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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Total Quality Management Practices Among Manufacturing Firms In Ghana

ABSTRACT The ―total quality‖ concept is a general philosophy of management which includes all key requirements that contribute not only to customer-perceived quality, but also to customer satisfaction. The International organization for standardization defined Total Quality Management (TQM) as coordinated activities aimed at the control and direction of the organization towards quality. This has driven most organizations to provide products or services which consistently meet or exceed cu...

Assessment Of Problems Faced By Agro-Based Industries: A Case Study Of Blue Skies Products Ghana Limited In Nsawam

ABSTRACT The study was designed to assess the problems faced by agro-based businesses. It specifically examined the major constraints facing the establishment, operations and marketing of agro-business in Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipality. The study adopted the quantitative survey as its research design/approach, which according to Ahiadeke (2008) is a data collection method which requires asking people, referred to as respondents for information using either verbal or written questions. The stud...

The Influence Of Training And Development On Employee Performance: A Case Study Of Cocoa Research Institute Of Ghana (Crig)

ABSTRACT This study investigates the influences of training and development on employee performance at the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG). It comes in the context of the increasing recognition of training and development as an important means of nurturing quality human resource for employee performance in organizations. Situated within the qualitative research paradigm, the study employed the case study approach to detail the training arrangements, and processes at CRIG and how they...

The Role Of The Asante Traditional Healers In The Management Of Mental Disorders In Ghana

ABSTRACT The role of traditional healers in Africa, in general, and Ghana, in particular, cannot be underestimated. The many reasons leading to this could include, but not limited to, inadequate access to quality health care in terms of facilities, health personnel and affordable health care. Inasmuch as efforts have being put in to standardize the practices of traditional healers to offer health services in Ghana, there seem to be challenges especially in the area of mental/psychological hea...

Human Capital, Research And Development And Exports: Firm-Level Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT Despite the vast and growing body of empirical literature focusing on the drivers of export performance of firms, the empirical evidence on the channels through which human capital and R&D affect firm export is dearth even though this relationship seems to be important, specifically for developing economies. In this study, a conceptual model is developed drawing on the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory of the firm to conduct a detailed evaluation of whether firm export is explained by...

The District Chief Executive And Accountability In Ghana’s District Assemblies: The Case Of The Ledzokuku Krowor Municipal Assembly (Lekma), 2000-2012

ABSTRACT For about three decades, Ghana has pursued decentralisation which has led to the transfer of power and resources to the local level with the aim of accelerating local development and democracy. Successful decentralization, however, depends on accountability of the District Chief Executive (DCE) who is the central figure of the District Assembly. This study which examined the nature of accountability in the Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly (LEKMA) found that, there are several meas...

Assessing The Extent Of Adoption And Use Of Electronic Health (Ehealth) Technologies In Health Centres And Institutions In The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT The World Health Organization (WHO) has noted that the benefits of technology have to be integrated in healthcare delivery in their Health-For-All Strategy which recommends that member countries incorporate health telematics into their healthcare system. The benefits of eHealth are thus underscored in this directive and a similar motivation underlies this study, which investigates the use and adoption of Electronic Health technologies in healthcare delivery in Ghana. The study was de...

Impact Of Sovereign Wealth Funds On Economic Development

ABSTRACT This research was aimed at assessing the impact of Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) as a transition finance tool on the development of a country. The research had a study population of the 60 largest SWFs in the world in 2014 and used a sample of 34 SWFs in its analysis. The study used secondary data as the main and only source of data, and collected the needed data from secondary sources like the IMF Working Paper Series, FocusEconomics, and Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI) among...

Does Non-Interest Income Make Banks More Risky? Retail Vs Investment Banking Activities In Africa.

ABSTRACT The study examines how increasing the shares of fees and commissions, trading income and total non-interest income makes African banks more risky, for banks that specialize in either retail or investment banking activities. The study used financial information obtained from the Bankscope database to construct a panel of African banks from 2008 to 2012. The study used the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression model with Newey – West standard errors, robust for heteroskedascity and ...

Performance Of Ghanaian School Children On The Kaufman Assessment Battery For Children – Second Edition (Kabc-Ii) – An Exploratory Validation Study

ABSTRACT The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children-second Edition (KABC-II) is a foreign psychological test which is increasingly being employed by practitioners in Ghana in the assessment of intelligence and cognitive abilities in children although it has not been locally normed as yet. Thus, the performance of 90 school children in Ghana aged between 6 and 12 years, whose sociocultural backgrounds may differ considerably from those for whom the KABC-II were normed, was investigated in thi...

The Determinants of Loan Default Among Urban Poor Business Women: Evidence from a Micro Finance Institution in Ghana

ABSTRACT Growth of microcredit is seen as an important way to expand financial services to the poor and unbanked, and to help reduce poverty. However, high default rate remains a major challenge for micro-lenders. Understanding the causes of default among the poor is important for devising effective strategies to deal with this problem. This study sought to identify the determinants of loan default among urban poor women in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The study quantifies the relat...

Determinants Of Lending Interest Rate And Loan Recovery Rates Of Microfinance Institutions In Ghana: A Case Study Of The Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT The study focused critically on issues of determinants of interest rates and loan recovery rate of Microfinance institutions in Accra Metropolis. With a sample size of twenty (20), Microfinance institutions were examined. Random and purposive sampling techniques were used. Sampling was done by selecting microfinance institutions that give credit to only the informal sector or both the informal and the formal sector. The heart of this research was pairwise correlation. Pairwise correl...

Deforestation In Ghana The Role Of Incentives

ABSTRACT The fast rate at which the nation's forests are being depleted as a result of unsustainable land-use practices adopted by economic agents, has become a serious concern to policy-makers. Even though several afforestation and reforestation schemes are being undertaking by the government and private individuals, they seem inadequate compared to the rate of destruction. A combination of econometric analysis, a survey, and tabular representation and analyses have been used to analyse the ...

Environmental, Social And Governance Disclosures And Assurance In Ghana: Perspectives Of Regulatory And Quasi-Regulatory Bodies.

ABSTRACT This study examines the perspectives of regulatory and quasi-regulatory bodies on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosures and assurance in Ghana. Despite the increasing role of accountants in ESG issues, a lot remains unknown with several controversies regarding accountants providing ESG assurance. Also, regulatory and quasi-regulatory bodies who have been identified as crucial to ESG issues almost seem marginalized and under-researched particularly in developing coun...

The Supply And Demand Factors Affecting The Use Of Insecticides Treated Mosquito Nets In The Greater Accra Regi

Abstract Malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in many parts of the world with many and varied effects. In Africa, malaria is a development problem because of its high prevalence in many countries in the continent. Insecticide-Treated mosquito Net (ITN) is one of the most effective measures used in preventing malaria. This is because, it acts as a physical barrier, preventing access by vector mosquitoes and thus providing personal protection against malaria to individuals using ...

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