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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

A Critical Analysis of Stakeholder Engagement in Skills Development in Namibia

Abstract In recent years, stakeholder management is increasingly been discussed at national and international levels, primarily due to the many corporate failures across different services. Furthermore, companies are being held responsible for participation in broader social functions that extend beyond their normal routine responsibilities. This study investigates stakeholder engagement practices in skills development in Namibia, in view of the position of the Namibian Training Authority (NT...

An Investigation Into Factors Influencing The Adoption And Implementation Of Enterprise Risk Management By Banks In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This research focuses on the factors that influence the adoption and implementation of enterprise risk management practices by banks in Zimbabwe. In the recent years a lot of bank failures have been recorded and this is as a result of failure to monitor or acknowledge the risks that an institution is exposed to in the dynamic environment. Therefore the research intends to identify the internal and external factors that are making banks consider the adoption of a holistic approach to ...

The Effectiveness of Third Party Logistics Providers in the Public Health Sector

Abstract The main function of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) in Namibia is to provide health care services to population of Namibia. A large portion of the budget is usually spent on issues relating to logistics. This Ministry makes use of in-house logistics services. The current trends of many facilities are to make use of Third Party Logistics Providers (3PL’s). The main objective of the research is to investigate the possibility of using 3PL’s for the provision of l...

Effect Of Capital Investment On Stock Returns Among Selected Non-Financial Listed Companiies At Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

ABSTRACT Company’s investments are one of the factors that affect the market capitalization mainly because investment decisions are associated with the decisions about the allocation and the use of funds for the short-term and long-term purposes. Capital investment decisions are also irreversible and highly risky, thus a wrong investment decision can lead companies even to financial distress, which may negatively affect the firm’s stock returns. This study therefore sought to determine th...

Effect Of Unit Costs On Students’ Performance In Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education Examinations In Public Secondary Schools In Vihiga Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education contributes to economic growth, enhanced productivity, national and social development, and social equity hence governments and households heavily invest in all forms of education. Despite the heavy expenditure on education by the governments and households, little attention has been given to the unit cost of education of each student and its effect on academic performance. Schools in Vihiga Sub-County charge extra levies besides Ministry of Education(MOE) recommended fee g...

The Effect Of Public And Private Health Care Expenditures On Infant Mortality Rate In Kenya

ABSTRACT Public and the private sectors finance Kenyan healthcare system. The public and private sectors contribute34% and 40% of the total health expenditure respectively and the donor contribution is 26%. The total health spending is 6.8% instead of the 15% of the total government expenditure, as per the Abuja agreement to which Kenya is a signatory. The infant mortality rates (IMR) in Kenya is still high, 39 per 1000 live births. While policy and strategy formulation forums pushes for incr...

Culture Of Violence, A Consequence Of Leadership Crisis In Southern Africa. The Case Of Xenophobic Activities In South Africa

ABSTRACT Violence in Southern Africa has become a culture where the end result of most conflicts affecting the region lead either to great suffering or destruction of infrastructure, ecosystems and human life. Southern Africa like the rest of the continent is facing a number of problems such as poor declining economy, political instability, poverty, gender based violence, ethnic and racial rivalry among other issues of concern. The existence of regional organizations like the Southern African...

Effects Of Artisanal Small Scale Gold Mining On The Environment And Livelihoods: A Case Study Of Shurugwi.

ABSTRACT This research focuses mainly on the effects of artisanal small scale gold mining activities on the environment and livelihoods in Shurugwi. It also looks at the negative effects of ASM and the dangers they cause to the environment and livelihoods. Artisanal small scale gold mining has become the backbone of the economy, due to unemployment and the closure of many companies, so many people are now being involved in gold panning activities. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) a...

Influence Of Transitional Leadership In Effectiveness Of County Government Of Vihiga

ABSTRACT Devolution has worked in different parts of the world, US, India, Nigeria, Sweden, UK and South Africa. Counties will draw experiences from similar environments and factors that bring them closer and learn how they operate, benchmark their strengths and transfer that knowledge and experience to benefit the county. But the counties vary in their level of development. The County Government of Vihiga has continued to face a number of challenges. According to reports in The County Fiscal...

Effect Of Market Orientation On Performance Of Small Scale Enterprises In Kisumu City, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, organizations need marketing strategies to strive and generate superior financial performance. According to Economy survey 2016, five out of seven new small scale enterprises in Kenya do not experience growth in sales volume and profit. In Kisumu, very few small scale enterprises have grown into large formal enterprises, an adverse scenario which may or may not be attributed to market orientation. A number of studies have focused on effect of market orientation on organizat...

Information Communication Technology for Zimbabwean Local Authorities in service delivery. A Case of Mutare City Council

ABSTRACT The researcher was researching on a topic entitled Information Communication Technology for Zimbabwean Local Authorities in service delivery. The aim of this research was to establish the impact of the ICT system in addressing the challenges facing Zimbabwean local authorities in the delivery of services, with particular reference to City of Mutare. The research was undertaken in wards 5 and 16 respectively of Mutare urban. City of Mutare was perceived as having insurmountable challe...

Alcohol Use And Risk Sexual Behaviours Among Soldiers At Field Airforce Base: An Implication For Hiv/Aids Prevention

ABSTRACT Alcohol use and risk sexual behaviour is a global burden that is taking on the health systems and economic development world over in terms of the consequences and risks that it poses. The purpose of this study was to reconnoitre the predicament of alcohol use by soldiers so as to acquire knowledge about alcohol use and risk sexual behaviours that may consequently lead to ill health and other negative effects for the problem to be reduced or curbed or better yet prevented. The versati...

An investigation into root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) control in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) using four Kutsaga seeds varieties, monitoring the population seasonal dynamics

ABSTRACT Use of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) resistant varieties in plant parasitic nematode management programs has been increasing in developing countries including Zimbabwe. Resistant varieties provide both economic and sustainable benefits for smallholder farmers who dominate the tobacco industry in Zimbabwe and produce their tobacco under continuous cultivation. A field trial was conducted at the Tobacco Research Board (TRB) during the 2014-2015 growing season to evaluate the effects o...

The Impact Of The Movement For Democratic Change (Mdc) On The Socio-Economic Development Of Zimbabwe.

Abstract The failure by the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (Zanu PF) to address the problems of growing poverty, unemployment and the adoption of the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP) resulted in the deterioration of the living conditions of the hard working peasants in Zimbabwe. These problems led to a growing opposition by the Labour movement which was harboured by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU). The alliance now included a broad coalition of labo...

The Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Infant Feeding Practices Among Hiv Positive Women Attending Post-Natal Clinic At Kisumu East Sub-County Hospital, Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) intervention is a global health priority, whose aim is to increase child survival and to reduce HIV infections in infants. Reducing post-natal MTCT of HIV especially in Kisumu with high HIV prevalence (17%) through appropriate intervention such as adoption of recommended infant feeding practices is important. Studies show supplementation before 6 months from birth is common, yet non-adherence to safe infant feeding poses a ris...

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