Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

The Contribution Of Local Government Authorities In Addressing Youth Unemployment In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT Unemployment in Tanzania is a problem that has brought severe impacts on lives of many youths. The rapid growth of labour force and the inability of the economy to generate enough jobs for youths is a time bomb which is being left undiffused and is likely to explode and shatter peace and economic growth that the country has been enjoying since independence. This problem has and continues to draw great attention of national, international bodies and scholars in looking for solutions. ...

The Contribution Of Employee Training To Performance Of Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: A Case Of Shinyanga Municipal Council

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the contribution of employee training to performance of local government authorities in Tanzania using Shinyanga municipal council as a case study. A mixed method design was used. Questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection in which seventy- four (74) questionnaires were distributed to respondents. The findings of the study show that the majority of the respondents understand the importance of training in their work performance. The worke...

Job Satisfaction And Motivation Among Secondary School Teachers In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Kwimba District In Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that are associated with teachers’ job satisfaction and motivation. The study was carried out in Kwimba District in Mwanza Region. The study had the following objectives: To identify the kind of job satisfaction and motivation aspects that teachers are most satisfied with working in Public Secondary Schools in Kwimba, to determine whether teachers differ in their job satisfaction and motivation in relation to the type of school a...

Assessing Revenue Generation Processes And Strategies In The District Assemblies: A Case Study Of The North Tongu District Assembly

ABSTRACT Revenue generation by local governments towards the development of their respective areas in recent times has been identified as a major challenge. In view of this, the study aims at assessing the revenue generation processes and strategies adopted by the District Assemblies to generate revenue, in addition to the challenges encountered in these processes in order to recommend measures to improve the system. To achieve the above, the study adopted the qualitative case study approach...

Analysing Perceptions Of Employees On The Implementation Of The Performance Management System: A Case Study Of The Directorate Of Sport In The Ministry Of Sport, Youth And National Service

ABSTRACT In an effort to improve performance, the government of Namibia has identified Performance Management System (PMS) as a vehicle towards achieving national goals and objectives. However, the implementation of PMS seems to be ungainly, with not much to be shown. To this extent it is important to analyse the implementer’s perceptions (employees) on the implementation of the performance management system. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse employee’s perceptions regarding ...

Job Related Stress Among Mental Health Nurses In Ghana

ABSTRACT Despite the fact that mental health nurses are more prone to job stressors, little research has been done on stress in their day to day activities at the hospital. This study, therefore, identified the causes of job-related stress among mental health nurses, assessed the effects of job-related stress on mental healthcare delivery and explored coping strategies among mental health nurses. Based on a mixed-method approach, the study was based on nurses at the Accra Psychiatric Hospita...

Local Political Leadership And Utilization Of Local Government Revenue In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Iringa Municipal Council

ABSTRACT This study investigated the Impact of local Political leadership on the utilization of local government revenue in Tanzania, with special focus on Iringa Municipal Council. The study examines the problems encountered in local leadership and utilization such as; transparency and lack of accountability of the local political leaders, ineffective financial controlling measures, misappropriation, and embezzlement of local government funds. The research is a survey research while a simpl...

Leadership Accountability And Service Delivery In Tanzania Local Government Authorities: A Case Of Health Service In Songea District

ABSTRACT The research has aimed at examining the Leadership Accountability in service delivery and the selected health service. The main objective was to investigate the Leadership Accountability and the delivery of health service. Specific objectives were to examine the role of the leaders on health service provision in Songea district, examining the influence of Leadership Accountability in improving health service provision, and to identify the factors and challenges affecting the effecti...

Assessment Of Employee’s Motivation On Organization Performance: The Case Of Mufindi District Council (MDC)

ABSTRACT The study generally assesses benefits accruing to an organization for motivating employees, evaluates the relationship between motivation and productivity as well as identifying effective and efficient ways for motivating employees. The study has used Cross-sectional research design. A sample of 75 respondents was drawn from Mufindi District Council. The study used both probability and non-probability sampling procedures. Data analysis was based on descriptive statistics using Stati...

Devolution And Community Participation In Health Service Delivery In Tanzania: Case Of Chigongwe Ward, Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study focused on devolution and community participation in health service delivery in Tanzania. The study had three objectives, namely to examine community participation on fiscal transfers‘ decision making under devolution system, to examine community participation in personnel or human resource management in health service delivery under devolution system; and to examine community participation on transfers of effective decision making authorities under devolution system. A...

The Impact Of Human Resource Accounting And Auditing In Public Service Delivery In Tanzania: A Case Of Muheza District

ABSTRACT The study was about Human Resource Accounting and Auditing (HRA & A) for HRM in public sector. The main objectives of the study were to examine the impact of Human Resource Accounting and Auditing in Public Service Delivery in Muheza District. It intended to attain the following research objectives:- Analyzing status, examine the impact and identify the challenges of Human Resource Accounting and Auditing in Public Service Delivery in in Muheza district. In the literature review, th...

Management Of Succession Planning In Higher Learning Institutions Tanzania The Case Of College Of Business Education.

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the Management of succession planning in the Higher Learning Institutions especially in the specific areas of short-term and long term training, recruitment and retirement, Job description and the Performance Management System to see how they are applied as a complete circle for HR development, replacement and utilization in the organisation. The study was conducted at College of Business Education –Dodoma Campus Tanzania. Questionnaires and documenta...

Pay Reform And Work Performance In Tanzania Public Service: A Case Of Capital Development Authority (CDA)-Dodoma

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of Pay Reform and Work Performance on Tanzania’s Public Service by using the Capital Development Authority (CDA)- Dodoma as a case study. The study was conducted so as to find out the impact of the introduced pay reform since 2000 on work performance of employees in public service. The review of the literature conducted explains and highlights the role of motivation particularly the increase in pay to workers which ultimately could results in the imp...

Assessment Of The Determinants Of Public Servants Effectiveness In Ward Administration: A Case Of Dodoma City Council

ABSTRACT The study assessed the determinants of Public Servants Effectiveness in Ward Administration drawing experiences from Dodoma City Council (DCC). The study, specifically examined the working conditions of public servants in ward administration and context in relation to their responsibilities; explored the challenges faced by public servants’ in implementing their roles in LGAs and suggested alternative solutions to enhance effectiveness of public servants at ward administration and...

The Effects Of Women Empowerment Programmes On Women Leadership In Public Sector Organizations: The Case Of The Ministry Of Agriculture

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of women empowerment programmes on women leadership in public sector organizations drawing on the data collected from the Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania. Thus, the study is built upon three key themes, namely the reasons why women are under-represented in leadership positions at the Ministry of Agriculture, the level of awareness of women empowerment programs at the Ministry of Agriculture by women employee, and the role played by other stake...

721 - 735 Of 1320 Results