Management Information System Research Papers/Topics

Investigating the factors driving adoption of RPA in South African banking: a qualitative analysis

Abstract Background: Studies have shown that the traditional banking sector is under threat from digital banks and financial technology (fintech) organisations that can operate with a lower cost base and respond to the market faster. In response to this threat, leading banks have implemented Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to reduce costs and simplify operations. The adoption of RPA has, however, proven to be challenging as in many cases the impact of automation technology implementations is...

Factors That Influence Internet Banking Adoption In Ghana

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to explore the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and behavioural intention on consumers’ adoption of Internet banking in Ghana. Studies on Internet banking in developing countries have so far focused more on issues relating to adoption, use, deployment and diffusion. The most dominant among these areas is studies on adoption. However, there still remain salient factors of Internet bankin...

The Uptake Of Institutional Repository: The Case Of University Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study purposed to investigate the experience, contribution and opinions of users of institutional repository (IR) developed at University of Ghana (UG) and also find the challenges facing the institutional repositories (called UGSpace) at the University of Ghana. This study is conducted using a qualitative research approach and the case study research technique. The data collection tool was an unstructured interview guide. The study found out that most of the respondents were una...

Use Of Online Health Information In A Developing Country: What Does Information Quality Mean To Users?

ABSTRACT The ubiquity of the internet affords both healthcare professionals and lay users the opportunity to access a wide range of Online Health Information (OHI) resources. However, in the midst of the abundance, the OHIseeker (OHIS), whether medically trained or not, remains the primary decision maker who determines the quality or otherwise of the information consumed. With quality of online information generally being called into question by many researchers who believe that the content i...

Antecedents of Building Trust in E-commerce Websites: Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT One of the underlying factors that need to be taken seriously when using the internet to transact business is trust. The lack of face to face interaction in the e-commerce trade leads to a lack of trust which is hindering e-commerce. This research seeks to investigate how Ghanaian e-commerce firms institute trust in their websites and how that influences consumer trust. Past research on trust in e-commerce has been considering only one side of trust at a time, that is, either at the...

Digitalization Of Paper-Based Enterprise Content And Workflow In A Public Sector Institution: A Developing Country Case Study

ABSTRACT In an attempt to go paperless, public sector institutions (PSIs) in developing countries are beginning to position themselves in a manner that drives them to implement the necessary digital technologies to achieve this aim. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems are one of the technologies that enhances digital transformation by managing a wide range of contents and business processes or workflows of institutions. This research sets out to understand ECM implementation and use i...

Social Construction Of Bespoke Software For Higher Education Management In A Sub-Saharan African Country

ABSTRACT This research set out to understand why and how higher education institutions in sub-Saharan Africa countries opt to develop bespoke IS instead of packaged proprietary software. The literature on Higher Education Information Systems (HEIS) stresses the selection, adoption and implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages in higher education institutions paying touching briefly on the development of bespoke software for higher education management. This study extends t...

Preliminary Insights Into Research Motivations Of African Information Systems Researchers

ABSTRACT The field of Information Systems (IS) over the last 5 decades of its existence has witnessed diverse research works in the advanced as well as the developing economies. As new concepts and issues in Information Communication Technologies (ICT’s) continue to increase, continuous efforts are being made to document the research topics, theoretical applications and new trends. The advanced economies have predominantly set the pace and direction of research in the IS terrain. As a resul...

The Impact Of Ownership And Vertical Integration On The Performance Of Petroleum Firms

ABSTRACT The petroleum industry is one of the essential industries globally. State participation and vertical integration are some of the most prevailing phenomena in the industry. This study sought to assess the impact of ownership and vertical integration on the performance of petroleum firms. Petroleum firms were categorized into four different clusters, based on ownership types, comprising fully private, minority state owned, majority state owned and fully state owned for the assessment o...

Enablers And Inhibitors Of Information Systems Disaster Recovery Planning: Evidence From Managers In The Ghanaian Banking Sector.

ABSTRACT Information systems (IS) have become an integral part of many organisations as they depend on it to execute their critical business function. As a result any situation that will render the IS unavailable will be detrimental to most organisations. The purpose of this research was to explore the enablers and inhibitors of information systems disaster recovery planning (ISDRP) in organisations in the Ghanaian banking sector. In order to achieve this purpose, the study used the quantitat...

An Assessment Of E-Learning Adoption In Universities: Evidence From A Developing Country

ABSTRACT Electronic learning (e-learning) has come to revolutionize the way students receive educational information from their teachers/instructors and it is ushering in a new era of active and creative thinkers and students. This has spurned on a lot of interest in the field of Information Systems research which has led to researchers looking at factors that either support or inhibit the adoption of e-learning with little focus on the influence of moderating factors on these adoption factor...

The Socio-Economic Impact Of Ivorian Refugees On The Fetentaa Host Community

ABSTRACT The rapid advances in digital technologies have led to the rising need for the development of strategies to harness its potential, especially in the field of Information Systems. Despite this growing importance, there is still a fuzzy understanding of what constitutes a comprehensive Digital Business Strategy (DBS) which encompasses the dominant dimensions of strategic actions in the digital economy. It is worthwhile to note that the digital business strategy transcends one functiona...

Dynamic Capability Analysis Of Ghanaian Mobile Business Organisations

ABSTRACT Individual and business consumers are increasingly adopting mobile devices and mobile services. Technology research in taking its usual cow paths has predominantly focused on the consumer adoption of mobile phones and mobile services. There is a somewhat silence in research on how firms in the mobile technology ecosystem develop these mobile services for consumption or adoption by individuals and businesses. This silence is more severe for mobile business organisations (MBOs), which ...

Virtualisation Of Course Evaluation Process In Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study Of The University Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The act of student evaluating teaching is a prevailing development in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs). In most HEIs in Africa, students evaluate courses for both summative and formative purposes, that is, to serve as a feedback mechanism to faculty for instructional improvement. The method of evaluating courses is undergoing a tremendous change due to the rapid development in technology. The purpose of this study is to understand why and how higher educational institutions vir...

Towards A Decade Of Open Government Data In Africa: A Fit Viability Case Analysis Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Almost a decade ago in 2011, the Government of Ghana together with other countries in Africa, became a signatory to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) charter – a global initiative aimed at liberating government-controlled data for use, reuse and distribution by citizens and businesses. The project which harnesses modern information technology tools to promote transparency, fight corruption and empower citizens, has however stalled in many African countries including Ghana. For ...

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