Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Human Capital Development And Millennium Development Goals (Mdgs) In Rivers State; 2003 – 2008

ABSTRACT The study is about “Human Capital Development and the Millennium Development Goals in Rivers-State between 2003 – 2008”. The study was also embarked upon because of the state of human capital development in Rivers-state. The level of human capital development in the state is so poor inspite of the efforts government proclaim it is making. For this reason, the researcher tried to answer the unresolved questions of; (a) why is Rivers-state slow in development inspite of its much...

Assessment Of Current Net Benefit Of Water Resource In Different Land-Uses Around The Kilombero Valley Ramsar Site In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Water scarcity is globally getting worse in the light of increase in demand for water use. Human and ecosystem health and economic development are affected by problems of water scarcity and water pollution. This study was carried out to assess the current net benefit of water resource in different land uses around the Kilombero Valley Ramsar Site in Tanzania. Specifically the study was conducted to identify different land uses related to water, to determine and estimate costs and be...

Audit Risk Assessment And Detection Of Misstatement In Annual Reports For Audit Firms Registered By Rab In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Audit risk examines the relevant assertions related to balances, classes of transactions, or disclosures contained in misstatements that could be material to the financial statements when aggregated with misstatements in other balances, classes, or disclosures and the risk that the auditor will not detect such misstatements. With the collapse of Enron involving the misstatement of one of the Big 4, Arthur Andersen & Co. in the US and the CMC and Uchumi scandals in Kenya involving th...

An Assessment Of The Application Of Statistical Quality Control In The Provision Of Quality Of Services: A Case Of Kenya Power Ltd, Nakuru Sub-Region

ABSTRACT Statistical Quality Control has been widely used in the manufacturing field for decades. It has enabled the use of one or more control charts to control production processes statistically and prevent quality problems without undue delay. However, it is until only recently that SQC has been applied in the services sector. This study applied statistical quality control (SQC) to assess the customer’s experience of quality as offered by Kenya Power Ltd. It also sought to determine whe...

The Effects Of Obstetric Fistula, Impact And Coping Strategies Of Women In Kaptembwa – Nakuru, Kenya

ABSTRACT Obstetric fistula is complication of pregnancy that affects women following prolonged obstructed labor. Most instructive in this respect, is the continuous leakage of urine as well as the far reaching effects on, physical, emotional, economic and social suffering associated with it, which has a profound impact on women and men’s livelihoods. Therefore it was found imperative to evaluate the causes of obstetric fistula on affected women of Kaptembwa Nakuru, and appraise the impact ...

Analysis Of Factors Influencing Sweet Potato Value Addition Amongst Smallholder Farmers In Rachuonyo South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Rachuonyo South district is resource endowed in terms of land productivity as is evidenced by annual production outputs of various crops. Sweet potatoes are the main cash crops grown in these areas alongside others such as pineapples, bananas and to some extent tea and coffee. The high outputs enjoyed from the productive lands have not however translated into good living conditions for the residents as their products fetch little in terms of market price the farmers get. Farmers hav...

Effect Of Electoral Information Communication Technologies On Employees Performance: A Case Of Independent Electoral And Boundaries Commission In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT A proper electoral system reflects the true voice of the people in a nation and thus, a better government which respect and uphold the ideals of constitutionalism. The advancement of information and communication technologies allow for a fully automated online computerized electoral process. In addition to overcoming commonly encountered election pitfalls, electoral vote counts are done in real time that by the end of elections day, the results are automatically out. (Njogu, 2014). ...

Food Aid And Food Sovereignty Among The Pokot Of East Pokot District, Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on Food Aid and food sovereignty among the Pokot of East Pokot district, Baringo County of Northern Kenya. Food aid by the colonial government was a reality in East Pokot as far back as 1930s. Civil societies/NGOs also joined in making this exercise a perennial phenomenon in this region to date. The study established the traditional coping mechanisms of the Pokot; examined the effects of food aid on the attitude and practice of the people towards their own food s...

Effect Of Credit On Household Welfare: The Case Of “Village Bank” Model In Bomet District, Kenya

ABSTRACT In recent years, governmental and nongovernmental organizations in many low-income countries have introduced credit programs targeted to the poor. Many of these programs specifically target the poor on the premise that they are more likely to be credit constrained and have restricted access to the wage labour market. Though participation is by choice, little is known about the role of credit on welfare. The purpose of this study was then to assess the role of credit service on welfa...

Evaluation Of Determinants Of Strategy Implementation In Government Hospitals In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the determinants influencing strategy implementation in Government hospitals in Nairobi County. The study sought to examine whether organization structures, culture, leadership, resources and communication influences strategy implementation in government hospitals. A descriptive survey was adopted. The target population was the CEO and Head of department employees from the 18 government hospitals in Nairobi County and given the size of the population, ...

Determinants Of Loan Portfolio Quality In Investments Groups: A Case Study Of Sidian Bank

ABSTRACT Providers of micro credit who are mainly micro finance institutions, are faced with the challenge of high default rate on loans advanced, sound credit management techniques are rarely in place, and even if they are, they are largely ignored. For this reason, the study sought to establish the determinants of portfolio quality in investment groups under Sidian bank in Nairobi region. The objectives of the study were to determine the effects of macroeconomic, group leverage, group capi...

Effect Of Human Resource Management Practices On Performance Of Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Human Resource Management is a strategic approach to managing human resources of an organization. The way an organization manages people can influence its performance. Public universities are labour intensive institutins which depend on people for effective service delivery. This study sought to establish the relationship between strategic human resources management practices and performance of public universities in Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: ...

Strategies Used By South Sudanese Migrants In Adapting To The New Way Of Life In Nakuru Municipality, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study explored the strategies used by South Sudanese migrants in adapting to the new way of life in Nakuru municipality, Kenya. Migration is part of human life and involves peoples’ movement from one place to another depending on many factors that include resource distribution and the opportunities that some areas in the world present compared to other areas. As a result of the conflict in Sudan, 1983-2005, South Sudanese migrated to Kenya for fear of political persecution, h...

Effect Of Work Life Balance Programs On Job Satisfaction Of Nurses In Public Hospitals In Kenya: A Case Of Selected Hospitals In Nakuru Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT Work-life balance is gaining increasing importance and considered to be the most important challenge encountered in the field of Human Resource Management. Advancement in technology, increase in the complexity of work, change in the values and attitudes of the young and energetic work-force are some of the factors that compel organizations to address the worklife balance issue. The general objective of this study was to assess the effect of work-life balance programs on job satisfac...

The Effect Of Selected Factors On The Development Of Nairobi Securities Exchange

ABSTRACT This study aimed to find out the effect of selected factors on the development of the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The general objective of this study was to determine the effect of selected factors on the development of the NSE. The specific objectives were to determine the effect of market information; market efficiency; market transparency; market openness; transaction processing system and operating/transaction cost; legal and regulatory framework on the development of the NSE. ...

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