Management Information System Research Papers/Topics

Management support in adoption of computer integrated model in financial forecast

Abstract/Overview Management Support is crucial to survival and success of organizations where managers are decision makers of the adoption of Computer Integrated Model (CIM) that is intended to contribute to the performance or effectiveness of the adopting organizations. Management support is the attitude and commitment of managers towards CIM technology adoption. This paper sought to establish the extent to which management support readiness determines adoption of CIM in financial forec...

Utilization of Interpersonal Communication Channels in the Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya

Abstract Worldwide, cervical cancer is still a major health concern. The problem is worse in developing nations because there is a lack of access to trustworthy cancer information, which discourages people from getting screened. The usefulness of interpersonal communication channels in spreading awareness about cervical cancer screening was investigated in this inquiry. The study was carried out at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, within the Materna...

Open source ERP systems selection model: case of small and medium enterprises in Botswana

Abstract: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are one of the technologies that many organisations, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), have adopted. However, most of commercial ERP packages are designed for large-scaled companies. More complex nature of business processes in large companies makes it difficult for SMEs to adopt commercial ERP packages. The high costs of ERP system implementation mean that SMEs need to seek for alternative solutions which are less expensive....

Using Management Information Systems (MIS) to Improve Business Processes

Management information systems (MIS) are regarded as a crucial instrument in the business landscape, serving as an antiseptic and antidote to address and facilitate informed decision-making inside organizations. Companies and businesses are motivated to adopt a proactive strategy in data analysis, ensuring the provision of trustworthy, comprehensive, easily available, and comprehensible data within an appropriate amount of time to system users. Furthermore, it aids in enhancing productivity i...

The Management of Information Systems in Justice Delivery Systems: Case Study of the Judicial Service of Ghana

Abstract The Judicial Service as the third arm of the government of Ghana is the body mandated by the country’s constitution to dispense justice in the country, in a manner that peace, tranquility and stability prevail to ensure socio-economic development. In court operations in the country however, effectiveness, efficiency and speed of justice delivery are often reported to be very low.The main source of this problem as reported in most judicial services annual reports show that the probl...

Examining Information Security Controls in the Human Resource Department of Kampala International University, Uganda from 2013-2018.

ABSTRACT  The research study was based on examining informatiOn security contrOls in the Human Resource Department of KIU, Uganda. The objectives of the study were; to analyze the information security controls in the Human Resource department of Kampala International University, to explore the extent of compliance to information security objectives at Kampala International University, to investigate the challenges of information security at Kampala International University, and also to ascer...

A Web-Based Information System for Ugandan Citizenship Registration

ABSTRACT  Citizen Identification has always been an issue of importance in the Ugandan society in order to solve problems that lead to delivery of poor health services, inefficient use of resources and failure to meet the people’s basic needs. Due to the accumulated cases of poor management of Citizen Information, the consequences are still being felt. A modern Web-based management information system for Uganda’s Citizens where Citizen Information will be kept and disseminated to stakeho...

Examining Information Security Controls in the Human Resource Department of Kampala International University, Uganda from 2013-2018

ABSTRACT  The research study was based on examining information security controls in the Human Resource Department of KIU, Uganda. The objectives of the study were; to analyze the information security controls in the Human Resource department of Kampala International University, to explore the extent of compliance to information security objectives at Kampala International University, to investigate the challenges of information security at Kampala International University, and also to ascer...

Strategic Approaches to Address the Challenges Faced in using Electronic Document Management System A Case of Staff Of Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Aliero, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study was to establish the challenges faced by the Staff of KSUSTA while using electronic document management system with the view of coming up with strategic approaches to address the challenges. The following objectives guided the study: i) to establish the challenges faced by the Staff of KSUSTA in using EDMS; ii) to propose strategic approaches to address the challenges faced by the Staff of KSUSTA in using EDMS; and iii) to examine the effect of the strategic approaches on...

Assessing the Factors Affecting Utilization of E-Library Resources among Staff and Students of Jigawa State College of Education Gumel, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  The study investigated the factors that affect the effective utilization of e-library resources among staff and students of Jigawa State College of Education, Gumel. Nigeria. The objectives of the study were;(i) to examine human factors that affect the utilization of e-library resources in Jigawa State College of Education, Gumel, (ii) to determine the institutional factors that affect the utilization of e-library resources among staff and students’ in Jigawa State College of Edu...

Ict Skills for Effective Utilization of E-Library Resources in Colleges of Education, Katsina State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to investigate the level to which Information and Communication Technology skills influence the use of electronic library resources by students in the Colleges of Education in Katsina State, Nigeria. The following objectives guided the study: i) to assess the Information and Communication Technology skills of the students in the Colleges of Education, Katsina State; ii) to determine the utilization of electronic library resources by the students of the...

A Model for Measuring Levels of End-Users Acceptance and Use of Hybrid Library Services and its Applicability to Universities

ABSTRACT  This study concerns the acceptance and use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) services in libraries with particular reference to universities in developing countries. It is recognised that for information systems to be of value to an individual or groups of individuals the system should be accepted and used. The fairly recent shift in developing countries from mainly paper-based library services to electronic library services (c-library services) using ICT infrastructure...

Voice-Over Internet Protocol Adoption in Rukara College of Education, Eastern Province, Kayon District, Rwanda.

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to evaluate the adoption of VoIP in Rukara College at a greater rate and at the same time find out the reasons for the slower adoption of VoIP. To determine the level of performance and efficiency of the existing technology in Rukara College, Rwanda, to determine the level of performance and efficiency of VoIP in Rukara college, Rwanda, to determine if there is significance difference between the existing technology and the proposed one. There study em...

Information Communication Technology Usage in Patients’ Records Management System in Selected Uganda Police Force Clinics In Kampala - Uganda

ABSTRACT This thesis is about ICT usage in Patients’ Records Management with the main objective of establishing the relationship between ICT usage and patients RMS in selected UPF clinics in Kampala — Uganda. The study was conducted in Nsambya Police Clinic, Kibuli Police Training School Clinic and Naguru Police Clinic. The specific objectives of the study included (i) To determine the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of age, gender, educational level, experience an...

An Optimized Secure E-census System For University Alumni Case Study: Kampala International University

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION IVACKNOWI .EDGEMENT vTABLE OF CONTENTS viACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ixChAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Background of the study 11.1 Background 31.2 Statement of the problem 31 .3 General objective 31.4 Scope of the Study 41.5 Significance of the study 4CI IAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Background 52.1 Ideas and Opinions of Experts 52.2 Benefits of using computerized system 9CHAPTER THREE 10METHODOLOGY 103.0 Introduction 103.1 Research Design 10...

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