 30 wa...

Corruption In The Procurement Process And The Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises: A Case Study Of Two Selected Business Enterprises In Monduli Division arusha District In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research on "Corruption and the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises" was carried out in TANCEED and Shoprite in Monduli, Tanzania purposely to; find out the role of procurement on the performance small and medium enterprises; to find out the challenges of procurement and causes of corruption; and to suggest possible solutions to the challenges experienced in procurement. To figure out the problem, literature was reviewed on the main variables of the study to enrich...

The Causes And Efects Of Poor Purchasing Negotiation Phases In Procurement. Case Study. Roofings Limited.

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE HISTORICAL BACK GROUND OF THE PROBLEM TITTLE PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS TITTLE PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................. .i DECLARATION ....................................................... iii APPROVAL ............................................................. .iv DEDICATION ........................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................ vi LIST OF TABLES ....................

Vendor Management Inventory And Organization Performance Case Study Nakumati Supermarket Kampala

ABSTRACT Vendor managed inventory is the system where vendor takes overall responsibilities of business on behalf of organization by; making daily deliveries of goods, managerial work, checking of stock and others. . In June 2009, the first Nakumatt store in Uganda opened on Yusuf Lule Road on Kololo Hill, in central Kampala, the capital city. In November 2010, Nakumatt expanded its footprint in Kampala by acquiring Payless Supermarket, a Ugandan supermarket chain with two stores in the Kampa...

Compliance With The Public Procurement Disposal Of Public Assets Act. Acase Study Of National Social Security Fund (Nssf)Uganda.

ABSTACT The study focused on compliance with the procurement procedures and public sector performance. The study was initiated as a result of poor accountability, lack of value for money and poor quality management in the public sector despite the availability of procurement procedures. The researcher used the following objectives to guide the study: to establish the benefits of compliance with the procurement procedures, to identify the factors affecting the compliance with the procurement ...

The Effect Of Supplier Collaboration In Procurement And Operational Efficiency, (A Case Study Of Kaabong District Loal Government)

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to examine the relationship between procurement and supplier relationship to an organization efficiency with specific reference to Kaabong district local government. The study considered twelve ( 12), the staff in procurement department . three (3) members of contracts committee and live (5) accounting officers and fifteen ( 15) suppliers of goods and services making a total of thirty five (35) respondents. Questionnaires and interview were used as the major ...

256 - 270 Of 317 Results