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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Child Protection and Conflict in Africa: A Case Analysis of Children Associated With Armed Conflict in the Horn and the Great Lakes Regions of Africa

Abstract: This paper seeks to investigate child protection/child rights in armed conflicts in the HOA and GLRA. By establishing the principles of child protection during armed conflict, the study tries to establish a conclusive analysis on the plight of CAAC in the HOA and the GLRA. In addition, the study aims at investigating the extent of the execution and implementation of child rights in armed conflict in the HOA and the GLRA, and also it aims at examining the prospect involvement of chi...

The East African Community: the Rise, Collapse, and Revival

Abstract: The East African Community (EAC) established in 2000 represents the most current of a number of previous attempts at achieving East African integration. This study set out to investigate why Kenya. Uganda and Tanzania sought to revive the EAC after its collapse in 1977. The collapse of the old Fag African Community (EAC) in 1977 was the result of factors that strained the relationships of the states' to the extent that its continued operation was rendered impossible. The study find...

The Relationship between Parenting Styles Used Early in Life on Employees and Current Employee Performance at Sarova Panafric Hotel, Kenya

Abstract: Family is the basic unit of society. Many values are passed down through the type of parenting an individual receives. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the parenting style used in an employee's early life and their current performance at work. The study's objectives were to determine parenting styles used early in life on employees at Sarova Panafric Hotel, to measure the performance of employees in Sarova Panafric Hotel and to determine differences in parenti...

Impact of Isiolo International Airport Project on Resource-Based Conflict in Kenya: The Case of Borana in Isiolo County, 2017-2020

Abstract: Isiolo County has experienced conflict over a long time. The conflict could be best described as resource based as it has always involved one or more of the resources that the local population has been competing over, which ranges from water, pasture and land among others. Currently, there is a great flurry of land speculation and illegal acquisition where by national and county government to address resource-based conflict is expected. The study sought to investigate the impact of...

The Effects of Italy’s Securitization Policies on Irregular Migration from Africa

Abstract: This research investigated the effects of Italy’s securitization policies on irregular migration from Africa. In Italy, migration has bred controversy due to the complexity of migrant sharing across European union states. Additionally, Italian politicians and the media have shaped the conversation around irregular migration from Africa, resulting in the public opinion that Italy is threatened by allowing thousands of refugees through its borders. The issue has become central to t...

Assessing the Operationalisation of Triple Nexus in Protracted Crisis; A Case Study of South Sudan (2017-2022)

Abstract: Many communities have been thrust into humanitarian crises as the number and complexity of conflicts have increased. Despite the supply of humanitarian aid, conditions worsen, and conflicts recur. As a result, the United Nations, and its partners, including NGOs, civil society, and local or national government actors, have been compelled to employ new approaches to offer long-term solutions - the triple nexus. It specifically refers to efforts in the humanitarian, development, and ...

Language As A Tool For Cultural Diplomacy: A Case Study of Kiswahili in Kenya

Abstract: Kiswahili language as a tool for cultural diplomacy has been viewed an important strategic direction in the foreign policy discourse of Kenya. The Foreign Policy of Kenya and the Cultural Diplomacy Strategy provide the policy and the institutional framework’s implementation strategies. The study investigated whether Kenya has invested in Kiswahili, as its recognized national language, and how it has been used as a tool to enhance its foreign relations through cultural diplomacy. ...

Reintegration of Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone from 2002 to 2021

Abstract: The use of child soldiers in West Africa has been a longstanding problem, particularly in countries affected by conflict and political instability. Children as young as 7 years old have been recruited into armed groups and used to carry out a range of activities, including combat, intelligence gathering, and forced labor. Sierra Leone is one of the West African states that faced a decade-long civil war. The use of child soldiers was a common problem in Sierra Leone's civil war, and...

Implementation of Nelson Mandela Rules in Penal Institutions: A Case Study of Prisons in Nyeri County

Abstract: Incarceration was introduced in the human society both as a punishment mechanism for offenders and as a mechanism to protect the society. Overtime, societies became sensitized on the concern that extreme punishment measures such as executions that were being used could only be equated to ‘judicial murder’; therefore, informing the need for correctional justice reforms. Consequently, with modernization, the contemporary international community has formulated standards such as th...

The Contribution of Post-Conflict World Bank Development Programmes in Consolidating Peace in Somalia: 2017 -2021

Abstract: Ever since the collapse of the Siad Barre, Somalia has received many foreign- funded programmes in an attempt to stabilize the country. However, Somalia continues to face many security, political, and economic challenges. The main objective of this research is to examine the extent to which the programmes instituted by the World Bank have contributed to peaceful co-existence in Somalia. The Specific objectives include: Inquire into the role of development programmes by the World Ba...

Harnessing the Demographic Dividend in Kenya through youth entrepreneurship: A case study of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund

Abstract: In response to the youth bulge in Africa and the concomitant rising unemployment and poverty levels in Africa, the government of Kenya, in line with the African Union Agenda 2063, has designed interventions to strategically position the country to harness the demographic dividend through youth entrepreneurship. The government of Kenya has designed youth programs to address the unemployment challenge and one of the flagship youth programs is the Youth Enterprise Development Fund (Ch...

The Influence of Selected Social Media Platforms on Youth Participation in the 2022 General Elections in Nairobi, Kenya

Abstract: Social media has been used to advance political inquiry, interactions and broader public and international engagement. However, being a new technological advancement, there is little empirical evidence on its effectiveness as a stimulant to political participation. This study thus sought to empirically establish the relation between social media usage and youth participation in general elections in Kenya. The theoretical grounding for the study was informed by the cognitive engagem...

Chinese Development Aid and Its Economic Impact on Malawi

Abstract: The Republic of China has come to be a force to reckon with in the 21st century, and this has enabled it to establish political and economic relations with other regions of the world; especially on the African continent. This paper studies the aid provision by China to Africa; with a key focus on Malawi. Chinese relations with Malawi have had an impact in contributing to the development of the Malawian economy. The main focus area of the research was investments, aid, and trade act...

Photography as A Governance Tool in Africa: The Case of Democratic Republic Of Congo

Abstract: This study is an assessment of photography as a tool of governance in post-colonial Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The study affirms that colonialists, specifically the Belgians in Congo, developed photography standards and interpretation guidelines as a tool to control the colonies and serve their interests. This enabled them to extend their domination through pictorial representation of the occupied territories. However, this never opened up opportunity for inclusivity of Af...

The Construction of Kenya's International Image by the Film Industry 1980-2020

Abstract: According to IMDb the highest-ranking film about Kenya is the Constant Gardener (2005) with more than 130,000 votes, some total worldwide box-office gross earnings of $82.47M and a Metascore of 82 as compared to world's highest ranking The Shawshank Redemption (1994) with more than 2 million votes, a gross worldwide of $28.89M and a Metascore of 81. Furthermore, the Constant Gardener received more than 200 critics from external reviewers from around the world with insights into the...

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