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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Rethinking green revolution program: The impact of Mozambique’s fast-track green revolution program on the environment and animal rights

Abstract The green revolution program (GRP) in Mozambique has taken centre stage in academic circles, and academics and researchers have tussled with various aspects of this subject. While the GRP is meant to reduce the country’s food insecurity and was successfully implemented in some countries like India (Arundhati, 2004), the results have been different in many African countries. In Mozambique, GRP has dramatically impacted on the rights of non-human animals and the physical environment....

Co-Management Strategy In Mitigating Fisheries Conflicts In Homa Bay County, Kenya

ABSTRACT There has been conflict in the fishing industry world over. Fisheries conflicts are among the persistent problems affecting the security of food, livelihoods and fishing environments crucial to poor fishing communities in developing countries. In Kenya, the same has been a major problem and it has taken government’s efforts to curb. One of the strategies introduced more so in Homa Bay County is the Co-Management Strategy in which all stakeholders are involved. Although this co-mana...

Level Of Awareness, Perception And Practice Of Conventional Preventive Measures For Computer Vision Syndrome Among University Students, Maseno, Western Kenya.

ABSTRACT Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a multi-factorial condition of the eye that results in symptoms of stress and eye discomfort among electronic device users. It causes considerable chronic vision-related morbidity and reduced work productivity. Ninety percent and 75% of computer users globally and in Africa, respectively, suffer from CVS. The risk factors for CVS include prolonged period of electronic device use, glare, refractive error, short viewing distance and inappropriate seati...

Historical Developmentof The Land Question In Bukusu-Sabaot Inter-Ethnic Conflict In Mount Elgon Area Since1850

ABSTRACT Ethnic conflicts have been witnessed world over; where, different communities fight each other over territorial boundaries, limited natural resources and political supremacy. This worrying trend disturbs livelihoods, access to social amenities and affects local and international economies. As a limited resource, with cultural and economic value, land has generated inter-ethnic conflicts across the world. In Kenya, communities like the Maasai and Kipsigis have recently fought over lan...

SSA Research 278 PAGES (71710 WORDS) History Thesis
‘What A Peaceful Campaign!’ The Peace Discourse As Zanu-Pf’s Legitimacy Seeking Tool In The July 2013 Election

ABSTRACT State-sponsored electoral violence targeting opposition political party supporters prior to and in the aftermath of elections remains a recurring phenomenon in post-independence Zimbabwe. Significant literature shows that the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party are the main engineers and beneficiaries of this culture of electoral violence. Much scholarly work has focused on the violent side of Zimbabwe’s electoral contests. This paper, however, f...

Adoption Of Ict In Kenyan Academic Libraries A Case Of Maasai Mara University Library

ABSTRACT The environment in which libraries operate has changed significantly with the advent of information age. Technological advancement has compelled libraries to adopt interactive online media for their survival mainly because of its profound influence to the functions of libraries and the information seeking behavior of the readers. However, the proliferation of new technologies opens a number of challenges for libraries in institutions of higher learning which include; inadequate infr...

Mielekeo Ya Wanafunzi Wa Shule Za Upili Kuhusu Methali Kinzani; Uchunguzi Katika Kata Ya Kitui Mjini; Kaunti Ya Kitui; Kenya

IKISIRI Utafiti huu unahusu kuchunguza mielekeo ya watumiaji lugha ya Kiswahili kuhusiana na ukinzani katika methali. Kwa mfano methali, Fuata nyuki ule asali na Fuata nyuki ufe mzingani. Utafiti huu umeongozwa na nadharia mbili; nadharia ya mguso na nadharia ya umaanishaji. Katika upande wa ukusanyaji data, utafiti huu ulitumia hojaji kwenda nyanjani na udurusu wa kina kuhusu methali za Kiswahili. Lengo kuu la utafiti huu lilikuwa kubaini na kuchanganua mielekeo ya wanafunzi na walimu wa fas...

Great Khali or opportunist? The Herald’s framing of Kalisto Pasuwa’s coaching credentials prior to and just after guiding Dynamos FC to their historic fourth consecutive PSL championship in 2

ABSTRACT Football or soccer is the most followed sport across the globe, Zimbabwe included. It is plausible to submit that football has evolved from being a mere source leisure animating lives of millions across the world, to become both big business and an industry. While there is a significant number of studies exploring the nexus of football, politics and identity in modern Zimbabwe, studies on the interface between football and communication media are scarce. Dynamos Football Club, Zimba...

An Assessment Of The Role Of The African Union (Au) In Combating Al Shabaab Terrorism In Somalia; 2006-2016

ABSTRACT The study sought to evaluate the impact of the African Union (AU) in combating Al Shabaab terrorism in Somalia and proffer recommendations on how the AU‟s counter-terrorism mission could lead to peace and stability in Somalia. The study was prompted by the escalating incidents of terror attacks and activities which include suicide bombings, killings of civilians, military assaults and destruction of property. This research was accomplished through qualitative methods of data colle...

Perception And Knowledge Of Maasai Mara University Students On Gambling

ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to investigate the “perception and knowledge of Maasai Mara university students on gambling among Maasai Mara University students.” The involvement of students in gambling has been considered as a serious concern to parents, government, university authorities and to the entire society in general. The objectives of the study were to establish student’s perceptions of gambling in universities, to find out why students gamble and what makes them gamb...

Social Inclusion Through Housing in Post-Independence Zimbabwe. Narratives From Two cities in The Midlands Province.

ABSTRACT  This narrative study on social inclusion through housing in Gweru and Kwekwe cities sought to decipher the exclusivity or inclusivity of housing processes or practices. In theory Zimbabwe post-independence housing policy has given attention to inclusivity of all citizens’ (housing for all) whereas in practice the exclusion of citizens in the provision and delivery of housing is quiet prevalent. The housing processes, practices, models and schemes excludes vulnerable groups such a...

Assessment Of Utilization Of Voluntary Counseling And Testing Services By Maseno University Students, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, 4.9 million young people aged between 15-24 years are living with HIV and AIDS, and 75% of them live in sub-Saharan Africa. Maseno University students fall in this age bracket. In 2001, Commission for University Education (formerly Commission for Higher Education) encouraged Universities to set up Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) centers as a strategy to reduce HIV infection by promoting behaviour change among students. Despite the fact that Maseno University set AIDS...

Influence Of Internal Instructional Supervision On Teaching Effectiveness In English In Secondary Schools In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Instructional supervision is key to effective teaching. Whereas emphasis has been put on external instructional supervision, less attention has been given to Internal Instructional Supervision (IIS), probably because its influence on teaching effectiveness is yet to be established. Kakamega County is the second largest County in terms of population yet achievement in English is low at an average mean score of 5.03 in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (2007-2018). The County�...

Pragmatics Of Dholuo Panegyrics

ABSTRACT Dholuo panegyrics (pakruok) reflect social issues that can only be contextually understood with reference to societal norms and Luo cultural practices. Dholuo panegyrics entail deliberate use of indirect references comprising implicit meanings. Dholuo panegyrics are full of indeterminacies such as ambiguities, metaphors, ironies and implicatures that are difficult to interpret as understanding them is contextually determined because of the use of figurative language. This study provi...

SSA Research 169 PAGES (43253 WORDS) Linguistics Thesis
Shangwe Chieftainship: Succession Disputes In The Nemangwe Chiefdom And The Quest For Legitimacy Cc 19th – 21st.

ABSTRACT The Shangwe under Chireya were not the first to settle on the Mufungabutsi plateau. The original Shangwe on the Mapfungabutsi plateau were the Karanga under Nyamusasa, Mubvuma,Mufunga, Mupare and Manyowi. According to oral traditions Nyamusasa was the paramount ruler while Mubvuma, Mufunga, Mupare and Manyowi were his sub rulers. These were the first to adopt the term Shangwe. Chireya and his people established themselves on the Mapfungabusi Plateau after conquering the local inhabit...

3676 - 3690 Of 8249 Results