Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

Sustainable solutions in management of refugees in IDPs

This research paper examined the sustainable solutions in management of refugees in IDPs it emphasis on solution oriented approach and the responsibility of the State in the protection of IDPs,  This paper focuses on this topic, which employ human needs theory and this helps to explain the work better it also gives recommendation which includes: (1) Humanitarian actors have an important role to play in post-conflict peace-building.(2) The Nigerian government should fight corruption and ensur...


The number of people killed by terrorist acts around the globe has decreased over the previous five years, while the number of incidents in this area has more than doubled since 2016. About half of all fatalities that were attributed to terrorism occurred in sub-Saharan Africa in 2021, with more than a third of those deaths occurring in just four countries: Somalia, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali. The expansion of violent extremism or terrorism to other regions of the continent, such as Mozamb...

The Socio-Political and Economic Implication of Insecurity in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research work was conducted in Abuja Nigeria to determine the Socio-Political and Economic Implication of Insecurity in Nigeria. The research was able to trace out some of the implications of insecurity and its effects on National Development. The study revealed insecurity as a global issue that creates a lot of devastating implication in many if not all nations, putting Nigeria into confusion, wasting a lot of lives and properties, spending excessively, seeking both technical...

Conflict and Conflict Management A Case Study of Tharaka and Tigania Clans of Meru Community in Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study is to establish the causes of conflicts between the Tharaka and Tigania clans and how that conflict is managed by various stakeholders. The study has analyzed the following objectives: causes of conflicts between Tharaka and Tigania clans of the Men community. the socio economic political and cultural impacts of the conflicts, the role of the government and other non state actors in resolving the conflict and the way forward. Both qualitative and quantitat...

Cultural Practices and Inter Tribal Conflicts in Jongori State- South Sudan

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to identify the strength and weakness of respondents in terms of cultural practices and inter tribal conflicts, to disprove or prove the theory under which the study was underpinned, to test the null hypothesis of no significant relationship between cultural practices and inter-tribal conflicts and to identify existing gaps and contribute to existing knowledge by filling the gaps identified. The study was guided by four specific objectives which include...

Justice Mechanisms and Resolution of Beledweyne Tribal Conflicts in Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study focused on justice mechanisms and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia. The study objectively sought to; examine analyze the role of local courts and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia, to appraise the effect of clan meetings and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia and to exm1ine the mediation and resolution of Beledweyne tribal conflicts in Somalia. The study adopted a descriptive design because it gathered data from a s...

Effects of Conflict on the Delivery of Social Services. A Case Study of Kyuso District Eastern Kenya.

ABSTRACT  This study investigated effects of armed conflicts on delivery of social services in Kyuso District of Kenya. The region continue to experience intermittent conflict from Somali and Kambas. The specific study objectives include; to find out the services affected by the conflicts; to identify the people affected by conflicts in accessing services and to find new methods of delivering the services in such violence — tone areas. The literature indicates little success in resolving t...

NGOs Activities and Peace Building in Uganda The Case of Gulu District

ABSTRACT  The research study was about NGOs activities and peace-building in Uganda a case study of Gulu District Northern Uganda. The study was guided by research objectives which included: determining the level of NGOs activities in peace building and achievement in Northern Uganda and establishing if there is a significant relationship between the NGOs activities and peace-building in Gulu district Northern Uganda. The Existing Literature gaps was that some authors had under estimated the...

Domestic Violence and Womens Dis-Empowernment in West Point Township-Monrovia, Liberia

ABSTRACT  This study was done to establish the impact of domestic violence on women’s disempowerment in West Point Township Monrovia, Liberia. The study objectives were to determine the forms of domestic violence, examine the causes of domestic violence and how domestic violence disempowers women in West Point Township. The study was conducted based on a sequential mixed method design in which both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection were used. Quantitatively the study ...

Youth Employment and Peace Building in Galkayo District, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study sought to establish the relationship between the relationship between youth employment opportunities and peace building among in Galkayo district Somalia. The study was guided by four specific objectives and these included: to establish the relationship between youth employment creation and peace building in Galkayo district Somalia; to examine the influence of youth skills development on peace building in Galkayo District Somalia; to investigate the influence of youth em...

Identity at the peace, conflict security & development Nexus

All animals recognize differences between “self” and “other”. In human societies, these differences take on enormous significance, partly because humans are so individualistic – rather than being clone-like automatons, humans have individual personalities. Society validates that individualism by giving infants unique names. Those names also keep track of who’s related to whom, sometimes for generations back into the past. On the other hand, Ethnic groups constitute an identity as ...

Nile Politics From Conflict to Mutual Benefit, the Opinion of Ethiopian Journalists

ABSTRACT  This study entitled 'Nile politics: from conflict to mutual benefit vis-a-vis opinion of Ethiopian Journalists' is well-timed. This is true since there has been war rhetoric and low scale conflict on Nile. The research was guided by the objective of exploring the opinion of Ethiopian journalists on the relevance and applicability of the 1929 and 1959 Nile treaties, examining the outlook of the media on the current ongoing Nile negotiations, investigating the opinion of the press on...

Influence Of the Civil Society Organizations on Post-conflict Peace Building; A Case Study of Gulu District In Northern Uganda

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of the Civil Society Organizations on Post-conflict Peace building with reference to Gulu District in Northern Uganda. This study was guided by three objectives, that is, to determine the influence of CSOs in enhancing post-war reconciliation, postwar internal security and postwar economic recovery in Gulu District. This study was a cross-sectional survey research design because it focused on a cross-section of people and CSOs in Gulu. The study ...

Management of State Resources and Public Order in Selected Public Institutions, Kampala, Uganda

Table of Contents Preliminaries Declaration A Declaration B ii Approval sheet iii Dedication iv Acknowledgement v Table of Contents vi List of Tables vii List of Abbreviations viii Abstract ix Chapter Page One THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 4 Purpose of the Study 5 Research Objectives 5 Research Questions 6 Null Hypotheses 6 Scope 6 Significance of the Study 7 Operational Definitions of Key Terms 7 Two REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Concepts, Ideas,...

The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: Prospects and Challenges

ABSTRACT The study examined the “United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo”. The study used a case study. This study was guided by the following objectives: to examine different initiatives the U.N peacekeeping mission in eastern Congo has undertaken in order to stabilise this region. To unearth challenges the U.N peacekeeping mission is currently facing, and to unveil available opportunities that can be helpful for the mission’s success. A self-adminis...

61 - 75 Of 210 Results