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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Causes of women marginalization and its effect on their performance of socio-spiritual roles in christian churches in Kisii Central Sub-County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The aim of the study was to find out the causes of Lay women marginalization as they perform socio-spiritual roles in Christian churches in Kisii central sub county in Kenya and their effects to the Christian churches. The study design was cross- sectional survey that was performed in Kisii County Sub-county in Kenya. Self-administered questionnaire were administered to 375 Lay church members and 34 to Christian church leaders. Data was collected and analyzed descriptive...

Inculturating the Gusii concept of religious offering in catholic liturgy: Perspectives from the catholic diocese of Kisii, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Formal Catholic worship is known as celebration of the Lord’s Supper, popularly known as The Mass. This liturgy has three parts; the Introductory Rights, the Liturgy of the word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This study focused on inculturation of the first phase of the third part known as the offertory. All the local Catholic Churches in Kenya have made efforts to inculturate her worship, including the Catholic Diocese of Kisii in Kenya. This study set out to exami...

Entrepreneurship, SMEs and management styles in Kenya

Abstract/Overview Sub-Saharan Africa in general and Kenya in particular, provide a challenging business environment. In this contribution the authors first present an overview of the economic, sociocultural and institutional hurdles for small-scale entrepreneurship. These challenges notwithstanding, there are some success stories that flourish. Many entrepreneurial initiatives explicitly try to learn from the current policy failures. The paper will in particular focus on the impact of man...

Textese and writing skills: aid or interference for high school learners of English

Abstract/Overview There seems to be no end to the debate about whether textese positively or negatively affects writing skills of high school learners of English. For instance, Carrington (2005:171) observes that “text messaging „infects‟ Standard English…leading to lower scores on written examinations”. Plester, Wood and Joshi (2009) similarly found evidence that text literacy is positively associated with Standard English literacy. However, Crystal (2008:157) does not just dis...

Women’s organising for self-improvement in colonial and post-colonial Kenya: A historical analysis

Abstract/Overview Research on women’s activities and interests was spurred by the feminist movement in the 1960s and has sustained its recognition as a genuine field of investigation. Since early 1970s national and international attention has focused on women. In Africa, research on women grew intermittently in the wake of the global feminist movement and despite numerous setbacks it has grown incredibly. It was particularly boosted after the UN Declaration of Women’s Decade in 1975. ...

Boundary and resource conflict between Kisii and Nyamira counties at Keroka town (1963-2017

Abstract/Overview Daily interaction of society members in a given locality depends on their level of acceptance and recognition of one another as distinct and unique individuals. Thus, coexistence of communities in disregard to administrative boundaries, clans or ethnicities is quite instrumental in realizing the goal of development. However, the introduction of devolved units of government in Kenya since 2013 following the promulgation of the 2010 constitution has generated politicized r...

Boundary establishment and its influence on pastoral resource conflict between the Pokot and Karamojong since 1902

Abstract/Overview International boundaries remain finite lines of divisions by which national geopolitical space is delineated and contained. This understanding is based on territoriality and sovereignty of each state denoting what is internal and external to the state. The thrust of this paper is that the establishment of the international boundary between Kenya and Uganda not only split or separated pastoral communities that hitherto lived together but has contributed in fueling cross b...

Is marital status a predictor of job satisfaction of public secondary school teachers?

Abstract/Overview Job satisfaction is a globally important factor in determining human capital and subsequent worker productivity. In Kenya, human capital is a major concern as evidenced by teacher burnout and the strikes in the teaching fraternity. This study investigated the influence of marital status on job satisfaction of public secondary school teachers in Kisii Central Sub-County, Kenya. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s two factor theories guided the present study. Th...

Student leadership in selected public universities in Kenya: A disenfranchised pressure group or a veritable integral in university management

Abstract/Overview This paper was based on an exploratory study carried out on student leadership in three public universities in Kenya in 2004/2005 academic year. The study was premised on the challenges facing student leadership and the transformative roles student leadership plays in the management of student affairs and overall university management. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire from a sample of 34 student leaders and analyzed through descriptive statisti...

Effects of floods on crop farming: a case study of Budalangi Division, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Floods are extreme weather events that occur when water rises to overflow on land that is not normally submerged. Flood is one the major natural disasters affecting man and his environment in Kenya, floods have been declared a National disaster. Budalangi Division, which lies in the floodplains of rivers Nzoia and Yala experiences floods every year. This has resulted in decline in agricultural production. The inhabitants of the division are threatened by food Insecurity ...

From assessing language endangerment or vitality to creating and evaluating language revitalization programmes

Abstract/Overview For over two decades now, linguists, educators and anthropologists have directed their efforts at researching about factors that occasion and result from language shift (Trudgill, 1991; Fishman 1991, 2001, Crystal, 2000; Edwards, 1992; Sasse, 1992; Landweer, 2000; Crawford, 1995; Blair and Freeden, 1995; Dorian, 1981, 1989; Brenzinger et. al. 2003; Paulston, 1994; and Lewis, 2006). However, since the formulation of the Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale (GIDS) by ...

Conflict resolution among pastoral communities in west Pokot County, Kenya: a missing link

Abstract/Overview Conflicts and conflict resolutions among pastoral communities are not new phenomena. Among the pastoral communities living in arid and semi arid environments of Kenya, conflicts over control of and access to natural resources area common phenomenon. Despite the increase in peace building initiatives conflicts inthese areas are far from ending resulting in conflict-torn pastoral regions. The current study investigated conflict and conflict resolution strategies in West Po...

Image schemas in political discourse in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study of conceptual interaction has attracted the attention of many scholars in Cognitive Linguistics. Primarily, the analysis has focused on the role of image schemas in the construction of metaphors. This study explores the PATH image- schema and the role it plays in conceptual formation of metaphors in political discourse in Kenya. It presents the PATH image-schema and the subsidiary image schemas it activates in metaphors of politics in Kenya. The study’s aim i...

Critical discourse analysis of recurring themes in opinions on jubilee government’s performance in Kenya between April 2013 and December 2015 in local digital dailies

Abstract/Overview Opinions are important in raising public awareness and assessing government on development issues. Understanding opinion of the electorates is a critical aspect for political success and service delivery. The objective of this study was to conduct a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of recurring themes from opinions on Kenya’s Jubilee Government’s performance from local digital dailies between April 2013 and December 2015. Opinions in local digital dailies have conti...

An assessment of the role of non-state actors in development of community-based ecotourism in Kenya’s Western tourist circuit

Abstract/Overview This study was mounted to provide better understanding of the role non-state actors (NSAs) are currently playing in the context of community-based ecotourism in the western tourist circuit of Kenya. The motivation to carry out this research stemmed from the fact that there is dearth of information on this important area of scientific inquiry. While the existence of NSAs engaged in various aspects of ecotourism development in the western circuit is not contested, this con...

121 - 135 Of 8202 Results