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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Building Hope for Peace: A Path Towards Reconciliation between Amhara and Tigray People in Ethiopia

In recent years, the Amhara and Tigray communities in Ethiopia have faced strained relations, resulting in conflicts that have caused significant hardship and suffering. However, amidst the challenges, there remains a glimmer of hope for peace and a shared future. This article explores the potential for reconciliation between the Amhara and Tigray people, highlighting the significance of dialogue, understanding, and the concerted efforts of individuals and organizations working towards l...

Empowering 'Linguistic have-nots’: Empowering 'Linguistic have-nots’ in the interests of faster economic, social and cultural progress and development across cultures and societies

This paper seeks to further the aims and goals of our ‘Globalization of science” movement at least indirectly, if not directly. This is sought to be achieved by empowering ‘linguistic have-nots’ so that their economic performance can be improved, and their social and cultural development can be aided. We begin this paper with an overview of the field of linguistics, milestones in its development, and its various branches and areas of specialization. We also recapitulate theories on th...

Nigerian Economy: Investing in Resilience Focused on Agriculture

Economic shocks do not only threaten people's lives but also their future livelihoods. To move ahead and address these shocks involve understanding how different sectors of the economy can be improved upon sustainably to achieve economic prosperity. Investment in agriculture provides a roadmap for creating a resilient Nigerian economy. A proper understanding of the uncertainties faced by the Agricultural sector and effective strategies to manage these uncertainties is vital to creating a...

Development and Industrialisation Miracles in Asia: Nigeria and Lessons in Abubakar Gimba's Letter to the Unborn Child and Oh! Uhud [Thyaunting Spirit]

Asia has been one of the most dynamic regions with renown rapid economic growth and development in recent times. In the past few decades, several developing economies such as in Asia have successfully transformed their economies and are acknowledged as newly industrialized economies through conscious technological researches and innovations. The new industrialisers such as China, South -Korea, Malaysia, Japan, India etal are now acknowledged as the key ‘Giants’ giants’ in the global eco...

Globalisation, Sex and Sexuality in Nigerian Literature: A Focus on Toni Kan's Ballad of Rage

ABSTRACT Globalisation is the trend of increasing interaction between individuals, people and nations with a focus on increasing trade, ideas and culture. In recent times, literature tend to aid in the transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations. This process is attained through the consumption of social cultures, which have been caused by migration, internet and popular culture media. This cultural circulation extends ...

Quashing racism: Presenting the ‘Comprehensive socio-cultural persecution complex’ as a logical extension and a practical application of the Certainty uncertainty principle for the soci

We begin this paper by attempting to define the highly nebulous, ambiguous and misleading concept of race, and review current literature to show that the term ‘race’ is a fundamentally a highly antiquated and flawed concept. We also revisit various other contemporary theories on human classification including anthropometric and genetic ones. We also summarize the principles, concepts and tenets of our paper of the ‘Certainty uncertainty principle’ for the social sciences which was pub...

Quashing racism: Presenting the ‘Comprehensive socio-cultural per-secution complex’ as a logical extension and a practical application of the Certainty uncertainty principle for the social sc

We begin this paper by attempting to define the highly nebulous, ambiguous and misleading concept of race, and review current literature to show that the term ‘race’ is a fundamentally a highly antiquated and flawed concept. We also revisit various other contemporary theories on human classification including anthropometric and genetic ones. We also summarize the principles, concepts and tenets of our paper of the ‘Certainty uncertainty principle’ for the social sciences which was pub...

Analysis of Societal Disposition to LGBTQ using She Called Me Woman by Azeenarh Mohammed

The issue of LGBTQ rights and acceptance is one of the most controversial and debated topics in the world today. LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer, which are terms that describe people who have different sexual orientations or gender identities than the majority of society. LGBTQ people face various forms of discrimination, violence, and oppression in many countries and cultures, especially in Africa, where homosexuality is illegal in most nations and punishable ...

Exegetical Exposition of John 15: 1-8: On the Theme of Christian Fruit Bearing with Application

Christians are branches in Christ, and so God expects fruit from us because we have been called to bear fruit. Jesus says that he is the true vine from whom we are to receive nourishment. Truly we need this nourishment to live a productive life that bears fruit. Just as Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in our Old Testament text were nourished with excellent wisdom and understanding that was ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in the whole kingdom of Babylon (Daniel 1:...

Torture and Inhuman Acts in Nigeria: What is the Nigerian Government's Response to Human Rights Violation and the Impact of the Democracy System of Government in the Life of Individuals?

Nowadays, many nations are promoting and seeking out the renowned form of government known as democracy. If it is indeed the case that democracy and human rights are incompatible in certain circumstances, it implies that the assurance of freedom, justice, and equality for all segments of society is ensured. Democracy serves as a mechanism to safeguard and uphold fundamental human rights, which are characterized by their virtuous nature, balanced approach, and appropriate level of moderation. ...

Ghana and China Country Comparison

Ghana is often regarded as a favorable nation within the West African region due to its successful transition to a democratic multi-party system in 1992. Ghana, situated in West Africa, was once recognized as the Gold Coast nation. Following its attainment of independence from Britain in 1957, Ghana emerged as the inaugural Sub-Saharan nation to liberate itself from the shackles of slavery and colonialism within the West African region. Nevertheless, Ghana has gained recognition as one of the...

Behavioural Orientation of Youth in Visakhapatnam: An Empirical Study

This article presents the socio-economic conditions, likes, dislikes, hobbies, activities and aspirations of the youth in Visakhapatnam. As we know, youth are the competent strength and asset for every nation. The ideology of youth is changing from generation to generation. The goals, hobbies, likes, dislikes and activities of the present generation of youth are different from the previous generations. This is a quantitative research study conducted at Andhra University in Visakhapatnam. The ...

Knowledge and Access to Primary Health Care Information Among Women in Rural Setting

Primary health care center offer professional medical care for individuals based on a locality or community before shifting them to more advance hospital-based care. Unfortunately, few studies exist on Knowledge and access to primary health care information among women in rural area in developing countries. This study adopted interpretative paradigm and collected qualitative data using Dervin Sense-Making theory approach. The collected data were analyzed using inductive analytical processes. ...

Qualitative Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation in Research Paradigms: The Case of Library and Information Science Research

Scholars base their research on certain philosophical paradigm. There is a close-fitting connection between interpretative research paradigm and qualitative methodology. Many novice scholars are experiencing difficulty in understanding the interconnection between interpretative research paradigm and qualitative methodology. Understanding this interconnection provides directions or guide for data collection, analysis and interpretation of findings. This article discussed the interconnection be...

Social Learning theory as a Theoretical Framework for Understanding Non-use of Clinical Information Resources among Medical Doctors in Resource Constrain Settings

Universities library have invested in medical library and provide clinical and pre-clinical information resources and services to encourage quality teaching, learning and research. Unfortunately, the university library are losing huge sum of money due to the non-use of medical library. Using Vygotsky’s theory of social development and his perspective on social interaction and MKO. Therefore, this study explored the reasons for non-use of medical library among medical doctors in Brau Dikko T...

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