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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Inflation Targeting Monetary Policy Framework In South Africa

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of inflation targeting in South Africa using the Vector Autoregressive method (VAR). The study used monthly data for the period 2000 to 2013 on the following variables: Consumer Price Index Inflation (CPI), money supply (M1), Repo Rate and the Nominal Exchange Rate (NER). The VAR methodology was used to investigate the response of inflation to monetary policy shocks under the inflation targeting framework. The findings from ...

An Analysis Of Macroeconomic Determinants Of Remittance In Southern Africa

Abstract The study analyzed macroeconomic determinants of remittances in Southern Africa and made use of annual data for the period ranging from 2003 to 2016. The macroeconomic determinants used include: remittances themselves, the inflation rate, GDP growth rate, the nominal exchange rate, broad money and age dependency ratio. In doing so, the study further analyzed cyclicality and the volatility of remittances in the region in order to get a more rounded perspective. In seeking to meet its...

A Perception Of The Implementation Of The Performance Management System In Namibia: A Case Study Of The Ministry Of Home Affairs And Immigration

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the performance management system in order to find out whether the PMS is the right tool within the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration that will improve the performance of the employees and to seek and identify the challenges that are encountered during the implementation of the PMS, and whether the system will make public services more efficient and effective. The Office of the Prime Minister as the custodian of the ...

Psycho-Social Factors In Voluntary Counselling And Testing (VCT) – A Social Work Investigation In Windhoek, Namibia.

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to collect baseline data on psycho-social factors affecting utilization of VCT services amongst the 15 to 49 year old people in Windhoek. A cross sectional exploratory study design was utilized and the study generated baseline data using quantitative methods. Data were collected from 200 respondents using a standard structured questionnaire that was administered face to face by the researcher and two assistants. The sample design for the household s...

An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Trade Openness And Economic Growth In Namibia

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between trade openness and economic growth for Namibia using annual time series data over the period 1980 to 2011. The variables used include GDP per capita, labour force, capital formation, trade openness and real exchange rate. This study employed time series techniques such as unit root, cointegration, Granger-causality, impulse response function and forecast error variance decomposition. The Johansen co-integration analysis and Vector Auto...

Managing Occupational Stress And Fear Of Hiv/Aids Among Nurses And Midwives In Namibia: A Supportive Policy Approach For Windhoek Central And Katutura State Hospitals

ABSTRACT Occupational stress and fear of contagion are common among nurses/midwives dealing with HIV/AIDS patients, and the psycho-social impact become more acute when death occurs, because the loss of a young patient, the suffering and self identification with the patient cause acute sadness and grief. Therefore a need rises to address the problem of occupational stress and fear among nurses and midwives caring for victims of HIV/AIDS. The Government of the Republic of Namibia has taken a p...

The Determinants Of Total Factor Productivity In Ghanaian Agriculture

ABSTRACT The role of productivity in general and agricultural productivity in particular in hastening the pace of economic growth cannot be underestimated. There is an ever rising need for increases in food supply, given the incessant increases in population and a dwindling supply of farmland that can only emanate from growth in productivity rather than increases in input usage. The study examined the total factor productivity measure and the factors influencing it in Ghanaian agriculture by...

Democracy Building And Civic Responsibility: An Analysis Of Tertiary Students` Participation In The 2009 National Elections Focusing On Windhoek

ABSTRACT The study focused on students understanding and reasons as to why they do not participate in elections to vote. The major problem of the study was student participation in elections which continues to drop when students are considered the future of the country, whilst the electoral commission conducts election campaigns to encourage them to register in order to vote? The major objective of the study was to to investigate why young people are increasingly disengage from politics and ...

An Investigation Of Access To Financial Services By Micro Enterprises In Open Markets In Windhoek

ABSTRACT Access to financial services by micro enterprises has long been regarded by the government as an important developmental tool. Poor access to financial services can hamper proper development of small and micro enterprises. Financial services encompass access to banks, which includes access to savings products, loans and operational bank accounts as well as access to insurance products. The study focused not only on the financing part but also on other products, such as savings produ...

The Relationships Among Psychosocial Work Environment, Job Stress Recovery Experiences, Psychological Capital And Occupational Wellbeing: A Study Among Nurses And Teachers In The Tamale Met

ABSTRACT This thesis tested and extended the Job Demands-Resources-Recovery model of work among nurses and teachers in the Tamale Metropolis in Ghana. First, it examined the direct effects of psychosocial work environment factors, job stress recovery experiences and psychological capital on specific employee wellbeing indicators such as burnout - exhaustion, cynicism, professional inefficacy; work engagement and career commitment. Second, it tested effects of certain psychosocial work environ...

Corporate Social Responsibility And Customer-Based Brand Equity: Towards The Operationalization Of A Framework In The Mobile Telecommunication Services Sector

ABSTRACT Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming a tool for competitive positioning. It is the basis for brand choice among other advantages and therefore described as a strategic tool in marketing. In-spite of these observations, there appears to be a paucity of studies, linking CSR to brand equity or Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE). This study therefore ascertains the role of various types of CSR initiatives in building CBBE dimensions. A conceptual framework was developed base...

Livelihood Strategies Of Male- And Female-Headed Households In Greater Accra Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Over the past 15 years, the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) in its Ghana Living Standards Surveys (GLSS) has used the consumption expenditure approach and has concluded that female-headed households are better-off than male-headed ones. This conclusion is contrary to the general view that female-headed households are disadvantaged. The consumption expenditure approach has been criticised by scholars for being one-dimensional, as it covers only a limited aspect of male- and female-hea...

Addressing The Incidence Of In-School Adolescent Pregnancy In The Tolon District Of The Northern Region Of Ghana

REPORT SUMMARY The main purpose of this project was to address the incidence of in-school adolescent pregnancy among students in the Tolon District of the Northern Region of Ghana. The project adopted the Action Research Design to achieve its goals and objectives. The purposive sampling strategy was employed to select 60 participants from five selected communities in the District to respond to pre-intervention questions and discussions. Based on the findings, key intervention strategies, suc...

Socio Economic Factors Influencing Tomato Supply And Consumption In The Tamale Metropolis, Ghana

ABSTRACT This study assesses the socio economic factors influencing tomato supply and consumption in the Tamale Metropolis. Specifically, the study sought to determine the factors influencing the adoption of dry season tomato production, estimate the gross margins at each stage of the tomato value chain and analyze the perceptions and factors influencing consumers’ choice of the type of tomato, among others. A cross sectional data was collected from three hundred and fifty major actors dur...

Factors Affecting The Implementation Of The National Health Insurance Policy

ABSTRACT Public policy implementation has been a critical issue in the local, national and international political discourse, and its importance cannot be overemphasized. The essence of arriving at the intended results of public policies and the subsequent debate on means to achieve this end has been an overarching issue in policy circles, among policy actors, and within policy communities during the past four decades. The study identified the factors affecting the implementation of National ...

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