Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

Conflicts In Pastoral Communities and Their Economic Implications: A Case of Marsabit Central District of Northern Kenya

ABSTRACF Over the years, conflict has remained the major cause of under-development in Northern Kenya. The conventional causes i.e. scarcity of pasture, water, small arms proliferation e.t.c. appear to have no eminent solution due to the deteriorating climatic change and global warming with anarchy setting in the neighboring countries like Somalia and Ethiopia. The research focus to find out the socio political factors that influence inter-Tribal conflict and the Economic Implication among th...

Civil Society in Conflict Resolution in Garbaharrey and Belet-Hawa Towns Gedo Region Somalia

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the role of the civil society in conflict resolution at grass root levels in Garbaharrey and Belet-hawa towns of Gedo region, Somalia The specific objectives of the study were to identify magnitude of the conflict; establish contributions of civil society and to find out challenges faced by the civil society groups in Gedo region, Somalia. Questionnaires and focus group discussion were applied to collect data from the 100 respondents selected...

Child Labour and Governments Free Education Policy in Ayivu County, Arua District in Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study examined the influence of child labour on government’s free education policy in Ayivu county, Arua District in Uganda. A self made questionnaire is used to collect data in order to obtain four research objectives; 1) to identify the profile of the respondents, 2) to determine the extend of child labour, 3) to establish the level of success of government’s free education policy, 4) to establish if child labour is significantly correlated with government’s free educa...

National Unity and Reconciliation through a Professional Based Media in the District of Nyamagabe, Rwanda

ABSTRACT  This study “National Unity and Reconciliation through a Professional Based Media in the District of Nyamagabe, Rwanda” was aimed at finding out the extent to which a professional media influences a national unity and reconciliation process as previous studies have covered the same study but emphasizing on Gacaca courts and reconciliation. Therefore, the research was carried out in media sector and in Nyamagabe District, Rwanda. This study has used a descriptive approach in that...

Non-Governmental Organizations Humanitarian Relief in Uplifting Pastoralist Dependency in Wajir District, Northeastern Kenya

ABSTRACT  Humanitarian organizations have become important sector in the provision of assistance to many disaster affected people in the world. Humanitarian relief is the provision of life-saving assistance to those in need, including victims of both conflicts and natural disasters. However, many non-governmental organizations came with humanitarian assistance as a short term intervention creating dependency. The consequences of the above being less motivated pastoral population ,less produc...

Domestic Violence in Rwanda and its Effects on Family Stability A Case Study of Spousal Homicides

ABSTRACT  The thesis is entitled “Domestic violence in Rwanda and its effects on family stability, a case study of spousal homicides. Domestic violence continues to be a problem in Rwanda despite measures taken by the government, Non-Governmental Organizations and individuals to end it. The study is about establishing forms, causes artd effects of domestic violence on family stability, The specific goals of this research were to provide insights into the issue by determining the different ...

Conflict and Students’ Attrition in Secondary Schools in Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study was concerned with conflict on students’ attrition in secondary Schools in Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan. The study was guided by 4 objectives; Determining the profile of the respondents, the level of conflict, The level of students’ attrition and the relationship between conflict and students’ attrition in Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State. The study applied descriptive co relational survey design using quantitative approach to derive meaning...

Road Communication Network as a Factor in Resolving Recurrent Conflict amongst Pastrolists in Mandera and Garissa Districts of Northern Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study was set out to establish the efficiency and effectiveness of improved road communication network in affecting the trends, intensity and impact of recurrent ethnic conflict among pastoralist communities of Garissa and Mandera. Over the years conflict has remained the major cause of under-development in the area. The conventional cause i.e scarcity of pasture, water, small arms proliferation e.t.c appears not to have eminent solution due to the deteriorating climatic change...

Protection of Children on Welfare and Development by the Family and Children Court, Nakawa Division Kampala District Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study focused on protection of children in the Family and Children Court, Nakawa Division, Kampala District in the aspects of welfare and development. The purpose of the study was to establish whether there is a significant relationship between child protection and level of welfare and development in Nakawa Division, Kampala Uganda. The research findings are to the effect that level of protection of children is generally high; level of welfare of children was also found to be ...

Consequences and Effectiveness of Kenya Somalia Border Closure in Mandera East District-of Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study is a descriptive exploratory case study that aims to establish the reasons for the Kenya- Somalia border closure. It will also establish the consequences and the effectiveness of the border closure in Mandera and Beled Hawa towns respectively in Kenya and Somalia. Lawlessness, insecurity and anarchy are the order of the day in Somalia. This insecurity has extended to Kenya due to proliferation of arms, entry of illegal immigrants and smuggling of goods. Kenya having been ...

Resolution of Conflicts Involving Children An Evaluation of Nakuru Law Courts in Kenya

ABSTRACT  In Kenya the enactment of the Children Act in 2001 was a milestone step towards resolution of Children-related disputes. The Children’s Act that was passed into law in March 2001 has several objectives. They include making provision for parental responsibility; adoption; fostering; maintenance and custody; guardianship; care and protection of children; to make provision or administration of children’s institutions and to give effect to the principles of the United Nations conve...

Community-Based Development Policies of Umuganda and Peace-Building in Post-Genocide Rwanda

ABSTRACT  This study focused on “Community —based development policies of umuganda and peace-building in post-genocide Rwanda”. The study was guided by the general objective which was to explore the relationship between community based development policies and peace building in post genocide Rwanda with the following specific objectives (i) To determine underlying explanatory factors of peace-building in the post genocide Rwanda (ii)To identify the extent to which community based devel...

Drought and Natural Resource Based Conflicts among Pastoralists in Greater Kapoeta Area of South Sudan

ABSTRACT  The study titled “Drought and natural resources based conflict among pastoralist communities” conducted in Greater Kapoeta area of South Sudan. The study was conducted to determine whether resource scarcity contribute significantly to prevalence of conflict; to investigate the recurrence of drought in the study area and its impact on pastoralists’ livelihood; and to study the drought coping mechanisms of pastoralists. Its main objective was to find out the impact of drought o...

Igad in Intra-State Conflict in Upper Nile, South Sudan

ABSTRACT  The study on the role of IGAD in Intra-State Conflict was carried out from Upper Nile State of South Sudan. The study was guided by four specific objectives: (i) To establish the role of IGAD in promoting peace and security in intra-state conflict in Upper Nile State, South Sudan; (ii) To examine the effects of intra-state conflict on peace and security in Upper Nile State1 South Sudan; (iii) To identify the challenges faced by IGAD in promoting peace and security in intra-state co...

The Contribution of Peace to Development in the Post Conflict Period (2005-2011): Study of Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT For over five decades, during and after civil wars, (EES) has been an area long weighted down by instability mainly due to internal conflicts driven by culture of raiding of livestock, povefty, grazing resources and boundary demarcation which caused insecurity that deters development in the region. Thus, the great challenge facing the government of State, investors and civil society groups tackling development in this war torn region is viewed as a critical lesson about the issues as...

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