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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Containing Terrorism: US Involvement in the Horn of Africa

Description: A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts in International Relations at United States International University - Africa.

The Impact of Non-State and State Actors on South Africa’s Foreign Policy in Africa

Abstract: South African foreign policy is not made in a bubble; as a democracy since 1994, its outward orientation is theoretically subject to lobbying and pressure from outside groups as well as jockeying among bureaucratic entities. This study aims to unpack the processes through which governments’ foreign policies are made, specifically in South Africa, to determine whether foreign policy making is in reality open to outside inputs, or whether the foreign policy arena as in many countri...

An Assessment of African Union's Application of the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine

Abstract: The theory and functioning behind the creation of R2P was to bring about peace and security within weak states that are unable or unwilling to protect their own citizens. Globally, R2P is accepted as a commitment by Governments to prevent and end genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity as well as to create the necessary conditions and avoid circumstances that will prevent such crimes. Following this and given the increased number of weak states, conflict...

The Influence of Hegemonic Power on Regional Integration Case Study of Germany in European Union

Abstract: This study aims to disclose the influence of hegemonic states on regional integration, using Germany’s role in the European Union as its main case study. Over the past decade, the European Union security and foreign policy was leaderless to a great extent. The Brussels-led foreign policy continued to be more vision than reality. The traditional Franco-German engine stuttered, and the United Kingdom looked inwards. Several crises erupted at the same time in Europe putting the Euro...

Why Has The Resolution Of The Rwanda Civil War (Genocide) Been More Stable/ Enduring Than The Burundian Case?

Abstract: Burundi and Rwanda, located in East-Central Africa, are two countries that have a lot in common. The most devastating similarity is that the two countries have both experienced violent civil wars resulting from the escalation of tensions between their main ethnic groups, the Tutsi and the Hutu. In the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide of 1994 and the Arusha agreement that ended the conflict in Burundi, the two countries initiated a series of processes aimed at establishing persiste...

Slum Fire Fighting Strategies for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Kibera, Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract: Slum fires impose significant social and economic costs including loss of life, destruction of health, property, dwellings and jobs while the interlinked physical and social vulnerabilities expose the urban poor not to single but multiple risks. Disaster preparedness and mitigation are the main methods of protecting such communities against fire disasters. This study sought to examine fire safety mechanisms and their effect on prevalence of fire disasters in Kenya slums. Nairobi wi...

Exploring Migration Crisis in Europe 1995-2016

Abstract: To escape political and economic challenges in the Middle East and Africa, many refugees and migrant are fleeing to seek asylum in Europe. Thus, Europe became overwhelmed with large influx of refugees in the last decades. The European Union (EU) member states have recently scrambled policy action to curb the increasing migrants entering Europe through the East, West, and Central Mediterranean Sea. The division in the European Union has led to the reemergence of nationalism which ha...

The Effect of Sino-Africa Relations on the Foreign Policy of the United States of America

Abstract: The Chinese model of “developmental state” has offered a substitute to the Western model of market democracy. China has also sponsored infrastructure and industrialization developments that the West has declined to fund since the days of colonization. It is to be anticipated that these developments will at the end help Africa revolutionize, a dream that appears possible for the first time since independence. With Chinese presence ever increasing, the United States must now deve...

Factors Affecting The Viability Of Women In Entrepreneurship: Implications for Nigeria’s Oil Dependency

Abstract: The main objective of the study was to investigate the factors affecting the viability of women in entrepreneurship as a result of Nigeria’s oil dependency. The study’s specific objectives were to investigate the rise of oil dependency in Nigeria and to determine the factors that led Nigerian women to self-employment, the extent to which women entrepreneurs can make an economic impact and used as a tool for liberate women financially and also how factors such as entrepreneurial...

The Role Of Music In Peacebuilding And Reconciliation: A Case of Kenya’s 2007/2008 Post Election Violence

Abstract: The use of music in reconciliation and peacebuilding efforts has long been assumed with many times its importance and potential being unrecognized. This academic study sought to cover Kenya by assessing the various programmes and activities of actors involved in music ,within and outside Nairobi, who have used music as a tool and channel of communicating peace and dialogue particularly after the 2007/2008 elections violence that rocked the country. It therefore assessed the goals t...

The Effectiveness of Preventive Diplomacy in Resolving Election Violence in East Africa: A Comparative Case Study Of Kenya and Burundi

Abstract: The 1990’s era marked the advent of multiparty democracy which led to the rise in the number of elections in Africa. In 2015, elections were held in Egypt, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Lesotho, Guinea, Sudan and Nigeria. Elections have been conducted in many African countries and some of them have been marred with violence. Electoral violence has been seen to be recurrent in most areas thereby indicating that the underlying root causes of electoral violence remain unr...

The Interface between Sovereignty and the Integration Process: The Second East African Community (EAC II) In Empirical Context

Abstract: Scholars and policy makers identify two major impediments to regionalization in East Africa: lack of people centeredness and inadequate political will. The first is widely addressed in academic and policy literature. The latter, political will, remains an illusionary concept. There are those who say that because of it, the second East African Community (EAC II) is doomed to meet the fate of the first. Others state that it will be overcome. But; what is it? It is a complex concept, ...

Germany Foreign Aid to Africa A Case Study of Kenya.

Description: A Research Report by Felix Vollmann, Submitted to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Masters of Arts in International Relation.

The Role of Former Combatants in Peace and Development in Post Conflict Sub Sahara African States

Description: A thesis submitted to the School of Arts and Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in International Relations.

Underutilisation of Internet Facilities at Universities A Case Study of Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library (JKML) University of Nairobi and United States International University Africa (USIU A)

Description: A Project Report by Muthoni Dorothy Njiraine, Submitted in in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of the Degree of Master of Science in Information Science of Makere University

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