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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Experiences Of Patient Violence On Staff In Acute In Patient Psychiatric Units A Case Study Of Gweru Provincial Hospital

v ABSTRACT Nurses working in acute inpatient psychiatry experience high rates of violence perpetrated by patients. Their perspectives, attitudes and feelings towards the phenomena are essential to understand the phenomena of patient violence the purpose of this study was to explore and describe in detail the experiences of patient violence directed towards staff in acute inpatient psychiatric unit at Gweru Provincial Hospital. This study particularly explore the registered mental nurses` atti...

An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Corporate Social Responsibility In Establishing Brand Loyalty- Case Of Delta Beverages-Chibuku

ABSTRACT The main purpose for this research was to analyze the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility in establishing brand loyalty and the company under study was Delta Beverages-Chibuku. Literature was reviewed through the use of text books, previous thesis and different articles journals. The major driving force for this study was the stiff competition being faced by the Chibuku brand products resulting in a decrease in market share. Descriptive research and exploratory research ...

Impact of quality management systems on company performance. A case of Steelmakers Zimbabwe Pvt Ltd.

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at looking at the impact of QMS on company performance. The QMS which was mainly focused on was ISO 9001:2008. The background of the study unpack the key issues that drives the researcher to carry on a study on that area, which continuous decline in sales and very low customer satisfaction index. The research objectives were to determine how customer focus has an effect on customer loyalty, how leadership approach affect employee morale and the impact of continuo...

An assessment on the effectiveness of the internal audit function at Fabco Pvt Ltd

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to assess the effectiveness of the internal audit function at Fabco Pvt Lt. The questioning of the necessity of internal audit by the major shareholder and recurrent increased stock write-offs without adequate explanations by management probed the researcher to carry out the study. The study involved internal audit personnel, management and accounts staff. The study sample composed of three internal audit personnel, five managers and four accounts per...

Factors affecting the success of NGO interventions in social service provision for the rural poor communities in Zimbabwe: Case of Luunga Ward 1 in Binga District.

ABSTRACT This research was built upon the thrust to assess the factors affecting the success of NGO interventions in social service provision for the rural poor communities in Zimbabwe, citing the case of Luunga ward 1 in Binga. The objectives that drove this research were: to identify the types of social services being offered by NGOs to the community of Luunga Ward 1 in Binga District; to identify the strategies used by NGOs in the provision of social services to the community of Luunga War...


ABSTARCT The study focused on the persistence of poverty among ethnic minorities in Zimbabwe using the San Community as a case study. Four objectives guided the research and these were:  assessing the extent of poverty levels among the San community, understanding the reasons for the persistence of poverty among the San community, examining the gestures that government has made towards addressing the state of extreme poverty among the San community and examining the gestures that NGOs and ot...


ABSTRACT Working capital management is vital and it has become the lifeblood of any organisation. This research study “Analysis of the impact of working capital management on company liquidity: The case of Chipinge District Hospital.” This research study sought to examine the implications of effective working capital management on organisation’s liquidity. The research sought to fulfill objectives such as assessing the influence of average collection period, average creditors’ payment...


ABSTRACT The main aim of research was to examine the relationship between Results Based Management and service delivery in the case of Chegutu Municipality. Results Based Management is a concept that introduced to local authorities as way to improve quality of service delivery since most local authorities have been providing poor service delivery to the community. However, there no policy guidelines in this respect, local authorities can choose to adopt or not to adopt Results Based Managemen...


ABSTRACT A study on rural development implications of the wireless revolution was conducted in Mberengwa East ward 2, as technology is becoming a powerful force in all facets of life. Gradually the wireless connections are penetrating the rural villages and making an impact in their lives hence the need to verify on how these connections are changing the way of people in the rural areas. Various authorities made their contributions in this study and it was guided by the livelihood framework. ...

Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management Practices And Firms Performance In Manufacturing Firms In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Concern for investment in the manufacturing sector in Nigeria has continued to grow; but little is probably known about its entrepreneurial and strategic management postures this study examines the relationship between entrepreneurship, strategic management practices (scanning intensity, planning flexibility, locus of planning, strategic controls, financial controls, scenario planning and corporate self-concept) and firms performance in the manufacturing sector in Nigeria. Data were ...

Policy Making And Citizen Participation In Zimbabwe: The Case Of ZIMASSET

ABSTRACT The issue of citizen participation in policy formulation in Zimbabwe has been a bone of contention since independence. High sounding policies and blueprints have been implemented since 1980 but have not been beneficial to majority of the citizens of Zimbabwe. ZIMASSET is one of these policies that have lacked citizen participation as revealed by the findings of this research. Predecessor policies of ZIMASSET such as ESAP, ZIMPREST and MERP have faced the same fate of ignoring the vie...

An Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Customer Retention Strategies In Enhancing Brand Loyalty. A Case Of Favco Harare

ABSTRACT The research sought to assess the effectiveness of customer retention strategies in enhancing brand loyalty at FAVCO. The first objective of this research study was to evaluate the effectiveness of customer retention strategies in enhancing brand loyalty at FAVCO. Secondly, it was to determine factors contributing to customer dissatisfaction at FAVCO and lastly to establish benefits contributed by customer retention at FAVCO. The research made an assumption that major factors contrib...

The Impact of Namibian Reclassification as an Upper-middle Income Country on Official Development Assistance

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to analyse the impact of Namibian reclassification as an Upper Middle Income Country on Official Development Assistance (ODA). This study was prompted by the negative perception that was going on in the country about the reclassification and how it reduces ODA while on the contrary having the knowledge that Namibia is striving to become an Industrialised country with a high income status by 2030. In order to address the issue of the negative perception about ...

Evaluating The Impact of Tax Knowledge on Tax Compliance among SME in Zimbabwe

Abstract Tax non-compliance is an area of concern for all government and tax authorities and it will continue to be an important issue that must be addressed. From a tax administration point of view the, the rapid development of SMEs in the economy signifies a rapid increase in the number of ‘hard to tax’ tax payers. The objective of this study was to evaluate if lack of tax knowledge was contributing to the high levels of tax non-compliance amongst SMEs in Zimbabwe. To achieve this, a qu...

The determinants of cost of funds among companies listed on the Zimbabwe stock exchange.

ABSTRACT The main aim of the study was to analyse the determinants of cost of capital among companies listed on the Zimbabwe stock exchange. The major objective of the research was to come up with those factors which have an influence on the cost of capital and to what extend. Valuation methods, models of cost of capital and determinants of cost of capital also complemented the research. Related studies done in the past support that there are various factors which influence cost of capital su...

9316 - 9330 Of 19445 Results