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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

An Appraisal of leadership style and its effectiveness in organisational performance

ABSTRACT Over the years organisational performance and effectiveness has been linked directly or indirectly to the type of leadership style employed in such organisation, establishment or firms. It is easy to understand that in every  organisation there exist two chambers-the higher or senior personnel and the lower or junior personnel. Most times commands, instructions and directives flow from top-down. So in as much as the lower or junior staffs depend on the top management for directives...


ABSTRACT This research is title “New Product Development and its impact in Banking Industry” with special reference to Bank PHB Plc. Kaduna Branch, Kaduna. The objective of this work is to assess thee impact of New Product development as it affects the profit of organization. product and new product development process, the attributes and characteristic of service, product life cycle and strategy, product success and failures also discussed the customer profitability in banking industry. ...


ABSTRACT Negotiation as a reduction technique in material procurement is to ensure that high cost incurred in material procurement is manage hence the negotiation is one of the tool in spend cost management to optimise profit in every organization. Lack of knowledge to some guide when negotiating by procurement manages lead to high cost of finished product and it makes the product not to compete well with its competitors in the market. The impact expected at the end of negotiation is to minim...


ABSTRACT This study titled “Motivational tools and the Productivity of Office Professionals” a survey study of selected organization in Kaduna metropolis, examined in depth, motivational tools and the productivity of office professionals. Various literature were reviewed. Questionnaires were used and distributed to the respondents. Based on the population of 136 and the researcher collected 130 questionnaires for analysis, the analysis was based on four points scale to obtain a mean value...


ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to find out the impact of Morale Office professionals in an organization. It was a survey study of Kaduna Polytechnic (College of Environmental Science) in Kaduna Metropolis several books and journals related to the topic were reviewed. Four (4) research questions were formulated to guide the researcher in the study. Data was collected from one hundred and fifty-six (156) respondents out of 200 questionnaires administered. Statistical table and Likert four p...


ABSTRACT This research work is an attempt to examine the role of Central Bank of Nigeria in the monetary policy and inflation of Nigeria Economy. The research work provide a background to the origin and formation of Monetary policy in fighting inflation and highlighted the major functions and activities performed by the Central Bank of Nigeria in order to achieve their main objectives.   TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Declaration Approval page Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of conte...

A Comparative Study of the Role of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in the Economic Growth of an Economy

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at examining the role being played by the small and medium scale enterprises towards economic growth of an economy with E-nugu state as our case study.  From the study, it was observed that indeed, small and medium scale enterprises contribute to the economic development of Enugu state. Lack of adequate finance was identified as one of the mayor problems hampering the development of small and medium scale enterprise in Enugu state. In order to provide a sound th...

A Study of Job Prospects of Secretaries in Some Selected Business Organisation in Enugu State

ABSTRACT In this study, the objective of all objectives of the researcher is to study the job prospects of secretaries in some selected business organization in Enugu State.  In cause of our study, we are able to study these business organizations in Enugu.  They are: ANAMMCO NIGERIA PLC, ENUGU UNILVER NIGERIA PLC ENUGU NIGERIA BREWERIES ENUGU To carry out the research, the researcher was able to discover the job prospects of secretaries. i.Who is a secretary? ii.Modern technology innovati...

A Survey of the Unemployment Problems Amongst Graduates of Institution of Higher Learning in Enugu Urban

ABSTRACT  In this research, it is assumed that unemployment is a factor inherent in the nation’s economic system, first because intentionally or unintentionally the policy-makers do not deliberately resort to measures capable of reducing unemployment to acceptable level. This research is concerned with wags and means of denitrifying the causes and measures of curbing the problem created by unemployment. To do this, this research will specifically investigate the incidence of unemployment ...

Contribution of Modern Communication Equipment to Job Efficiency of the Secretary (A Case Study of First Bank of Nigeria Plc)

The impact created by modern communication equipment generally to the economy especially to the job efficiency of the secretary is to be research      With the introduction of modern equipment, so much has been achieved. The secretary cannot be very effective in the discharging of her | his duties without equipments. This calls for the  aculareness of these equipments to different organizations where the services of the secretary is needed. In this study, we will discuss the above issue a...

Auditing as an aid to Accountability on the Public Sector (A Case Study of Union Bank Plc in Enugu State)

This seems to be a national issue. The increasing incidence of fraud, embezzlement and misappropriation of funds and property by accounting officers and chief executives in the public sectors of the Nigeria economy pose pertinent questions as to whether auditing plays any significant role towards ensuring proper accountability and judicious use of funds.  Investors and other people concerned, therefore, deserved to be assured that the resources which they put at the disposal of those account...

An Analysis of the Importance of Capital Budgeting in Business Management (A case study of Nigerian Bottling Company Plc)

Abstract An Analysis of the importance of capital budgeting in business management, a case study of Nigerian Bottling Company Plc. The ultimate purpose of capital budgeting is to analysis the steps involved in assets management, utilization of the assets and stating the timing difference between accounting and depreciation. In the study of capital budgeting in business management, chapter one introduces one into the study, defined the scope of and problems to be examined in the study. It als...

African Integration: European Union as a model for deepening African Union?

ABSTRACT This work explores what the African Union (AU) in its African Economic Community objectives can learn from the way to the European Union (EU) Single Market. The AU through its 1991 Abuja Treaty set an objective of having an African Economic Community in Six stages, from Free Trade Area (FTA) in the various Regional Economic Communities (RECs), to a Continental Single Market and a Monetary and Economic Union. Since the AU’s style of achieving integration is through the building bloc...


INTRODUCTION Human capital represents knowledge, skills and abilities that make it possible for people to do their jobs. The world today is very different from the one which experienced the two world wars. During the second half of the twentieth century, considerable advancement in science and technology along with the establishment of broadly-based government and strengthening of institutions, has led to significant socio-economic progress and improvement in lives of a large number of people...

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