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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Evaluating the Accuracy of Social Media News Reports

The emergence of social media has led to the emergence of new generation of content creators and distributors. Some of these creators have also delved into the business of news production and distribution online. Online news reports come with a lot of imperfections because of the flexible or outright lack of professional gatekeeping. This has led to the emergence of fake news. Based on the Uses and Gratification theory, this study evaluates the accuracy of online news reports, audience reliab...

Female Representation and Objectification in Zulu Sofola’s The Sweet Trap

The paper analyses the portrayal of the female gender in Sofola’s The Sweet Trap. Particular reference is made on women representation and objectification in the selected play. The overriding focal thrust of the play is the supremacy of tradition and the foregrounding of female agitation for a complementary relationship with their male counterparts. The play does little or nothing to break the patriarchal barrier imposed on the exercise of right by women even as Sofola weaves through the im...

Sam Ukala’s Perspective of Cultural Collision and Tragic Vision in Iredi War

This paper draws on Sam Ukala treatment of tragic vision and cultural collision in Iredi War. It seeks to create an insight into the dynamic of tragic conflicts and conceptualize precisely the cultural entanglement in the play. In Ukala‘s Iredi War there is an obvious dominance of the tragic mode, considering that the play depicts the essence and existence of cross-cultural communication and differences in an unpredictably uncertain environ. It also depict the dynamism, complexity and ephem...

Social Media: Towards the Realisation of A Global Stance for the African Voice

Social media usage has presented another platform for the African voice to be heard all over the world; with social media African people have the medium to tell their own story to the world. Thus, this paper aims at examining how technologically framed social media articulations have contributed to the realization of a global stance for the African voice. Key Words: Africa, social media, Internet, African story, global influence.

Indigenization Paradigm: A Must Shift for Akwa Ibom Broadcasting Corporation (AKBC) Television Programme Content

Television is a conduit for cultural learning, through which the mass society are constantly reminded of their cultural heritage. This paper examined the programming content of Akwa Ibom Broadcasting Corporation (AKBC) television based on the indigenization paradigm with particular interest on the use of indigenous language. It was aimed at determining the percentage of local to foreign content as well as ascertaining the level to which the cultural objectives of the National Broadcasting Com...

The Advertising Paradigm in Nigerian National Dailies: A Content Analysis Approach

The Nigerian print media have recorded tremendous growth through technological innovation and advancement that have resulted in increased number and content of national dailies. The print media as a powerful force of communication engineered by its competitive advantage of low cost and possibility of referral is largely patronised by advertisers. Using a combination of content analysis and unobtrusive observation, this study examined the composition of adverts placement in three Nigerian Nati...

Theatre and the Metaphysics of Consciousness in Okpokam’s Ngun: Calibrating Artaud’s Theatre of Cruelty and Heidegger’s Notion of Being

This paper seek to correlate the search for self and knowledge in Okpokam Ngun with Antonin Artaud‘s articulated idea of a philosophical theatre calibrating it with Martin Heidegger‘s critique of consciousness. Artaud‘s vision of the ‗Theatre of Cruelty‘ provides an inquiry into consciousness in that he saw theatre as a way of uncovering Being. He stressed a radical return to experience in artistic practice. For him, this was also the overcoming of metaphysical thinking. While for H...

Cultural Identity and Diversity among the Efịk and Qua of Calabar

Abstract Culture takes diverse forms across time and space. This diversity is embodied in the uniqueness and plurality of the identities of the groups and societies making up humankind. As a source of exchange, innovation and creativity, cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. In this sense, it is the common heritage of humanity and should be recognized and affirmed for the benefit of present and future generations. Many of the specific cultural differe...

Media Evolution and the Challenges of Managing Virtual Interactive Processes for Media Research

Virtual interactive process occurs when a process that relies upon physical interaction between people and/or objects is transitioned to a virtual environment. Virtual process is having profound effects on society as an increasing number of persons and particularly researchers are migrating to virtual environments. The purpose of this paper is to explore the strategies that ensure effective management of virtually conducted research. The manager of a virtual process is not much different from...

Miscommunication and EnGENDERed Spaces in Nigerian Digital Performances

The Nigerian theatre now transcends the physical space to the virtual sphere manifesting as digital performances. Within this virtual space is an over lapping layer of mediatized performances which are reinforced in a number of ways. Interestingly, the performances accommodate overwhelming references to the female gender and there exists mis/communication of perceived bias and prejudices against women. This essay critically analyses some of these digital performances through the lenses of dig...

The New Normal and Gendered Violence in Nigerian Film Space

Arguably, film is the most magical form of storytelling. It is that genre that is most similar to our dreams; a place where a lot of possibilities abound. In the case of Nigerian films, there is little or no holding back as creativity and imagination are often interlaced with biased and unbiased social constructs. This study considers ‘New Normal’ as the current thematic preoccupation of Nigerian films to trivialise women’s rights and promote abuses. This phenomenon is contextualised as...

Influence Of Child Labour on Academic Performance of Secondary School Student in Ila Local Government

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                                                       i Approval                                                                                                         ii Dedication                ...

Corruption and Public Attitude Towards the Nigeria Police Force (A Case Study Of Ilorin West Local Government)

ABSTRACT          Nigeria political and economic system has been characterize by series of crisis in which corruption surface to be one of the major challenges. Thus, this project work examined corruption among the Nigeria Police Force and as it affect the entire public attitude. The findings of this work will enhance Nigeria as a state in facing the cankerworm and use every possible solution in combating it. From the research, the questionnaire distributed to the public revealed tha...

The Causes and Effect of Drug Abuse Among Adolescents in Selected Secondary Schools (A Case Study of Patagia Local Government Area Of Kwara State)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                   Approval page                                                             Dedication                                                                   Acknowledgement                                                        Abstract                                                              �...

An Examination of Parents and Teachers Perception and Attitude Towards the use of Corporal Punishment in Secondary Schools in Irepodun Local Government Area

ABSTRACT          The research work was set out to find out the Examination of parents and Teacher’s perception and attitude toward the use of corporal punishment in Secondary School in Irepodun LGEA.          Data were collected from two hundred randomly selected students through influence of an examination of parents and teachers perception and attitude towards the use of corporal punishment in secondary schools questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using frequency,...

1696 - 1710 Of 8224 Results