Public Administration Research Papers/Topics

Perceptions And Attitudes Of Communities Towards Community Policing In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to assess the perception and attitudes of communities towards community policing in Tanzania, with particular emphasis on Dodoma Municipality. A cross-sectional survey method was adopted in order to collect data from various respondents especially the retired and in-service police officers. Data collection was carried out by the use of well structured and pre-tested questionnaires. Both primary and secondary data were collected. Qualitative and qu...


ABSTRACT This study was designed toassess parents‟ participation in academic performance in public primary schools in Tanzania. The objective was to investigate the level of parents‟ participation in education matters so as to examine proper approaches to ensure effective parents‟ participation in primary public schools in order to improve academic performance in public primary schools(PSLE) in Chamwino district in Dodoma region. The study was guided by Epstein‟s Typology of Home-Scho...

Challenges Facing Maternal Health Services Delivery In Rural Areas Of Tanzania: A Case Of Bukombe District Council

ABSTRACT The study focuses on Challenges Facing Maternal Health Services Delivery in Rural Areas of Tanzania: a Case of Bukombe District Council as social problem affecting most of women under the study area. It was guided by the following specific objectives; to evaluate maternal health care provider’s availability situation in the study area, to examine the accessibility of maternal health care facilities in the study area and to investigate challenges facing relationship between maternal...

An Investigation On Strategies To Control Fake Certificates In Public Sector Recruitment: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT Recruitment and selection of employees involves the process of verifying academic certificates. Currently in public sector organizations the process of verifying certificates for recruitment is done manually and allows fake or unverified certificates to pass on to other stages of recruitment and hence leads to employment of workers with fake certificates. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the strategies to control fake certificates in public sector recruitment in Tanza...

The Contribution Of Decentralization To Community Participation In Secondary School Education Kibaha District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted at Kibaha District in Coast Region. The objective of the study was to make an assessment of the contribution of decentralization on community participation in secondary education in Kibaha district in Coast region using quantitative and qualitative methodology. The specific objectives included providing an overview of decentralization and community participation initiatives in Kibaha district in the wards of Tumbi, Mailimoja and Mkuza, to assess the contribut...

Analysis Of The Dimensions Of Conflicts Between Pastoralists And Smallholder Crop Farmers In Mvomero District In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research report analyzed the Dimensions of conflicts between farmers and herders in Mvomero district which is found in Morogoro region in Tanzania. The study was extended into exploring the root causes of the conflict, its impact and the effectiveness of the strategies that are used to curb out the conflict in the district. Data were collected from ten villages sampled from four wards in the district. Data were obtained through qualitative procedures, i.e. focus group discussion...

Factors Influencing Out Patient Satisfaction With Health Insurance In Tanzania: A Case Study Of The National Health Insurance Fund (Nhif) In Kigoma Region

ABSTRACT This study examined patient satisfaction with health insurance taking a case study of Kigoma Region. The study sought to examine the factors influencing of outpatient satisfaction in Kigoma. The study employed interviews and questionnaire as tools of collecting data. The study involved total number of 70 respondents whereby 39 were from Kigoma urban and 39 respondents from Kigoma rural additionally, 4 key informants were included in the study in order to provide detailed information ...

Petty Crime In Urban Settings In Namibia – A Case Study Of The City Of Windhoek

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the nature of petty crimes that are committed within the City of Windhoek. The study further aimed at establishing the social characteristics of those who are committing such crimes as well as identifying possible hot spots where these crimes are likely to take place. This was achieved through consulting and analysing police records and criminals‟ profiles, interviewing the victims of petty crimes and persons arrested by the police and ch...

A Critical Review Of The Implementation Of The Namibian Public Service Charter

ABSTRACT This study is a critical review of the implementation of the Namibian Public Service Charter (NPSC) introduced in 1997. It is based on the recommendations of the Wage and Salary Commission Report of 1995. The NPSC is a national .framework that guides the improvement of service delivery in Namibia. It has nine general principles, namely standards; information; courtesy and helpfulness; consultation and choice; accountability; openness; and nondiscrimination; quality of service; and v...

Performance Coaching In The Department Of Civic Affairs In The Ministry Of Home Affairs

ABSTRACT Performance coaching (PC) is a tool that management can use in addressing staff performance. It was first employed in the field of sports, work safety, military, health and education. Nowadays, performance coaching is applied in all fields of a profession as an attempt to rectify employee’s performances. Performance appraisal is a measure through which managers can monitor and evaluate employee’s performance which was suspended in the Public Service of Namibia in 1997, left it w...

The Effects Of Municipal By-Laws And The Survival Strategies Of Street Vendors In Harare Central Business District, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Street vending is a common practice the world over. In cities the streets are swamped with vendors selling various wares and Zimbabwe is no exception. However, in recent years the proliferation of street vending in Zimbabwe, particularly in Harare Central Business District (CBD) has been an eyesore and several questions have been raised as to what is really behind such proliferation and what tactics are these vendors employing to remain in the streets despite efforts by the council ...

Rationalisation Of Namibia's Civil Service: An Impact Analysis Of Public Policies, 1993 To 2003

ABSTRACT  This study is a critical review of the implementation of the Namibian rationalisation policies during the period 1993 - 2004. The main objective of this study was to analyse the rationalisation policies and to assess the extent to which they had an impact on the structure, shape, (and to a lesser degree) the effectiveness of the civil service. It examined the gaps and discrepancies between policy intentions, the implementation process and eventual outcomes, in terms of the siz...

An Assessment Of The Assigned Fiscal Revenue Instruments To Local Authorities In Namibia

ABSTRACT   Local Authorities are closest to people in terms of service provision. The Local Authority Act of Namibia assigns expenditure responsibilities as well as fiscal instruments to raise revenue to fund these expenditure responsibilities.  The research looked at how this assigned fiscal instruments were performing viaa-vis the expenditure responsibilities.  It also assessed their suitability and efficiencies for the purpose they are intended for.  Lastly the research explored ...

The Influence Of Leadership On Employee Commitment To Job Performance In Nigeria Local Government (A Study Of Ivo Local Government, 2007-2015)

ABSTRACT This work examined the influence of leadership on employee commitment to job performance in Ivo Local Government of Ebonyi State. This was motivated by low productivity of Ivo Local Government workers in terms of job performance. Path goal theory of leadership was used as framework for the study. Both primary and secondary sources were equally used in data collection. In analyzing the data, the researcher used likert 5 point scale, frequency and percentage. The hypotheses in this wor...

Contribution Of The Village Councils On Land Conflict Management: A Case Study Of Bunda District: Tanzania

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to assess the contribution of the village councils on land conflict management. Specifically this study focuses to identify the mechanisms in place for land allocation in Tanzania, to examine the mechanisms used by village councils on land conflict resolution and evaluate the efforts made by the village councils in resolving land conflicts. This is due to the fact that, despite the efforts done by the government on land conflicts management, there is s...

826 - 840 Of 1320 Results