Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Challenges to Workers Participation in Organizations in Ar Usha, Tanzania A Case Study of Tanzania National Parks (Tanapa) Headquarters, Arusha

ABSTRACT This study was about the Challenges of Workers Participation in Organization in Arusha, Tanzania, TANAPA being a case study. The study gives out a picture on how TANAPA manages Workers Participation in their day to day activities. It also provides the mechanisms on which TANAPA use to make staff to be involved and much less some problems occurred during the process. The population Sample Involved Employees ofTANAPA Headquarters .The sample size includes 50 employees, which is equival...

Home Environment and Female Learners’ Perform Nce in Secondary Schools in Bor County, Jonglei State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study was designed to examine the relationship between female learners’ home environment (such as enrollment by parents on time, unplanned marriage and distribution of household chores among siblings especially between boys and girls) and their performance in school (dropout and promotion rates). The instruments used were researcher own designed questionnaire on home environment and a modified students’ progression data collected from the schools administration for the one hu...

Human Resource Skills and Management Practices in Seleceted Public Sectors in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between human resource skills and management styles in the selected public sectors in Mogadishu. based on three research objectives which included; i) to determine the level of human resource skills in selected public sectors in Mogadishu, Somalia, ii) the determine the level of Management practices in public sectors and iii) to establish whether there is a significant relationship between the level of human resource skills and...

Fiscal Decentralization and Maintenance of Roads in Hargeisa Somaliland

ABSTRACT This study was set to investigate fiscal decentralization and maintenance of roads in Hargeisa Sornaliland. The study was guided by three specific objectives; (i) to determine level of the fiscal decentralization in Hargeisa Somaliland, (ii) to determine level of the maintenance of roads in Hargeisa Sornaliland and (iii) objective three was to find out if there is significant relationship between fiscal decentralization and maintenance of roads in Hargeisa Somaliland. This study empl...

Recruitment, Selection and Employee Performance in Rwanda Social Security Board

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between recruitment, selection and employee performance, using the case of Rwanda Social Security Board. Following the track of its set objectives, this study identified how recruitment and selection are conducted in Rwanda Social Security Board, put light on some of the challenges Rwanda Social Security Board faces in its endeavors to carry out effective recruitment and selection, find out whether there is relationship between recruitment, selecti...

The Effects of Training and Performance of Primary Schools Pupils in Ap Ac District. The Case of Ap Ac Town Council.

TABLE OF CONTENT Declaration ........................................................................... i Approval ............................................................................ ... ii Dedication ........................................................................... iii Acknowle~g~ment .................................................................... iv CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction .................................................................... I I.I B...

Public Policy Implementation and Community Development in Noima District, (A Case Study of Kabwoya Sub county)

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION naaaannaannaaanaanananananananaaaaaa~aaaaaaana~ APPROVAL DEDICA’l”ION annaaaananaaanaaanaaa$oaannnanaannannnnnnannann~~ ACKNO~AfLE DGEM ENT~ an a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a anna a a a an a a an a a a a a a a ann a a anna ann an a a a a anna a anna a a anna a ann ant a IIV TABLE OF CON1EN1tnaaaanaaantannaannanaaannaann~. CHAPTER ONEanaaaaaaannnnaaanaaanananaaauanaaanaa It 1.0 Introduction of the Study 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement...

Accountability and Service Delivery in the Public Sector: A Case of Kcca, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study explored the topic: Accountability and Service Delivery in public sector: A case of Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA), Kampala District. The specific objectives were: To examine the effect of political accountability on service delivery in Kampala City Council Authority; To establish the effect of legal accountability on service delivery in Kampala City Council Authority; and to examine the effect of administrative accountability on service delivery in Kampala City Coun...

Human Resource Practices and Employee Turnover at Sonas in Beni City, Democratic Republic of Congo

ABSTRACT This study aimed at establishing the relationship between human resource practices and employee turnover in Societe Nationale d’Assurance (SONAS) national insurance group located in Beni, North Kivu Region, Eastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The specific objectives were to establish the relationship between; I) type of employment contract and employee turnover; II) remuneration and employee turnover; and III) job security on employee turnover. A descriptive correla...

Local Government Administration and Potable Water Supply in Juba Payam, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The research topic was the role of local government administration and potable water supply in Juba Payam, South Sudan. The study objectives were; to ascertain the state of potable water supply in Juba Payam, South Sudan; to identify the challenges facing potable water supply in Juba Payam, South Sudan and to examine the factors that influence the roles of local government in potable water supply in Juba Payam, South Sudan. The study was based on a cross sectional research design. Th...

The Role of NGOs in Urban Poverty Reduction A Case Study of Kasokoso, Kampala - Uganda

ABSTRACT  NGOs have been regarded as the new ‘panacea for people centered pro-poor development’ in urban poverty. This research investigates the role of NGOs in urban poverty reduction in Kasokoso from the perceptions of low-income urban households and NGOs operating in this sector. It finds that while there are some successes - in addressing the environmental risks by providing clean water, sanitation services, providing health services, and building social capital of the low-income hou...

Violation of Female Reproductive Rights A Case Study of Female Genital Mutilation in Amudat District, Karamoja Region

ABSTRACT  The study aimed at investigating the violation of women’s reproductive rights: A case of Female Genital Mutilation in Amudat District. This was motivated by the fact that although there have been deliberate attempts and formulation of international and national instruments to encourage the Pokot community to discard the FGM practice, there seems to be persistent resistance to abandoning it, as evidenced by the number of females who undergo the practice. The study was guided by th...

Internal Displacement and Social Reintegration in Host Communities A Case Study of Children in Agago Town Council, Agago District

ABSTRACT  The study aimed at examining the relationship between internal displacement and social reintegration in Host communities in Agago district, three specific objectives guided this study and these were; (i) To examine the consequences of internal displacement on Social Reintegration in the Host communities in Agago district, (H) To assess the process of Social Reintegration in Host communities in Agago district(iii) To assess the challenges of Social Reintegration in Host communities ...

Local Government Decentralization and Poverty Alleviation in Gal-Mudug state, Somalia

ABSTRACT Somalia has been confronted with the challenge of object poverty that lasted well over two centuries. Local government decentralization is one of the strategies adopted by its government in the hope that its implementation could engenders a downward review of the nation’s poverty profile.This study is aimed at investigating the role of local government decentralization in poverty alleviation in Galmudug-Somalia. The objectives of the study were; to determine the nature of local gov...

The Role of Local Government in Promoting Education in Wera Sub- County, Amuria County, Amuria District -Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was about the role of Local Government in promoting education case study of Wera Sub-county in Amuria District Uganda. The study was mainly based on three research objectives which is; To identify the education services provided by local governments, to establish the challenges faced by the local government in the provision of education services in Wera Sub-county, to find out the possible solutions to the challenges. The study employed across section together with descript...

166 - 180 Of 1320 Results