Procurement and Supply Chain Management Research Papers/Topics

Inventory Control and Profitability of Private Health Institutions: A Case Study of Mayanja Memorial Hospital Mbarara, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the effect of inventory control on profitability of hospitals in Mbarara district, Uganda. It was guided by three specific objectives, that included; to determine the effect ofjust-in-time inventory on profitability of hospitals in Mbarara district, Uganda, to establish the effect of vendor managed inventory on profitability of hospitals in Mbarara district, Uganda and to establish the effect of material requirements planning on profitability of Mayanja Mem...

Effects of E-Procurement and Procurement Performance of Public Entities in Uganda, The Case of National Information Technology Authority Uganda, Logogo, Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROVALDECLARATION .IIDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction.1 Background to the study I1.1.1 Historical Background I.1 .2 Theoretical perspective 21.1.3 Conceptual perspective 2.1 .4 Contextual perspective 31.2 Statement of the problem 3I .3 Purpose of the study 41.4 Objectives of the study 41 .5 Research questions 41 .6 Research hypothesis 41.7 Scope of the Study 51.7.1...

Supply Chain Management and Organizational Performance a Case Study of Demafreight Logistics Limited, Kampala

ABSTRACT Effective supply chain management (SCM) has become a potentially valuable way of securing competitive advantage and improving organizational performance since competition is no longer between organizations, but among supply chains. This research conceptualizes and develops three dimensions of SCM practice (strategic supplier partnership. customer relationship, information sharing.) and tests the relationships between SCM practices. competitive advantage, and organizational performanc...

The Role of the Stores Function in the Effectiveness of Poultry Breeding Companies: A Case Study of Ugachick Poultry Breeders

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF FIGURE xLIST OF ACRONYMS xiABSTRACT xiiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 The Problem Statement 21.3 Purpose of the Study 31.4 Objectives of the study 31.5 Research questions 31.6 Scope of the study 31.7 Significance of the study 4CHAPTER TWO 5STUDY LITERATURE 52.1 Introduction 52.2 Literature review 52.2.1 Stores techniques and practices 52.2.2 Store...

Supplier Relationship and Organisational Performance; A Case of Mukwano Group of Companies, Kampala Central Division, Uganda

TABLE CONTENTSDeclarationApprovalDedicationAcknowledgements ivTable Contents vList of Tables ixList of Acronyms XAbstractCHAPTER ONE ~ ~1INTRODUCTION ~ ~11.1 Background To The Study 11.1.1 Historical Background 11.1.2 Theoretical Perspective 41.1.3 Conceptual Background 51.1.4 Contextual Perspectives 81.2 Problem Statement 81.3 Purpose of the Study 91.4 Objectives of the Study 101.5 Research Questions 101.6 Scope of the Study 101.6.1 Geographical Scope 101.6.2 Theoretical Scope 111.6.3 Conten...

Impact of Negotiations On Organizations Performance in Kampala District a Case Study of Uchumi Supermarket.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................

The Role of Inventory Management Towards the Success of an Organization (A case Study: Continental Machinery (U) Ltd)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ............................................................................................. .iiApproval. ............................................................................................ .iiiDedication ........................................................................................... .ivAcknowledgement .................................................................................. vTable of contents ...........................................

Inventory Management and Value Addition: A Case Study of Uchumi Super Market Kabalagala Branch Kampala

CHAPTER ONE 1.0. Introduction This chapter gives introduction of the study, problem of the study, the hypothesis, the scope of the study and the significance of the study. 1.1. Back ground of the study. Inventory management refers to the control measures to regulate the level of distribution of materials in various units of store, warehouse, business entities etc. the inventory management can also be influenced by either it's primary concentration with material management (MM) or physical dis...

The Effect of Supply Chain Management Practices on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance; A Case Study of Uganda Crown Beverages.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to determine the effect of supply chain management practices on competitive advantage and organizational performance Uganda Crown Beverages Limited. The study had two objectives, to establish supply chain management practices adopted by Uganda Crown Beverages Limited, and to detenriine the effect of supply chain management practices on competitive advantage and organizational performance of Uganda Crown Beverages Limited. The research design involved a cros...

Purchaser-Supplier Relationship and the Performance of the Purchasing Department

ABSTRACT This study was set to determine the contribution of Purchaser-Supplier relationship to the effective performance of the Purchasing Department. The Study looked specifically to the contribution of this relationship to requirement specification, profit leverage, quality assurance and better deliveries and lead time reduction. The study used a survey approach in research design. Data was gathered using questionnaires. The questions were also used as interview questions where questionnai...

Financial Credit And Business Enterprises Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises (Sme's) In Selected Business Entities Ofkisenyi-kampala

ABSTRACT The study was to establish the relationship between financial credit and business performance in selected business entities in Kisenyi -Kampala district- Uganda. It was guided by four specific objectives, which included; i) to determine the level of financial credit; iii) to determine the level business performance and iv) to determine the relationship between financial credit and business performance. The study used a descriptive correlation design that use both qualitative and quan...

Impact Of Inventory Management On Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study Of Tororo Cement

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECL/\RATION ii APPROVAL ............................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ......................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................... v CHAPTER ONE ....................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION .....................

The Procurement Function And Performance Of Non-governmental Organisations In Uganda Case Study: Medical Research Council

ABSTRACT The purpose of the research study was to assess the impact of the Procurement Function and the performance ofNGO's a case study of Medical Research Council and objectives of the study were to assess the effect of disposal of stock, to explore how supplier management affects perfonnance and to establish the effect of sourcing on perfonnance in Medical Research Council and the researcher used simple random and purposive sampling method to collect data. f-listorical procurement used to ...

The Impact Of Information And Communication Technology On Supply Chain Management Case Study: Mukwano Group Of Compalnies

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the impact of ICT on the supply chain management. The objectives of the study were to find out the ICT tools used iil SCM at Mukwano, find out the impact of ICT on the SCM at Mukwano and the challenges brought by ICT in the SCM at Mukwano. The nature of the research was descriptive and analytical. This involved quantifying data, tabulating findings and understanding treatment of information on respectively. The sample size is composed of so r...

Inventory Management And Performance Of Organisations: A Case Study Of Mukw Ano Group Of Companies, Kamp Ala

ABSTRACT The research was set to examine the effect of inventory management on the performance of organizations with special attention to Mukwano group of companies, it was guided by three objectives .which included establishing strategies that purchasing entities can adopt in managing inventory the challenges encountered in inventory management in Mukwano group of companies and explore the effects of inventory in performance of organisations. The study adopted an analytical research design t...

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