Procurement and Supply Chain Management Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of E-procurement On International Firms Performance: Case Study Of Uchumi Super Market Limited In Kabalagala Branch Kampala District In Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ....... ........................................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEGEMENT ..................

The Impact of Internal Control on Inventory Management. A Case Study of Coca-Cola Group of Industries Limited, Namanve.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ...............................................................................................................................................

Impact Of Procurement Procedures On The Operation Of Kenya Commercial Banks A Case Study Of Garissa Branch

ABSTRACT The process of procurement usually begins when the procurer starts to search the market for bidders. After identifying the suppliers, a request for bids, proposals, quotes, and information can be ~ade. However, direct contact with bidders can also· be made instead of advertising the above requests. After selecting the suitable bidders, a quality check is essential in order to confirm the suitability of the goods in question. The next step would be negotiation of the terms, conditio...

Kampala International University Inventory Management and Organisational Performance A case Study: Village Mall Supermarket Bugolobi

ABSTRACT The study aims at finding out the effect of inventory management on the performance of stores department case study Village Mall super market Bugolobi branch, in Kampala district. Chapter one talks about the data to be collected using the various methods mentioned in chapter three would are analyzed using appropriate formulae statistically known in order to establish the relationship between the two variables. The objectives of the study was to identify techniques of inventory manage...

Effective Procurement Planning on the Efficiency Of The Procurement Function in Private Organisations. A Case Study of Phenix Logistics Uganda Limited.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page ................................................................................................................... i TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ ii DECLARATION ......................................................................................................... vi APPROVAL .........................................................................................................

Outsourcing Strategy and Quality Management in Equity Bank (Kamp Ala Uganda) Kabalagala Branch

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. .iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................

An Assessment Of The Internal Controls Used By The Uganda Revenue Authority On The Performance Of Businesses In Uganda.

ABSTRACT This Research was conducted on An Assessment of the Internal Controls used by the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) On the Performance of Businesses in Uganda. In addition, the study was purely desk field research therefore exploratory analytical in research design. The study used secondary data where information was extracted mainly in journals, magazines, textbooks, internet source, libraries and Newspaper Publications and URA offices in Nakawa. Findings of the study were presented an...

Retail Store Design on Customer Satisfaction A Case Study of Shoprite Supermarket In Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................ iii DEDICATION ......................................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........

The Impact of Procurement Ethics on Procurement Effectiveness in the Public Sector (A Case Study of Kotido Local Government)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................

The Effects of Legal System on Procurement Practices in the Organisations, A Case Study of Uganda Baati Ltd

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF ABBREVIATIONABSTRACT.CHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11,1 Introduction 11.2 Background to the study1.3 Statement of the problem 21.4 General objective of the study 31 .5 Specific Objectives 31 .6 Research questions 31 .7 Scope ofthe study 31.7.1 Content Scope 31.7.2 Geographical Scope 31.7.3 Time scope 31.8 Significance ofthe study 41 .8 Definition of Key terms 4CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Intr...

Buyer-Supplier Relationship on Supply Chain Performance A Case Study of Byeyogere Steelworks Ltd

TABLE OF CONTENTAPPROVAL iDEDICATION iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT iiiLIST OF TABLES ivLIST OF ACRONYMS vABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 11 .Olntroduction 11.1.lBackground of the study 11.1 .2Historical background 11.1 .3Theoritical perspective 11.1.4. Conceptual perspective 2Definition of terms 21.1.5. Contextual perspective 31.3 Statement of the problem 31.4Objectives of the study 31.4.1 General objective of the Study 31.4.2 Specific objectives of the Study 31.5 Research questions 41.5.lScope of t...

Procurement Process and Service Delivery in the Public Sector: A Case Study of National Water Sewarage Corporation, (Nwsc), Gulu Branch

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION iiAPPROVAL iiiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEGEMENT vTABLE OF CONTENTS viLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xLIST OF TABLES xiLIST OF FIGURES xiiABSTRACT xiiiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction I1.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement ofthe Problem 31.3 Purpose ofthe study 41.4 The objectives of the study 41.5 Research Questions 41.6 Hypothesis 41.7 The Scope ofthe study 41.7.1 Geographical scope 41.7.2 Content scope 41.7.3 Time scope 51.8 Significance of the Study 51.9 The c...

Electronic Tendering and Organizational Performance. A Case Study of Bidco Uganda Limited

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................ iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................. iv...

Procurement Strategies and Cost Performance in Business Firms (A Case Study of Shell Petrol Station-Bugolobi)

TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle: PageDeclaration ..................................................................................... .iApproval .................................................... ..................................... iiDedication ...................................................................................... .iiiAcknowledgement ... ... ............................................................. .......... .ivTable ofcontents ...................................................

The Impact of E-Procurement’s On Supply Chain Processes. A Case Study of Kakira Suger Works Company (Uganda)

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiTABLE OF CONTENT iiiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the Study 21.2 Statement of the Problem 41.3 Purpose of the Study 41.4 Objectives of the Study 41.5 Research Questions 51.6 Significance of Study 51.7 Scope of the Study 61.8 Conceptual Frameworks 7CHAPTER TWO 8LITERATURE REVIEW 82.0 Introduction 82.1 Supply Chain 82.2 UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONCEPT OF E-PROCUREMENT 92.3 Effects of e-procurement on the supply chain management...

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