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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Selected Factors Influencing Degree Choice And Placement: A Comparative Study Of Regular And Self-Sponsored Students In Kenyan Public Universities, Kenya

ABSTRACT The task of choosing a degree programme to study in the university by students is a significant career task in which the outcome is influenced by various factors such as; family, career interests, financial resources, career information, among others. The students are either satisfied or dissatisfied with the outcome of their choices and this may affect their ability in handling future career tasks. This study aimed at determining the influence of family, financial resources, career ...

Social Factors Contributing To Recidivism Among Discharged Prisoners: A Case Study Of Mukobeko Maximum Correctional Facility In Kabwe District, Central Province Of Zambia.

Recidivism cuts across in most nations in the world with its negative consequences on individuals, social and economic spheres of life. Despite various intervention strategies, the rate of recidivism has been on the increase. The present study was designed to determine social factors contributing to recidivism among discharged prisoners at Mukobeko Maximum Correctional Facility. The study adopted a qualitative research method, using the descriptive survey research design. The sample for the ...

Revalence Of Secondary Traumatic Stress, Its Predictive Factors And Coping Strategies Among Psychotherapists In Nairobi And Nakuru Counties Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya has experienced many traumatic events in the recent past in which psychotherapists have been called upon to do trauma counseling. A review of Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) literature indicates that engaging in therapeutic work with trauma victims can and does, impact on the therapists. Reactions may include avoidance, arousal, and numbing of trauma and may possibly lead to STS. The psychotherapist if secondarily traumatized may engage in behavior that impedes the therapeuti...

Fire Incidence Preparedness By Mazabuka Municipal Council: A Case Study Of Urban Markets.

Fire incidents have been on the rise in the country with urban markets experiencing devastating property loss and business disturbances. However, the public has been putting the blame on the local authority as it the one mandated to prevent and respond to fire outbreaks. This report presents a study conducted in Mazabuka at the municipal council and urban markets from February to May 2018.The aim of the study was investigate fire incidence preparedness by Mazabuka municipal council in urban m...

Assessing The Legal Framework And Institutional Impediments In Protecting The Rights Of Street Children In Zambia: A Study Of Lusaka Urban

  This dissertation focused on assessing the legal a frame work and institutional efficacy in a bid to protect the rights of street children as enshrined in the Universal Declaration for Human Rights of 1948 and the African Charter of Human and Peoples Rights of 1981 to which Zambia is a signatory. For the purpose of this research, the institutions referred to are the law enforcements agents, Healthy Institutions, Educational Institutions, the judiciary, Family, the social welfare institutio...

Implications Of Legislation On The Provision Of National And Public Library Services IN Zambia

currently (2017), there is no single institution designated as a national library in Zambia. Although national library services are provided by some institutions, there is no legislation to support them. efforts to foster the enactment of library legislation since 1976 have not resulted into this law being passed. this study measured the correlation between the lack of legislation and the provision of national library services in Zambia. the study comprised a cross-sectional survey to collect...

Integration In Kenyan Smes On Their Business Operations Factors Influencing The Growing Of Gankata And Kafwamba As Alternative Maize Varieties To Climate Change Adaptation In Mazabuka Distr

Smallholder farmers in Mazabuka district of Southern province of Zambia have been experiencing worsened climate change related shocks especially dry spells or drought, increased incidences of crop pests and diseases in the recent years. Farmers have had to cope with such shocks through the adaptation of local crop varieties in order to remain food secure. The overall objective of the study was to understand farmer perceptions and provide evidence on the role of local maize, particularly Ganka...

Measuring The Effects Of Village Bank Programme On Household Income. A Case Study Of Vulamkoko Village In Katete District Zambia.

The study was conducted to analyze the effects of village bank programme on household income in Vulamkoko village in Katete district Zambia. A cross sectional study design was used and a purposive sampling technique was used to obtain the data. Data were obtained using the structured questionnaire, two focused group discussions in Kadula and Chimutende and some indepth interviews with key informants .The sample size was 100 households and 50  constituted the non-village banking members, whic...

Investigating The Relationship Between Mandatory Contractual Savings And Stock Market Development In Sub-Saharan African Countries

This study investigates the relationship between mandatory contractual savings and stock market development in Sub-Saharan African (SSA). It also investigates the compatibility of the policies and regulations adopted in SSA countries, with the relationship between mandatory contractual savings and stock market development. Before the exploration of the relationship, an analysis of the characteristics of both mandatory contractual savings and stock markets was done.  The rationale of the stu...

A Business Case For The Adoption Of A Knowledge Management Strategy And Government Policy As Precursors For Divapreneurship Development In Zimbabwe

This thesis showcases a business value proposition to policy makers for the adoption of a new business paradigm involving the infusion of knowledge management practices, strategic thinking and government policy intervention for divapreneurship development in Zimbabwe.  The significance of knowledge management (KM), in women entrepreneurial development arises from the fact that KM is considered as one of the most effective strategic toolsfor enterprise survival (Kim and Koh, 2011).  Notwiths...

Exploring The Factors Influencing The State Of Physical Infrastructure Of Subordinate Courts In The Republic Of Zambia

The Judiciary, as the guardian of the Constitution, through its Courts, plays its principle role of administering justice, promoting the rule of law and protecting human rights of individuals, as such it should be housed in proper fit for purpose infrastructure. However, the Judiciary in Zambia, especially at Subordinate Court level, has continued to operate in pre-independence court buildings which are too small and not conducive for the dispensation of justice in the modern era. Though the ...

Transformation Of White Settler Agriculture In Colonial Kenya: The Case Of Molo, Nakuru District, 1904-1963

ABSTRACT The study examined the transformation of white settler agriculture in the Molo area during the colonial period. Settler farming was an important aspect of the colonial economy in Kenya. Settler farming in Molo area was introduced due to a combination of economic and geographical factors. The study first discussed the origin of European settlement in Molo in the early colonial period up to 1918. The study further examined agricultural changes in the inter-war period (1919-1938) in Mol...

Estimating Enteric Methane Emissions From Smallholder Dairy Cows Under Seasonal And Agro-Ecological Variations In Feed Digestibility In Kenya

ABSTRACT In Sub-Saharan Africa, national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories are computed with non-country specific Emission Factors (EF) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier I approach. An alternative is Tier II or Tier III approach, which is country-specific using detailed animal performance and feed characteristics data and more accurate EF for developing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS).This study sought ...

Influence Of Selected Factors On Help-Seeking Behaviour Among Public Secondary School Students: A Comparative Study Of Nyeri And Nairobi Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT Secondary school students are exposed to many problems which they are unable to handle on their own and instead of seeking counselling, they tend to keep these problems to themselves. Many factors including perceptions of social supports, personal coping, self-efficacy, help-seeking experiences, attitudes toward psychological help, locus of control, perceived problem severity and gender among others influence the help-seeking behaviour. The purpose of this study therefore was to exam...

Strategic Lean Thinking And Value Management For Gravel Roads In Zambia: A Case Study Of Output Performance Based Road Contracts

This research topic is entitled ‘Strategic Lean Thinking and Value Management for Gravel Roads’. The study captured 82 respondents as research sample to a case study of Output Performance - Based Contracts (OPRCs) for the Construction and Maintenance of Gravel Roads in Zambia. Purposive sampling was used as most research participants were drawn from second generation OPRCs that were active between 2009 and 2014. The study was aimed at devising new Construction and Maintenance Contract met...

3166 - 3180 Of 8249 Results