Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Challenges Facing The Extension Of Provision Of Social Security Services To The Informal Sector In Tanzania: The Case Study Of Kahama Town Council

ABSTRACT The study focused on the challenges facing the extension of provision of social security services to the informal sector in Tanzania taking Kahama Town Council as a case study. The objectives of the study were to provide an overview of social security funds operating in Kahama Town Council; examine the members/beneficiaries to those social security schemes who work or are self – employed in the informal sector; to examine the challenges facing the social security funds in extendin...

The Role Of Local Government Authorities (LGAS) In The Decentralised Secondary Education Delivery: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was intended to examine the role of LGAs in the decentralized secondary education delivery a case study of Dodoma Municipality. It was guide by three specific objectives which are: to evaluate the extent of implementation of LGAs in improving decentralized secondary education delivery in Dodoma Municipality, to examine the impacts of LGAs in improving decentralized secondary education delivery in Dodoma Municipality and to analyze challenges facing LGAs in decentralized se...

Analysis Of The Challenges And Prospects Of The Implementation Of Open Performance Review And Appraisal System (OPRAS) In Local Government Authorities: A Case Of Handeni District Council

ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyse the challenges and prospects of the implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal system in Handeni District Council. The specific objectives were to determine the level of awareness of OPRAS among employees, to assess the extent to which the council implements OPRAS, to investigate the challenges of the implementation of OPRAS and to determine the some ways to improve the implementation of OPRAS at Handeni District Council. Cross-sectional surv...

Public-Private Partnership In Provision Of Secondary Education In Tanzania: A Case Of Mufindi District In Iringa

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Mufindi District Council. The study assessed the contribution of Public-Private Participation in provision of Secondary Education in Mufindi District, in Iringa-Tanzania. Three research objectives guided the study which included the evaluation of the contribution of Public-Private Partnerships in education provision in secondary schools, assessment of the quality of education provided by PPP in secondary schools and examination of the factors affecting PP...

Efficacy Of Communications Regulation In The Prevention Of Content Cybercrimes In Tanzania: A Case Of Dar-Es-Salaam City

ABSTRACT This study assessed the efficacy of communications regulation in the prevention of content cybercrimes in Tanzania, whereby Dar-es-Salaam City was used as a case of study. The study was guided by the specific objectives which aimed at exposing out the extent to which content cybercrimes prevail in Tanzania; effect of the National ICT policy on containing content cybercrimes in the locality; to show the level of content cybercrimes prevention done by communications regulatory instrum...

Assessment Of The Role Of Local Goverment Authorities In Provision Of Library Resources To Ward Secondary Schools: A Case Of Temeke Municipality

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the role of local government authorities in provision of library resources in ward secondary schools in Temeke. The study had four objectives, namely. To provide an overview of the existing state of provision of library facilities in ward secondary schools in Temeke Municipality, to identify initiatives or approaches being taken by the Local government authorities in establishing libraries in secondary schools in Temeke Municipality. To assess...

The Assessment Of Factors That Affecting Sustainability Of Water Project Services In Tanzania: A Case Of Kwimba District In Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT The researcher focused on factors affecting the sustainability of water supply projects in Tanzania, specifically in Kwimba District. It was guided by three specific objectives which are: to assess community participation on the management of water supply project, to examine the awareness and willingness of community members to contribute on the operational and maintenance costs and to evaluate the community members possessing water supply and management skills in the study area. Th...

Functionality Of Public Health Service Facilities In Local Government Authotires In Tanzania: A Case Of Temeke Minicipality, Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the functionality of public health service facilities at the local levels in Temeke municipality, Dar es Salaam. The main objective of the study was to assess the profundity functionality of public health service facilities in the contextual settings of Local Government Authorities in Tanzania, using the Temeke Municipality as a case study. Thus, the study attempted to examine usefulness and ability of the local public health facilities in provision of he...

Localization Of Millennium Development Goals In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Mbola Millennium Project In Uyui District

ABSTRACT This study was designed to examine the localization of Millennium Development Goals in Tanzania: A case of Mbola Millennium Village Project in Uyui District.The objective of the study was to determine the role and contribution of Millennium Village Project, on the reduction of poverty in rural context of Tanzania. The literature review of the study was guided by theoretical literature review (modernization and dependency theories), empirical literature review, and conceptual framewo...

Effectiveness Of Motivation On Quality Service Delivery Among Health Workers: A Case Of Makete District Hospital

ABSTRACT The study on effectiveness of motivation on quality service delivery among health workers was undertaken in Makete District Hospital (MDH). According to URT, (2017), Tanzania has reasonable number of staff who are motivated, trained and developed on the competencies or skills that they lack so that they perform better. However, the quality of health service delivery is still poor. Despite this fact, it is not established yet as to why some officials continue to offer services of low...

Assessment Of Local Government Response Against HIV/AIDs Spread And Towards Prevention To Youth In Dodoma Municipal

ABSTRACT This study was aimed to assess the local government response against HIV/AIDS spread and towards prevention to Youth in Dodoma Municipality. From the data given by (Ministry of Health Tanzania mainland HIV/AIDS/STI report 2010). It shows that Dodoma Municipal is leading with 3.2 percent of the infection rate in Dodoma region. For the purpose of obtaining sufficient data the specific objectives included: to assess the local government efforts against HIV/AIDS spread and towards preve...

Effectiveness Of Education Officers On Teachers Performance In Secondary School; A Case Of Musoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study focused on investigating the effectiveness of education officers on teacher‟s performance in Tanzania secondary school. A Case study research design was used where by Musoma Municipal was selected and used in the study. Survey, interview and document review was used in the study as the method of collecting data (primary and secondary data), Where by questionnaire was used to collect information from teachers and interview guide was used to get information from EO‟s thr...

Assessment Of Academic Performance In Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Of Secondary Schools In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study focused on academic performance in secondary schools in Tanzania taking as a case study of selected secondary schools in Dodoma Municipality. The general objective of this study was to explore factors contributing to academic performance of secondary schools students in Dodoma Municipality. A sample of one hundred (100) respondents was selected, data was collected through questionnaires, interview and documentary review. Data were analyzed by using qualitatively, quantitat...

An Assessment Of Women Access To Land Ownership For Poverty Reduction In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Bahi District In Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT The study is about assessment of women access to land ownership for poverty reduction in Bahi District, Dodoma Region. The main objectives of the study were to examine the prevailing status of women access to land in Bahi District Council, to scrutinize the effects of women access to land ownership on poverty reduction in the study area, to identify the factors affecting women access to land ownership in the study area and to document the community suggestions on how to improve wome...

The Impact Of Service Charter On Service Delivery In Higher Learning Institutions: A Comparative Study Of Private And Public Universities In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Improvement of public service delivery has been continuous effort of every state institution so as they can be able to maintain the legitimacy to the citizens. Tanzanian government see the need to strengthen delivery of service by introducing service charter applicable in both public and private organisations. This study therefore attempts to assess the impact of service charter on service delivery in higher learning institutions: A comparative study of private and public universiti...

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