Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance in Organizations, A Case Study of Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company Ltd, Enugu (2000-2008).

ABSTRACT  This study is an attempt to investigate the impact of motivation on employee performance, using Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company Ltd, Enugu (Mercedes Benz Anammco) as a case study. This is with a view to ascertaining whether the motivation strategies and techniques used by ANAMMCO management has any impact on their employees performance. The researcher commenced this study by carrying out a critical exposition on the background of the study which constitutes the origin of motiva...

Obstacles to the Development of Ibaji Local Government. A Way Forward

ABSTRACT In Nigeria about eighty percent of the citizens live in the rural communities and they depend mainly on subsistence agricultural activities and petty-trading. In other countries, only about twenty percent of the population live in urban centres. unfortunately, this higher percentage of the population dwell in the rural areas and languish in diseases and chronic ill-health due to poverty, ignorance and lack of other basic social amenities that would have improved their standard of li...

Citizen Participation and Implementation of Local Government Policies in Mogadishu-Somalia

ABSTRACT  This research examined the relationship between citizens’ participation and implementation of local government policies in Mogadishu, Somalia. The research was guided by three objectives; (i) to examine the effect of participatory agenda setting on implementation of local government policies in Mogadishu, Somalia, (ii) to establish how participatory decision making affects the implementation of local government policies in Mogadishu, Somalia, (iii) to examine citizens’ particip...

Office of the Ombudsman and Public Financial Management in Local Government of Rwanda

ABSTRACT  The study attempted to examine the role of the Office of Ombudsman in Public Financial Management in Local Government of Rwanda. The objectives of the study were to study various levels of management of public resources, investigate the extent to which the Office can be effective control of public resources management and examine the challenges of Office of Ombudsman in controlling/monitoring public financial resources. A descriptive survey, qualitative research designs and documen...

Staff Development and Performance of Non-Government Organisations in Kampala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study established the effect of staff development programmes on performance of Non-Government Organisations in Uganda and especially Kampala District, three specific objectives guided this study and these were i) examining staff development programmes in NGOs in Kampala district, Uganda; ii) assessing the performance of NGOs in Kampala district Uganda, and (iii) establishing the effect of staff development on performance of NGOs in Uganda. This research used a descriptive corr...

Budgeting and Road Infrastructure Maintenance in Uganda A Case of Selected Sub Counties in Bukonzo West Constituency Kasese District

ABSTRACT  The study was about Budgeting and road infrastructure maintenance in lower local Governments of Bukonzo west Kasese District. The study was carried out in the Sub counties of Bwera, Nyakiyumbu and Isango. The objectives of the study were to assess the role of budget process on road infrastructure maintenance in the Sub counties of Nyakiyumbu, Bwera and Isango, Bukonzo west Kasese District. To establish the effect of resource allocation on road infrastructure maintenance in Bukonzo ...

Contribution of Local Government to Primary Education in Galkaio Somalia

ABSTRACT  This study was undertaken with the primary purpose of determining if there is a relationship between local government and primary education in Galkaio. To accomplish this task, it was guided by the following research questions; what is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, level of education. This study was set out to establish the level the contribution of local government to primary education in Galkaio, Somalia. Specially, the study was to establish how local gove...

The Role of Public Relation in an Organisational Growth and Development (A Case of Unilever Nigeria Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE Title Page ​i Certification ​ii Dedication​iii Acknowledgement ​iv Abstract​ v Table of content ​vi CHAPTER ONE 1.1​Background of the Study ​1​ 1.2​Statement of Problem ​5 1.3​Research Questions ​5 1.4​Objectives of the Study ​5 1.5​Research Hypothesis ​6 1.6​Scope of Study ​7 ​ 1.7​Limitation of the Study ​7 ​ 1.8​Operational Definition of Terms ​7   CHAPTER TWO ​ LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 ​Introduction...

Public Relations Practices in African Petroleum Plc and Their Internal and External Public in Port Harcourt Metropolis

TABLE OF CONTENTS   Title Page​i Approval Page​ii Dedication​iii Acknowledgement​iv Abstract​v Table of Content​vii   CHAPTER ONE:​INTRODUCTION 1.1​ Background to the study​1 1.2 Statement of problem​4 1.3 Objective of the study​6 1.4 Formulation of Hypothesis​6 1.5 Scope of the study​7 1.6 Significance of the study​8 1.7 Definition of terms​9   CHAPTER TWO:​LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1​ What is public relation​11 2.2 Role of public relations executiv...


The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of corruption on poor service delivery in North-Galkacyo local government.  Quantitative method with descriptive study in Corrs-sectional design were Used in the study.  Research participants included 52 that 40 Male and 12 is female, residencesIn North-Galkacyo. The researchers used self-admistrated questionnaire to collect data from selected respondents. The study indicated that there corruption has strongly relationship within l...

Skill Acquisition as a Tool for Poverty Reduction in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Successive Administration in Nigeria have been faced with the phenomenon of poverty and unemployment in Nigeria and various attempts have been made to tackle this problem. Bayelsa State is worst hit with this monster of unemployment and poverty in the state. This research is an attempt to evaluate the various measures put in place to eradicate poverty and the issue of unemployment in Bayelsa State. This research has X-rayed how skill acquisition was used as a tool for poverty reduc...

Leadership Quality and Organizational Effectiveness in Selected Ministries in Puntland State of Somalia

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate the Relationship between Leadership Qualities and organizational effectiveness in Ministries in Puntland State of Somalia. This study was based on five objectives that were; 1) To determine the profile of the respondents in terms of gender, age qualification and experience. 2) To determine the level of leadership quality. 3) To determine the level of organizational effectiveness . 4) To determine whether there is significant difference between...

Civil War and Education Service Delivery in Kisimayo District-somalia

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of civil war on education service delivery in Kisimayo district of Somalia. The study problem was the fact that poor quality of education services is a frequent phenomenon among schools of Kisimayo district Somalia, this has been caused by low provision of scholastic materials associated with lack of access to service providers due to the existence of civil wars, misappropriation, fund leakages and diversions. Three specifi...

Impact of Staff Training in The Productivity of Workers in Public Sector in Nigeria: A Case Study of Personnel Services Department University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 2000-2010

Abstract Every organization whether public or private, at every instance desires to satisfy the needs of its clients, this will only be possible with an enlightened and well trained staff therefore, the role played by staff training cannot be over-emphasized as many have come to recognize that training offers a way of developing skill, enhancing productivity, guaranteeing quality of work and build worker’s loyalty to the firm. The work was guided by the following research questions What ar...

Problems and Prospects of Community Development in Ebonyi State

ABSTRACT This study examined the problems and prospects of community development in Ebonyi State. Community development is a positive improvement in socio-cultural, economic, political and physical structures within the environments, which enhances man’s standard of living. It is a process of education by which people of all ages and all interests in the community, learn to share their thoughts, their ideals, their participation, their joys and their sorrows and in a large measure to mould ...

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