
Research Papers/Topics Technology

Education Projects and the Performance of Selected Primary Schools in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  After former government of Somalia throw out in 1991, all educational institutions have collapsed, due to lack of government, budget for education, salaries for teachers, and funds for rehabilitating schools in Somalia. International donors started to provide some limited support through United Nations agencies by financing many educational projects including primary school projects and their focus was almost entirely on the goals of improving enrolment and retention in primary sch...


Abstract Background: Essential oil from Mesembryanthemum edule leaves have been used by the Eastern Cape traditional healers for the treatment of respiratory tract infections, tuberculosis, dysentery, diabetic mellitus, laryngitis and vaginal infections. The investigation of bioactive compounds in the essential oil of this plant could help to verify the efficacy of the plant in the management or treatment of these illnesses. Materials and methods: Various concentrations of the hydro-distill...

Studies on Gene Frequencies of Polyembryony and Karyotype in Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia Occidentalis Hook. F.)

ABSTRACT Five experiments were performed to investigate the polyembryonic expressions and karyomorphology of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook. F.). The results obtained revealed three morphotypes of polyembryony which included twin, triple and quadruple, irrespective of the shape of the pod. The three morphotypes had side shoots that varied in length. Some were unequal, a few of them were almost equal, and many had rudimentary side shoots, which subsequently degenerated with time. ...

Community Participation in the Management of Public Schools in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

ABSTRACT  This study is about Community participation in management of Public Schools at Oromia state Ethiopia. It examined the extent to which Communities participate in the management of Public Schools. Community participation is the independent variable while management is the dependent variable. A cross sectional study design using both quantitative and qualitative approaches on a population of 280 and a sample of 200 respondents from Oromia, PS. TTC5, HIs, Vocational Trainng Centers, st...

Risk Management and Performance of Undp Projects in Somalia: A Case Study of Mogadishu to Cadale Road Construction Project

ABSTRACT This study sought risk management and performance of UNDP projects in Somalia: a case study of Mogadishu to cadale road construction project. The objectives were; To establish relationship between risk identification and project performance of Mogadishu to Cadale Road Construction project, To assess the relationship between risk monitoring and control and project performance of Mogadishu to Cadale Road Construction project, and. To assess the relationship between risk response and pr...

Community Participation and Implementation of the Housing Projects for the Needy Famuaes of Ubudeiie Program in Gicumbi District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This study set out to examine the role of community participation in housing projects for the needy in Gicumbi District, Rwanda. The study was guided by the following objectives: i) to examine whether the target community has power to negotiate the terms and conditions of housing project for the needy families in Gicumbi District; ii) to establish how power is delegated to the community members to contribute towards housing projects for the nee~iy families in Gicumbi District; and ii...

Staff Quality and Workers Productivity in Selected Private Building Companies in Ali-Sabih District, Djibouti.

ABSTRACT This study was set out to establish the relationship between staff quality and workers productivity in selected private building companies in Ali-sabih district, Djibouti the study wanted to establish the following: to determine the level of staff quality in selected private building companies, to determine the level of workers productivity in selected private building companies, to establish if there is a significant relationship between the levels of staff quality and workers produ...

Community Based Organizations and the Management of Feeder Road Development in Hargeisa, Somauland-Somaua

ABSTRACT This study was set to establish the role of community based organization involvement in development and management of feeder roads in Hargeisa Somaliland; three specific objectives guided this study and these were i) establishing the role played by CBOs on management of feeder roads development in Hargeisa Somaliland; ii) examining the mechanisms undertaken by the CBO in the development and management of feeder roads in Hargeisa Somaliland and (iii) assessing the roles played by CBO ...

Managerial Competence and Success of Humanitarian-Based Nongovernmental Organizations Projects in Mogadisho, Somalia.

ABSTRACT Ultimately, the success of each project is evaluated by the level at which it attains its goals and objectives.Essential for this attainment are project leaders with key managerial competencies to understand, share, and communicate project mandates with others. The purpose in this descriptive research was to investigate the effects of managerial competencies on project success. This desc1iptive research was conducted in Mogadishu, Somalia among 5 humanitarian based Non-govemmental or...

Financial Resource Management and Social Infrastructure Projects in Selected Ngos and Un Agencies in Hargeisa Somali Land

ABSTRACT This research determined the relationship between financial resource management and social infrastructure projects among UN Agencies and NGOS in Hargeisa, in Somaliland. As specific objectives, this study was set; to determine the profile of respondents; to determine the effectiveness of financial resource management among UN Agencies and NGOs in Hargeisa; to determine the effectiveness in implementation of social infrastructure projects among NGOS and UN Agencies; to compare if ther...

Small and Medium Enterprises and Poverty Reduction in Rubavu District, Rwanda.

ABSTRACT This study is entitled” Small and medium entreprises and poverty reduction” was conducted in Rubavu district exactly in selected SMEs oriented in agrobusiness, livestock and handcraft. The main objective that guided this study were to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender, age and education level, working experience; to examine the activities of SMEs selected in Rubavu district; to establish the level of poverty reduction in SMEs selected; to examine the problem...

Managers’ Planning Skills and Success of Construction Projects in Mogadishu, Somalia

Abstracts The purpose of the study is to describe the key planning skills which construction managers ought to possess and practice and correlate them with success of construction projects in Mogadishu, with a view of suggesting practical recommendations to enhance project success. In addition, the study intends to identify the strength and weaknesses of project managers in terms of planning skills and project success. It will also test the null hypotheses of no significant relationship betwe...

Vocational Training and Community Empowerment in Selected Idps Camps in Hargeisa Somaliland

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the effect of vocational training on community empowerment among the internally displaced people in Hargeisa, Somaliland. This study was guided by three specific objectives guided and these werei) establishing the forms of vocational training projects used among the internally displaced people in Hargeisa, Somaliland, (ii) assessing the forms of community empowerment activities among the internally displaced people (IDPs) in Hargeisa Somaliland, (iii) ...

The Effect of Monitoring and Evaluation on Organization Performance: A Case Study of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the effect of monitoring and evaluation on organization performance: a case study of United Nations high commissioner for refugees in Mogadishu, Somalia. the objectives were; to examine the effect of monitoring and evaluation plans on organization performance of (UNHCR), Mogadishu, Somalia . To assess the effect of monitoring and evaluation training on organization performance of (UNHCR), Mogadishu, Somalia and. To determine the effect of baseline surve...

Non-Governmental Organisations Participation and Primary Education Service Delivery in Bossaso Somalia

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the relationship between the extent of NGOs participation and Primary education service delivery in Bossaso Somalia. This study was guided by three specific objectives namely; determining the extent of Non Governmental Organizations participation towards primary education in Bossaso, Somalia, ii) to examine the quality of Primary education Service delivery in Bossaso Somalia; iii) the relationship between the extent of NGOs participation and Primary educ...

181 - 195 Of 1117 Results