Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

Relationship Between Refugees and Host Communities in Western Uganda: A Case Study of Nakivale Refugee Camp

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between refugees and host communities in western. The study was set to investigate the relationship between refugees and host community in Nakivale, the strategies that may be applied to manage the conflict between refugees and host communities, and the challenges faced by refugees a result of restriction to Camps. Primary data was gathered using questionnaires and interview guide. Secondary data was obtained through analyzing related literatur...

The Influence of Defence and Security-Related Budgets On Conflicts and Formation of Militias in Jonglei State, South Sudan. (2005-2011)

ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of defence expenditure and securityrelated budgets on conflicts and formation of militias in Jonglei state of South Sudan and it was based on four specific objectives: (a) to determine the characteristics of the defence and security-related budgets in South Sudan; (b) To ascertain the level of access to defence and security related budgets by various groups and how this influences conflicts and formation of militias; (c) Analyze the recruitment, appoi...

The Effects of Armed Violence On “Communities of Malaso Division of Samburu Central District of Kenya

ABSTRACT This survey, “The effect of armed violence on the communities of Malaso division Samburu central district of Kenya”, described the impact of on the communities of Malaso division. Livestock raiding have become increasingly violent since 1996 as small arms became increasingly widely available. It is now associated with higher and less discriminate loss of human life and greater livestock losses. Insecurity has had a negative impact on the mobility of livestock and access to some o...

Ethnic Conflicts in Stability and Development in Kenya: A case Study of Kitale Town, Trans-Nzoia District Kenya

ABSTRACT During the Past 10 years (2000 -2009) perennial conflicts involving the communities of Western Kenya have assumed an increasingly violent nature. In most cases the conflicts have resulted in the deaths of dozens of men, women and children and the theft of thousands of livestock. The purpose of the study was to investigate the implications of ethnic conflicts on stability and development in Trans-Nzoia District in Kenya. Objectives of the study were to investigate the historical caus...

Scarce Resources and Inter-Clan Conflict in Selected Districts in Mandera County, North Eastern Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was set out to establish the extent to which scarce resources lead to inter- clan conflict in selected districts in Mandera County in North Eastern Kenya. Specifically the study was to (i) determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, rank, income level, highest educational qualification and district of residence (ii) determine the level of scarce resources (land, water and pasture) in selected districts in Mandera County in North Eastern Kenya (iii) de...

Ethnic Violence and Peace Building among the Communities of Murie and Lou-Nuer in Jonglei State - South Sudan

ABSTRACT This study was carried to understand the influence ethnicity have on violence, the effect of peace building initiatives laid to mitigate violence between the two communities beside the availability of correlation between these variables. The researcher utilized documented reports on ethnic violence, focus groups discussions and questioners beside interviews. This study found that ethnification is decisive in violence between the two communities and peace building initiative rendered ...

Mass Media and Extent of Violence in Selected Sub-Counties in Western Region, Rwanda

ABSTRACT This research investigated the relationship between mass media and extent of violence in two selected sub-counties in Western Region, Rwanda. Apart from determining the profile of respondents, the study investigated the level of influence of mass media in the study areas, extent of violence in the subcounties, and established the significant relationship between the level of influence and the extent of violence. Different theories and concepts were articulated in the literature revie...

Exploring the Response of the Local Community to Challenges of Hosting Refugees at Nakivale Camp.

ABSTRACT This study explored the response of the host community to challenges of hosting refugees at Nakivale camp, western Uganda. Using a qualitative research design, 32 participants were purposively recruited in the host community and the refugee settlement. Four focus group discussions each consisting of 6 participants and eight in-depth interviews were conducted. The focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were minute recorded, transcribed, coded, and analyzed thematically based ...

Child Rights and Abuse in Tharaka District Eastern Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study is to examine child’s rights and abuse in tharaka in order to evaluate the most common forms of child right abuses, who are the main right abuses , the factors predisposing children’s other stake holders to strategies to be adopted to promote children’s rights protecting The study was guided by the following objectives, to identify the common forms Childs rights abuses in tharaka identify factors .Predisposing children to abuse in tharaka and to identify the challen...

Abyei’s Flashpoint for Future Cooprations and Conflict Between Sudan and South Sudan

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of Abyers flashpoint for future Cooprations and Conflict between Sudan and South Sudan. The first objective was to analyze the underlying causes of border conflict between Sudan and South Sudan in particular Abyei region. The second objective was to examine the challenges limiting efforts to establish peace and stability along the border region between the two countries. The third objective was to propose comprehensive peacebuildin...

Foreign Intervention and Persistent Conflict in North Kivu Province, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

ABSTRACT African countries have suffered conflicts both intra and inter-state often originating from foreign intervention by either super powers or other powerful member states. This intervention in Africa chronicles the foreign political and military interventions in Africa during the periods of decolonization (1956-1975) and the Cold War (1945-1991), as well as during the periods of state collapse (1991-2001) and the “global war on terror” (2001-2010). Since the late 19th century, Congo...

The Influence of Defence and Security-related Budgets on Conflicts and Formation of Militias in Jonglei State, South Sudan. (2005-2011.)

ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of defence expenditure and securityrelated budgets on conflicts and formation of militias in Jonglel state of South Sudan and it was based on four specific objectives: (a) to determine the characteristics of the defence and security-related budgets in South Sudan; (b) To ascertain the level of access to defence and security related budgets by various groups and how this influences conflicts and formation of militias; (C) Analyze the recruitment, appoi...

Drought And Natural Resource Based Conflicts Among Pastoralists in Greater Kapoeta Area of South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study titled "Drought and natural resources based conflict among pastoralist communities" conducted in Greater Kapoeta area of South Sudan. The study was conducted to determine whether resource scarcity contribute significantly to prevalence of conflict; to investigate the recurrence of drought in the study area and its impact on pastoralists' livelihood; and to study the drought coping mechanisms of pastoralists. Its main objective was to find out the impact of drought on confli...

Socio-economic Reintegration of Gender Based Violence Survivors and Peacebuilding in Walungu Territory In South-kivu Of Democratic Republic Of Congo

ABSTRACT This thesis is entitled “Soclo-economic Reintegration of Gender Based Violence Survivors and Peacebuilding in Walungu territory in south-kivu of Democratic Republic of Congo”. The study was carried out based on four specific objectives: to determine the socio-economic reintegration activities of GBV survivors which contribute to the Peacebuilding process in Walungu territory among the Rega and the Shi ethnic group victims of the war violence. The researcher looked at f actors aff...

Government Resettlement of the Internally Displaced Persons of Okwang Sub County, Otuke District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT This research focused on the resettlement process of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) and analyses the challenges which hindered the sustainable resettlement of IDP5. The displacement in northern Uganda was caused by the conflict between the LRA and the government of Uganda. This conflict persisted and lasted for about 20 years and the magnitude of the displacement caused the people to be considered one of the heights in the world. Most of the IDPs have been living in camps t...

106 - 120 Of 210 Results