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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Concentricism and Neo-colonialism: The African case

ABSTRACT    How to protect and balance their National interests and sovereignty in theface of Neo-colonialist tendencies and activities from Developed American, European and Asian Nations, has right from the period of decolonization in the early 1960s, been a problem to Africa and Her leaders. As these Nations, tend to continuously encroach on the sovereignty and domestic policies of African Nations.  Therefore, to take a foreign policy posture in the current global political scape that wi...

The Effect of Family Socio-Economic Status on Sexual Behaviour Among Adolescent Girls in Fiapre Community in The Sunyani West District

The study was conducted to investigate the effect of family socio-economic status on sexual behaviour among adolescent girls in Fiapre Community in the Sunyani West District. The study focuses on, the extent of sexual activities among female adolescents and influence of parental education on female adolescent sexual behaviour. The study employed a survey design to achieve the objectives of the study. Stratified and simple random was used with a sample size of 100 respondents.  Structured que...

Mental Health, a Monster?

We live in a part of the world where a mere mention of mental health puts people to flight.  The phrase “mental health” has so much been negativized to the extent that most people do not want to hear it any more. One stands to wonder why this hypocritical attitude towards mental health.  Paradoxically, almost everybody cherishes health and desires health and longevity but when the adjective “mental” is added, the story changes. Is mental health not a part of the “health package”...

The Psychosocial Effects of Corporal Punishment on Students in Ghana

Corporal punishment in schools in Ghana has been recently criticized and subsequently banned in schools in Ghana by the Ghana Education Service. This was received with mixed feelings by Ghanaians. Some think corporal punishment is good for instilling discipline among students. Others also think corporal punishment is barbaric and should be avoided in schools in Ghana. The study was conducted to look at the psychosocial effects of corporal punishment on students in schools in Ghana. In doing t...

The Impact of Emotional and Behavioural Disturbances on Work Output Among Health Workers

Emotional and Behavioral disturbances create problems in everyday life activities and affect both intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships. Such disturbances could manifest cognitively as in forgetfulness, short attention span and negative thoughts and also impact negatively on work output of workers. The study was conducted to assess the impact of emotional and behavioural disturbances on the work output of health workers at Father Thomas Alan Rooney Memorial Hospital, Asankrangwa in th...

Marxism in Festus Iyayi’s Violence and Ngugi wa Thiongo’s Devil on the Cross

ABSTRACT This research topic – Marxism in Festus Iyayi’s Violence and Ngugi wa Thiongo’s Devil on the Cross – explores the representation of Marxism in African fictions. Almost all African nations have slipped the noose of colonialism; this has influenced African leaders who continually perpetrate the principles and system of self interest of their former colonial masters. In this case, African literature/fiction has been reflecting this neo colonial issue with the aim of proffer...

Textual Construction of Women In select Nigerian Pop Music Videos: Acritical Discourse Approach

Abstract Identity construction is an aspect of language formation and or representation. Extant literatures abound on identity construction in advertisements, political and computer mediated discourses, which have variously identified forms and nature of identity creations of groups. These studies however have not adequately accounted for identity creation of women in Nigerian music videos. Hence, this study investigates the way women are represented and constructed in selected Nigerian pop m...

Verbal And Visual Interface in Select Nigerian Pop Music

Abstract That pop music is one of the popular genres of music with much rhythm and harmony and its emphasis on romantic love songs is not news. What needs clarification is the level of interface in terms of meaning making between the verbal and visual aspects of pop music videos. This study thus investigates visual-verbal interface in select Nigerian pop music videos in order to determine the extent to which both visual and verbal modes encode and enhance meanings in the music. Three popular...

Contextualization and Meaning in Public-Sphere Discourses of Government Ministers- Citizen Interactions in Nigeria

Abstract Public sphere discourses of government ministers-citizen interactions are common political discourse events in Nigeria. There is seemingly nothing unfamiliar about political discourses, but what needs clarification is the place of context and contextualization in encoding and decoding intentions/meanings, especially in public sphere discourses of government ministers-citizen interactions in Nigeria. Aspects of Presupposition in Jacob Mey’s Pragmatics that deal with context was adop...

Language and ideology of political interactions in Nigeria's National Good Governance Tour (NGGT)

ABSTRACT Several issues have shaped political discourse in Nigeria since her independence. Speeches read from scripts and other texts as well as various media forums have been major sources of data. Political interactions, dealing with spontaneous discourse/speech events have hardly been subject of discourse. Recently one of the platforms that transverse the Nigerian political sphere is the National Good Governance Tour (NGGT) of Nigeria; this study therefore, explores language use in the tou...

Nigerian Journalists' Adoption Of Freedom Of Information (FoI) Act And Their Media's Performance

                ABSTRACT       The importance of information to man cannot be under - estimated. It serves as the oxygen that breathes life into governance. But laws are hardly fascinating to man; it makes least leisure reading. Nigerian public office- holders have been taken advantage of ambiguous nature of law to deprive journalists and by implication, the citizenry of their rights to know what operates in our adminstrative rooms. Then came the Freedom Of Information Act 2011, af...

Discourse Strategies and Public Assessment of Persuasion in Government Ministers-Audience Political Interactions in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Official interactions between government ministers and the public are common political discourse events in democratic Nigeria. Previous studies on political discourse have examined language forms such as metaphor, which function as persuasive devices in ceremonial speeches, campaigns, manifestos and parliamentary debates, without adequate attention paid to the persuasiveness of discourse strategies in government minister-public interactions. This study, therefore, examined discursiv...

Feminist Ethos and Regional Influence A Study of Buchi Emechetas Double Yoke and Lola Shoneyins The Secret Lives of Baba Segis Wives

Abstract This paper attempted a comparative and contrastive study of the Feminist Ethos of Buchi Emecheta in Double Yoke and Lola Shoneyin in The  Secret  Lives  of  Baba  Segi’s  Wives. Although both writers are feminists of Nigerian origin,  their  ideological  leanings,  as  this  paper  argued,  were  largely  influenced  by  their  region  of residence rather than their place of origin. Although Emecheta had, on several occasions, denied the fact of her being a rad...

African Feminism/Womanism and Gender Complementarity in Ngugi wa Thiong'O’s Novels

This paper deploys the postulations of African womanism/feminism to examine gender  complementarity  in  three  of  Ngugi  wa  Thiong'O’s  novels:  The  River Between, A Grain of Wheat, and Petals of Blood. While the prominent role Ngugi accords his female characters has been acknowledged and explored critically, how he deploys the African feminist/womanist ideology in his writings, and uses his writings to advocate for gender complementarity within the African socio-cultural real...

Modern Islamic Medicine and Modern Islamic Health Centers in Kano Metropolis, 1988 To 2012

Seeking for and provision of healthcare service has been an important phenomenon in the history of man. Thus belief: religious and cultural, play important roles in shaping the way and nature people seek for and provide medical care. Since the period of Islamic resurgence in the Kano Metropolis in the 1980s, religion has been playing pivotal role in the way and nature the price of Kano patronised medical services. Thus modern Islamic health centers were founded. These health centers provided ...

Aliyu Alhassan 17 PAGES (6217 WORDS) History Paper

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