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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Ontological Foundation of African Philosophy: A Hermeneutic Comparison of the Ontologies of Janheinz and Anyanwu K.C.

Abstract: Philosophy is a critical or systematic approach towards unravelling the mysteries of nature. It is an inquiry into facts of life, a quest for knowledge, and an incursion into providing answers to life's most important questions. Different peoples and cultures make frantic efforts in this philosophical search, contextually interpreting reality in a bid to make meaning of life. The compounding problem of life that flows from the magnitude of existential phenom...

Autobiographical Elements in Washington Irving's RIP Van Winkle

Abstract This essay examines Washington Irving’s short story “Rip Van Winkle” from an autobiographical perspective by focusing on the commonality and resemblance between the author and his fictional hero. It suggests that Rip and Irving have many similar traits which underline the deeply personal and subjective dimension of the tale. It begins by considering some of these traits such as idleness, generosity and kind-heartedness. It claims that both Rip and Irving are characterized by th...

Use of Facebook Memes Stickers as a Medium of Self Expression: A Case of the University of Maiduguri

The study examines use of Facebook memes stickers as a medium of self expression among students. The objectives of the study were to examine; the reasons for use of Facebook memes stickers for self expression among students, the types of self-expression Facebook memes stickers are used for, the effect of Facebook memes stickers. The research work was conducted using primary and secondary sources, that is the through administering of questionnaires. Survey was the method used and l25 responden...

Religion and its Role in Conflict Resolution

Today, there are many conflicts around the world. More often, the issues in conflicts are traceable to religion by some scholars. And this constitutes a problem as to if religion can offer anything positive in the resolution of conflict and building of peace in the society. Most of the time, religion is viewed as a motive for conflict and has emerged as a key component in many current and past conflicts. However, religion does not always drive violence; it is also an integral factor in the re...


Several factors have an influence on how the Christian message is received by non-Christian hearers and how the Christian theology is being received by people generally. One such ideology that developed in the mid to late twentieth-century, which has become prominent in the modernized societies, is “Postmodernism.” This broad movement expresses itself in a variety of subjects including art, architecture, history, literature, medicine, and religion. As the movement gained ground, postmoder...

The Messainic Prophecies of Isaiah and Ezekiel

Abstract The messianic prophecies in the Old Testament start with a promise of hope and a virgin birth in the Garden of Eden after the fall of humanity in Genesis 3:15. The theme of the Messiah is woven into each book of the Old Testament as a part of Israel’s salvation history specifically as follows: the seed of the woman in Genesis, the Passover lamb in Exodus, the high priest in Leviticus, the pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night in Numbers, the prophet like Moses in Deute...

Does Interreligious Dialogue Negate Evangelism and Conversion?

Christians engage in dialogue with their religious and non-religious neighbors for a variety of reasons. They might want to get to know them better, or they might want to draw from the wisdom that their neighbors have acquired in the course of their lives. They might want to work out how to live together when their communities are in tension, or they might want to discuss projects of joint interest for the benefit of our communities. One of the principal reasons for engaging in such attentive...

Old Testament Prophetism and Biblical Paradigm of the Schools of the Prophets

This paper discusses the prophetic ministry and the order of training employed at the time of the Old Testament. Worthy of note is that, the name given to bands of prophets or “sons of prophets” living together for instruction and worship under Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha. Little is known about these schools, but they seem to have been important religious institutions in Israel and references to them are frequent. Not all the “sons of the prophets” claimed to have a supernatural gift; ...

The Challenges of Ministerial Integrity in 1 Samuel 12:1-5 to Pastors in the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria

Abstract The research “The Challenges of Ministerial Integrity in 1 Samuel 12:1-5 to Pastors in the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria” addressed the scaring acceleration of characters that depicts lack of integrity among some pastors in the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria.  Thus, the research is targeted towards investigating the possible causes, effects of and solutions to lack of pastoral integrity among some pastors in the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria and highlighting what should be the...

Against Prosperity Gospel (Theology) in the Christian Community Today: An Exegetical Study of Galatians 1:6-12

Prosperity theology has remained a religious phenomenon contemporary Christianity still contends with. This teaching is justified by those who argue that Jesus came to liberate the “poor” from the bondage of poverty and brought healing to all areas of a believer’s life. Healing, it is believed, was linked to the work of Christ on the cross and demonstrated his victory over all forms of affliction. The Prosperity Gospel is the doctrine that God wants people to be prosperous, especially f...


Rising from the proliferation of Ethiopianism and Pan-Africanism, Rastafarianism took root in Jamaica following the coronation of Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I in 1930. A spiritual movement based on the belief in Selassie’s divinity, its followers congregated around preachers like Leonard Howell, who founded the first prominent Rastafarian community in 1940. Additional branches surfaced by the 1950s, and within two decades the movement had earned global attention thanks to the music of...


The Gospel according to Matthew is one of the Synoptic Gospels. It was written by Matthew who was believed to be an eyewitness of many of the events he recorded. He was a tax collector before he was called by Jesus and had scribal skills and knowledge of Judaism. He was a competent witness of what he has recorded. He emphasized Jesus’ Jewish heritage and demonstrated how Jesus fulfils the Old Testament prophecies (Kapolyo 1105). Matthew’s gospel is a teaching gospel containing five blocks...


Martin Luther was born on November 10, 1483 to Hans Luder and Margareth Lindemann in Eisleben, Germany, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire. Martin Luther was a German priest, a professor of theology, and an iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation. Breezy Aaron explained that when he was younger, he dedicated himself to a monastic life, fasted, prayed a lot, and always confessed to keep himself clean from sin. Later on in his life, one of his superiors by the name of Johann von Staupi...


The Missions of the church is the concern that in places where there are no Christians there should be Christians, In other words, Missions means to plant churches through evangelism (Newbigin 23). He adds that the aim of missions should be the establishment of a new Christian community that is as broad as society and is as true to the national situation. He has in mind here the idea of Christianization that is highly questionable today in a world that is characterized by religious pluralism ...


The church in Jerusalem represented in Acts 6 verses 1–4 was promptly challenged by the problem of inequity and lack of fair play among the various stakeholders and such disaffection reached a situation of murmur and open agitation. This challenge to the apostles was a threat to the consolidation of the already established Christian community in Jerusalem and its spread to the whole world. Something must be done to arrest the situation or the Church runs the risk of disintegration. Having s...

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