Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Influence of Training, Motivation on Teachers' Performance in Selected Public Secondary Schools. A Case Study: Kimaka Division, Jinja Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .............................................................................................................. ii TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................................... iii LIST OF ACRONYMNS .......................................................................................... v ABSTRACT ..........

Public Private Partnership And Public Service Delivery Impact On Socio-Economic Development In Goma Sub-County, Mukono District

ABSTRACTThe study was carried out to investigate the impact of public private partnership andpublic service delivery on socio economic development in Goma Sub-County, MukonoDistrict. Specific objectives of the research included the analysis of public privatepartnership and public service delivery das a topic, its impact on socio economicdevelopment within the district. With the following study objectives (I) to examine theimpact of public private partnership and public service delivery Goma S...

The Effectiveness of Planning in the Public Sector (A Case Study of Kwara State Ministry of Agricultural Ilorin)

Title pageCertificationDedicationAcknowledgmentTable of contentsCHAPTER ONE1.1 Introduction1.2 Aims and Objectives1.3 Scope and Limitations of Study1.4 Research Methodology1.5 Definition of terms1.6 Organization of the studyReferencesCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Introduction2.2 Theoretical framework2.3 Current trends in thinking2.4 Summary of the chapterReferencesCHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Introduction3.2 Sample and population of the study3.3 Data collection instruments3.4 Me...

The Effect Of Employee Rewards On Pupil Performance in public Primary Schools. Case Study Of Wobulenzi Town Council Luwero District- Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... i AP PROV AL ............................................................................................................................. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................

Social Intervention And Welfare Of Vulnerable Groups In Uganda. A Case Study Kibaale District

ABSTRACT Social Intervention and welfare of vulnerable groups in Uganda of Kibaale District The study was based on three specific objectives; to analyze the level of social intervention in Kibaale district, to determine the influence of social intervention on welfare of vulnerable groups and to assess the level of vulnerability of the vulnerable groups in Kibaale district. It was based on descriptive findings that will ensure people’s ideas/opinions about the problems under investigation we...

Cultural Practices And Girl Child Education In Kagamba Sub-County Rakai District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was concerned to inquire into cultural practices and girl child education in Kagamba ub County, Rakai district. The study was guided by the general objective: To establish the ripact of cultural practices that limit girl child education out of the general objective, specific bjectives were formulated that is, how cultural practices hinder the girl child education and to nd out solutions to the challenges caused by cultural practices in the attainment of girl child clucation...

Corruption and Service Delivery in the Republic of South Sudan A Case Study of Central Equatoria State Juba

ABSTRACT The study focused on corruption and service delivery in the Republic of South Sudan and it considered primary data. It was guided by the following research objectives; the forms of corruption affecting Service delivery in South Sudan, what is done by the government to prevent and punish corruption culprits in the Republic of South Sudan and the practical recommendations on how to deal with corruption and build strong institutions with zero tolerance to corruption in the Republic of S...

Decentralization and Performance of Local Government in Social Service Delivery in Kagadi District

ABSTRACT The study set out to establish the effect of decentralization and performance of local government in social service delivery in kagadi district. The study was to assess the contributions of decentralization in promoting health service delivery in Kagadi district, to explore the challenges encountered in implementing decentralization of health service delivery and explores measures for improving decentralization and, hence promotes efficient health service delivery in Kagadi district....

National Policy for the Conservation of Wetland and Their Management in Kabale District: A Case of Hamurwa Sub-County

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Background to the study 11.3 Statement of the problem 91.4 Purpose of the study 101.5 Objectives of the study 101.5.1. General Objective 101.5.2. Specific Objectives 101.6 Research questions 101.7 Scope of the study 111.7.1. Content scope 111.7.2. Geographical scope 111.7.3. Time scope 121.8. Significance of the study 121.9 Conceptual Framework 131.10. Definition of key term...

Community Participation and Service Delivery in Local Government of Wakiso, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSContentsDECLARATION iiAPPROVAL iiiDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT VTABLE OF CONTENTS viABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction I1.1. Background to the Study1.2 Statement ofthe problem 51.3 Purpose ofthe Study 61.4 Objectives ofthe Study 61.4.1 General Objective 61.4.2 Specific Objectives 61.5 Research Questions 71.6 Research Hypothesis 71.7 Scope ofthe Study 71.7.1 Theoretical scope 71.7.2 Geographical Scope 71.7.3 Content Scope 81.7.4 Time Scope 81.8 Significance ofthe Study 8...

The Effect of Gambling on Youth Unemployment in Uganda A Case of Rubaga Division Kampala District

DEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF ACRONYMSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 11.1 Introduction1.2 Statement ofthe Problem 51.3 Objectives 61 .4 Research questions 61.5 Scope and limitations 61.6 Conceptual framework 71 .7 Conceptual Framework 7CHAPTER rI~wO 9LITERATURE REVIEW 92.0 Introduction 92. 1 The concept of gambling and youth unemployment 92.2 Youth and Development 112.3 Adjustments and Sub Cultures 142.3,1 Unemployment and Underemployment 14 2.3.2 Crime and Deviant Beh...

Leadership Styles and Employee Job Performance in Serere District Local Government, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENT vLIST OF TAI3LES viiiLIST OF FIGURES ixABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS xABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1INTROI)UCTION I1.0 Introduction1.1 Backgrounds 11.1.1 Historical perspective1 .1 .2 Theoretical perspective 41.1.3 Conceptual perspective 41.1.4 Contextual background 61.2 Problem Statement 61.3 Purpose of the study 91.6 Scope of the Study 101.7 Significance of the study 10VCHARPTER TWO .11LITERATURE REVIEW 112.0 Litera...

Public Finance Management and Education Service Delivery in Uganda: A Case Study of Mukono District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLES ixABSTRACTChAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION 11 .0 Introduction1 . 1 background of the Study 11 .2. Statement of the Problem 2I .3 Objectives of the study 3I .3.1 General Objective 31.3.2 Specific Objectives 3I .4 Research Questions 41.5 Scope of the study 41,5.1 Geographical scope 41.5.2 Content scope 41.5.3 lime scope 41.6 Significance of the Study1 .7 Conceptual framework 5CHAPTER TWO 7[.ITERATURE REVIEW ...

Motivation and Performance of Public Servants in Kampala Central a Case Study of Uganda Police Force

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vTABLE OF CONTENT viLIST OF TABLES ixABSTRACT xiCHAPTERONE 13INTRODUCTION ~131.0 Introduction 131.1 Background of the study 131.2 Statement of the problem 171.3 Objectives of the study 171.3.1 General objective 171.3.2 Specific objectives 171.4 Research questions 181.5 Scope of the study 181.5.1 Geographical scope 181.5.2 Content Scope 181.5.3 Time scope 181.5.4 Theoretical scope 191.6 Significance of the...

Administrative Decentralization and Service Delivery in Uganda. The Case of Zombo District

ABSTRACT This study was about "Administrative Decentralization and Service Delivery in Uganda: The Case of Zombo District. The study established the quality of services delivered in Paidha sub-country, the competence of District Administrators in Paidha, government commitment toward effective and efficient service delivery in Paidha sub-country and The financial viability and capacity of Paidha sub county. Services were found to be poor, political interference was high, government commitment ...

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