Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

Role of Chinese Economic Diplomacy in Fostering Infrastructural Development in Kenya Since 1963

Abstract This study investigated the role of Chinese economic diplomacy in fostering infrastructural development in Kenya since 1963. The focus was on how this partnership manifests itself in infrastructure development. This study was anchored on power theory, modernization, and dependency theories, which were triangulated to inform the conceptual framework of the study. This study adopted historical, cross-cultural, and survey research designs. Questionnaires, interview guides, and focus gr...

Effects of Mau Forest Evictions on Human Security of the Ogiek Community, Kenya

Abstract Forest communities have had to globally endure evictions, sometimes forceful, due to the need for governments to conserve the environment by protecting forests from negative human actions. The Ogiek are hunters and gatherers and rely mainly on wild fruits, beekeeping, and game hunting as a source of livelihood. Animals, e.g., hyrax, were hunted. The Ogiek's lives and sources of livelihood are highly dependent on the forest. The Ogiek community of Mau Forest, Kenya, is a forest commu...

Challenges and Opportunities Resulting from Mau Forest Evictions of Ogiek Community, Kenya

Abstract his paper presents the results and discussions of the objective of the study, which assessed the challenges and opportunities resulting from the evictions of the Ogiek people from the Mau Forest Complex. The study looked at the challenges faced by the Ogiek and the government following the evictions. Secondly, it examined the opportunities that the Ogiek community and the government experienced after the evictions. Public interest and human needs theories underpinned the study. The ...

Socio-Cultural Dynamics Influencing Domestic Violence in Nyeri County, Kenya

Abstract For many years, domestic violence has been stereotyped as violence against women and girls, with men as perpetrators. However, in recent times, men have also become victims. Domestic violence is a violation of human rights and should not be condoned. Nyeri County has experienced tremendous development and, therefore, changes in terms of education, occupation, and economic activities, making it one of the richest counties in Kenya. With these changes in society, there is a high level...

Influence of Statist Inter-ethnic Political Leadership Transformation in the Management of Inter-ethnic Conflicts in Bungoma County, Kenya

Abstract The study interrogates the influence of statist inter-ethnic political leadership transformation in the management of inter-ethnic conflicts in Bungoma County. In Kenya, specifically in Bungoma, the 1963 conflict in the region acquired a political and national outlook. In 1992, despite 29 years of independence, the violence was unparalleled. The specific objective of the study was to examine the effect of statist inter-ethnic political leadership integration in the management of int...

Effectiveness of Non-Custodial Reintegration Programmes on Welfare of Returnee Terrorist Fighters in Mombasa, Kenya

Abstract A strong and effective non-custodial reintegration process, working in close collaboration with civil society organizations and communities, will facilitate transition back into society for former violent extremist offenders, demonstrate ongoing goodwill, and provide an essential support structure for the returnee terrorist fighters. This study aimed to assess the influence that non-custodial reintegration programs have on the well-being of returned terrorist fighters in Mombasa Cou...

Challenges and Opportunities of Domestic Violence in Nyeri County, Kenya

Abstract For many years, domestic violence has been stereotyped as violence against women and girls, with men as perpetrators. However, in recent times, men have also become victims. Domestic violence is a violation of human rights and should not be condoned. Nyeri County has experienced tremendous development and, therefore, changes in terms of education, occupation, and economic activities, making it one of the richest counties in Kenya. With these changes in society, there is a high level...

Causes and Consequences of Post-Election Violence in Kenya

Abstract The election of leaders by the people is the aim of democratic procedures. An electoral system is intended to ensure that the outcomes reflect the preferences of the majority of voters, providing elected officials’ legitimacy, and that the results are unchallenged in any form. The aim of this study was to identify the causes of the post-election violence. Voting theory served as the foundation for this work. A descriptive study approach using both qualitative and quantitative meth...

Conflict in Somalia: Drivers and Dynamics (1969-2006)

Abstract: Somalia has been without a functioning central government since January 1991, when the military regime collapsed and civil war among clan militias broke out. During the subsequent decade, de facto decentralization of political power largely along clan lines has occurred, with varying degrees of territorial control achieved by militia leaders and local administrations in different areas of the country. The study focuses on the factors and dynamics at play in the Somalia conflict by ...

International Dynamics of Internal Conflict: The Role of Slavery in the Liberian Conflict (1820 to 2003)

Abstract: Almost every internal war has an external component. Some external effects are purposive, where external actors aid and abet internal factions and governments. There are cases, however, of purposive international action that have prevented, mitigated, resolved, or managed internal conflicts. International response to conflict has always presented new dynamics to an existing conflict. The role of a variety of international actors, including individuals, states, international organiz...

United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: A Case Study of Rwanda Peace Support Operations (2004 – 2012)

Abstract: Despite the failure of the United Nations (UN) to stop the 1994 Genocide, Rwanda has been actively participating in peacekeeping operations under the African Union (AU) and United Nations (UN) efforts in Sudan and troubled countries since August 2004. This study will mainly focus on three important variables through which Rwandan Defence Forces (RDF) largely originate its great success in peacekeeping missions. This study examines the role of UN peacekeeping mission in Rwandan conf...

Child Protection and Conflict in Africa: A Case Analysis of Children Associated With Armed Conflict in the Horn and the Great Lakes Regions of Africa

Abstract: This paper seeks to investigate child protection/child rights in armed conflicts in the HOA and GLRA. By establishing the principles of child protection during armed conflict, the study tries to establish a conclusive analysis on the plight of CAAC in the HOA and the GLRA. In addition, the study aims at investigating the extent of the execution and implementation of child rights in armed conflict in the HOA and the GLRA, and also it aims at examining the prospect involvement of chi...

Impact of Isiolo International Airport Project on Resource-Based Conflict in Kenya: The Case of Borana in Isiolo County, 2017-2020

Abstract: Isiolo County has experienced conflict over a long time. The conflict could be best described as resource based as it has always involved one or more of the resources that the local population has been competing over, which ranges from water, pasture and land among others. Currently, there is a great flurry of land speculation and illegal acquisition where by national and county government to address resource-based conflict is expected. The study sought to investigate the impact of...

Assessing the Operationalisation of Triple Nexus in Protracted Crisis; A Case Study of South Sudan (2017-2022)

Abstract: Many communities have been thrust into humanitarian crises as the number and complexity of conflicts have increased. Despite the supply of humanitarian aid, conditions worsen, and conflicts recur. As a result, the United Nations, and its partners, including NGOs, civil society, and local or national government actors, have been compelled to employ new approaches to offer long-term solutions - the triple nexus. It specifically refers to efforts in the humanitarian, development, and ...

Reintegration of Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone from 2002 to 2021

Abstract: The use of child soldiers in West Africa has been a longstanding problem, particularly in countries affected by conflict and political instability. Children as young as 7 years old have been recruited into armed groups and used to carry out a range of activities, including combat, intelligence gathering, and forced labor. Sierra Leone is one of the West African states that faced a decade-long civil war. The use of child soldiers was a common problem in Sierra Leone's civil war, and...

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