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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Assessment Of The Damage Caused By Corcyra Cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) And Araecerus Fasciculatus (Degeer) (Coleoptera: Anthribidae) To Stored Cocoa Beans In Ghana

ABSTRACT The damage caused by Corcyra cephalonic a and Araecenus fasciculatus to cocoa beans was studied at the Research Department o f Quality Control Division o f COCOBOD, Tema. The study included breeding o f the two insects on cocoa beans to investigate the biology, fecundity and progeny production o f the two insect species. The free fatty acid level o f cocoa beans was also determined and the change in this level due to insect damage was calculated with respect to undamaged ones. The co...

After-School Activities And Their Influence On Academic Performance Of Junior High School Students In Cape Coast Metropolis In The Central Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examined the after-school activities and their influence on academic performance of Junior High School students in Cape Coast Metropolis in the Central Region of Ghana. A descriptive survey design was adopted using a sample of 364 students selected from six public Junior High Schools in Cape Coast. A questionnaire was used to gather the data. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the reliability of the instrument was 0.78. Frequencies, percentages, means, standard devia...

A Geographic Information Systems Documentation Of Oyo-Ile And Badagry Heritage Sites, Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has triggered a revolution in archaeological methods for collecting and keeping inventories of heritages sites and monuments. Specifically, GIS studies have in recent times produced models for site potential or archaeological resource sensitivity. However, in Nigeria, previous archaeological works have focused on excavations, settlement patterns, vegetation history and reconstruction of cultural history, ignoring the aspects of digital documentati...

A Justification For The Claim That Marxism Is A Scientific Theory

ABSTRACT This study is an examination of the scientific status of Marxism. I argue that Marxism is scientific as far as Popper’s falsificationism is taken as a serious methodology of science. The method of establishing this finding involves the use of logical analysis to provide a harmonious synthesis between Popper’s falsificationism and Orthodox Marxism. The need for the attempt to harness Marxism and science is a direct response to Popper’s remarks which seem to pose an unsurmounta...

The Faces of Muslim/Christian Relations: Application of Sharī‘ah and the Rights of Muslim Women in Nigeria

Abstract This paper focuses on Muslim/Christian understanding of the position of the Sharī‘ah in modern Nigeria. It also examines Muslim women’s commitments to Islam and how they cope with the surroundings without submitting to a uniform, integral and singular Islamist theory on the application of Sharī‘ah. The paper makes a distinction between Fiqh and the Sharī‘ah. Furthermore, while most writings tend to view the application of the Sharī‘ah in Nigeria, whether in relations to...

Perceptions About The Effects Of Organization Health And Safety Policies On Employee Performance In Kintampo - North Municipal Hospital

ABSTRACT The study was conducted with the broad objective of finding out the relationship between employee’s health and safety and performance using Kintampo-North Municipal Hospital as study area. Relevant literature on health and safety were reviewed. Questionnaire was the main tool for data collection. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Proportions were used to summarise variables that were categorical in nature. The dependent variable in this study was binary in nature, t...

Music In Káláḇàrì Funeral Rites

ABSTRACT Duein-dibi-a nume (Funeral rites music) in Kalabari culture is a final honour for the dead and a status symbol for the living. It is performed for titled men, elders, members of Ekine cult and other socio-cultural clubs. Although duein-dibi-a nume occupies an important position in Kalabari culture, yet no musicological studies exist in terms of structure, significance and documentation especially as its traditional forms appear to be on the decline. This study, therefore, examined mu...

Market Knowledge And Personal Values: Implications For The Growth Of Small Enterprises In The Cape Coast Metropolis

ABSTRACT The resource-based and upper echelon theories have raised concerns against the unexplored human factors affecting the growth of small firms. This has created an incomplete view of factors affecting small enterprise growth in Ghana. This study, therefore, examines the implications of the personality and market knowledge of the individual managers on the growth of small enterprises in the Cape Coast Metropolis. Using a pragmatic approach and an explanatory sequential mixed design, 200...

An Epistemological Basis For Cross Cultural Understanding

ABSTRACT Many of the conflicts in the world today, in the areas of politics, religion and ethnicity, are reflections of a dearth of understanding among cultures. Several studies have identified the need for cross cultural understanding and tried to establish a basis for it in human biological make up, the universality of emotions and lived experience. However, these attempts have not satisfactorily addressed the universal epistemological basis for cross cultural understanding, the absence of ...

CDR Coalition 188 PAGES (68871 WORDS) Philosophy Thesis
Phonological Correlates Of Socio-Economic Background Of English Speech Of Secondary School Students In Oyo And Ogun States, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Phonological correlates of the socio-economic background of the English speech of secondary school students describe the extent to which pronunciation skills have linear relationship with the economic status of their families. Existing literature on the Nigerian English (NE) pronunciation has concentrated on the varieties of adult speakers of NE, using educational attainment as a parameter. There is a dearth of studies on the speeches of Nigerian youths to validate the existence of c...

Godfatherism, Ownership Influence And Media Treatment Of Political Conflicts In Oyo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Media coverage of political crises, especially in a terrain fraught with the increasing influence of godfatherism, ownership and political affiliation has a serious consequence on the society. The political feud between Late Chief Lamidi Ariyibi Adedibu and his „political son‟, Senator Rashidi Adewolu Ladoja in Oyo State, Nigeria (2005-2007), provided a typical example of godfatherism, and media coverage of the conflict typified ownership influence on news media operations. Ancho...

Racing Beyond Race: Western Press Reportage Of 2008 American Presidential Campaign

Abstract The 2008 American presidential campaign was a critical moment for determining the stance of Western Press in the coverage of a race-related political contest The study content analysed The Economist. Time and Newsweek magazines to identify the genre. slant,source of news reports andprominence given to Barack Obama Campaign Issues relative to those of his opponents. John McCain and Hilary Clinton. Although there were a few elements of racial constructs. reportage was found to be fair ...

Social Consciousness, Metaphysical Contents And Aesthetics In Select Anglophone African Factions

ABSTRACT Anglophone African factions, which are narratives containing a blend of African real-life socio-political events and fictive accounts, and which sometimes connect writers‘ metaphysical reference with their social consciousness and aesthetics, is central to literary expression in Africa. Yet, studies in African literature have focused on these philo-literary features only in fiction, neglecting their engagement in factions, thus barring a balance in African literary scholarship. Thi...

Lexical and Discursive Construction of Identity in Selected Twenty-First Century Nigerian Novels

ABSTRACT  Construction of identity constitutes a major means by which novelists, dramatists and poets deal with the interface between themes and social realities in their writings. Given the centrality of this engagement to literary discourse, elaborate attention has been given to identity construction in most literary genres, especially, poetry, drama and autobiographies. However, inadequate attempt has been made to explore the role of contextualised vocabulary choices in identity discourse...

Blogging as a Space for Rhetorical Posturing on Isreali-Hezbollah War

ABSTRACT Blogging, as a social medium, serves as a platform for individuals and organisations to produce rhetorical discourses that deserve scholarly attention. This rhetorical outlook of blogging features significantly in Middle East conflicts, as instanced in the Mideast blogs that cast their focus on the Israeli-Hezbollah war of 2006. Existing studies on blogging as a social practice seem to concentrate mainly on its social roles without paying much attention to its rhetorical outlook. Th...

5851 - 5865 Of 8249 Results