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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation Of Lime In Ameliorating Soil Acidity For Improved Yields Of Intercropped Sugarcane And Soybean In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Farmers in Western Kenya contribute significantly to the Kenyan economy through food and cash crop production such as sugarcane. However, the acidic nature of the soil reduces the yields due to soil fertility problems. Acidity is further accelerated by the long term sugarcane monoculture and long term use of acidifying fertilizers. Cropping systems such as intercropped sugarcane referred to crop diversification is currently advocated and practiced by smallholder farmers. The producti...


Abstract While some Scholars are of the view that Islam permits simple interest but frowns at compound interest due to time value of money, many consider both to be prohibited. It is against this backdrop that the paper examines and interprets the meaning of the word riba in the contexts in which they are used in the four places in the Qur’an and the Hadith. Using the analysis in these sources, the study finds that ad'qfan muda'afah in Q3:130 means a continual increment which could le...

Member Ownership And Democratic Sustainability In Primary Agricultural Marketing Co-Operative Societies In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Bukoba And Moshi Districts

ABSTRACT In Tanzania, member ownership in primary Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Societies (AMCOS) is imperative to ensure democratic sustainability. Various efforts have been made to ensure primary AMCOS are governed by democratic practices which are based on member owned practices. But such democratic sustainability is still far from being realised. The general objective of this study was to analyse member ownership factors that influence AMCS practice in Tanzania to attain democratic ...

Indigenisation Policy As A Vehicle For Socio-Economic Rural Development In Zimbabwe: A Case Study Of Chivi Community Share Ownership Trust From 2007-2014.

Abstract The onset of the colonial rule in Zimbabwe during the 1890s retarded the socio-economic fortunes of the country and ultimately led to the impoverishment of the blacks. Rural communities in Zimbabwe have suffered centuries of poverty and underdevelopment since colonialism segregated them from development and took them as reservoirs of cheap labor for the advancement of settler colonial economy. The Indigenisation programme is one among other empowerment programmes designed to redress ...

An Assesment Of The Strategies That Short Term Insurance Companies Can Implement In Order To Improve The Uptake Of Insurance Products In Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT Households and organisations in the world have come to accept that risk is inevitable in every sphere of life. The insurance mechanism has been used to address risks faced by both organisations and households. The purchase of insurance saw many people who have adopted it enjoy a number of benefits it brings. Like many African countries, Zimbabwe has also experienced low insurance penetration rate as a result of a number of challenges. The process of increasing the penetration rate ha...

Effects Of Compliance With Food Safety Standards On Costs, Benefits And Organization Of Nile Perch Export Supply Chain In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Trading in high-value agro-food and fishery products like Nile perch represents one of the main possibilities for reducing poverty in Tanzania. Nile perch earner foreign exchange and provides employment to communities around Lake Victoria. However, Tanzania has experienced challenges in maintaining and expanding her share of global markets given stringent food-safety requirements in the European Union (EU). Following the three EU Nile perch export bans in the 1990s, several efforts h...

Institutional Determinants Of Food Security In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Singida Region

ABSTRACT Food insecurity is relatively high in Singida Region although there has been an influx of development related institutions, some of which deal with food security. The extent to which the two were linked was empirically unknown. Therefore, the research for this thesis was conducted in Iramba and Singida Districts of Singida Region to determine the role of institutions in improving food security. The specific objectives were to: (i) to appraise qualitatively the role of institutions in...

An Analysis Of The Challenges Faced By Youth In Accessing The Zimbabwe Youth Empowerment Fund. The Case Of Mutare District

ABSTRACT The research aimed at analysing the challenges faced by youth in accessing the youth fund using Mutare District as the case study. The researcher went further to illustrate various legal frameworks that the government has established in a bid to deal with the economic, social and political problems facing youth in Zimbabwe. The researcher has focused on the duty of the government in ensuring the fulfillment of the needs of the youth in Zimbabwe. The study looked at the importance of ...

The Impact Of Foreign Aid On Economic Rural Development In Zimbabwe: Case Of Lower Gweru.

Abstract One of the most important and longstanding arguments in development literature is whether foreign aid promotes economic growth in recipient countries especially rural areas and it adds to the growing literature of foreign aid. Foreign aid aims to improve economic conditions and quality of life in developing countries. The literature on the efficacy of foreign aid to date has been inconclusive due to its debatable nature as to whether it promotes development or it aids to the destruct...

Critical reflections on the contribution to democratic deliberation of a typical conversational rhizome on twitter. A case study of Professor Jonathan Moyo’s selected tweets.

Abstract The researcher focused on the contribution to democratic deliberation of a typical rhizome on twitter. The study explored the deliberations that were taking place on Jonathan Moyo’s twitter page @ProJNMoyo’s selected tweets. The researcher used the public sphere theory with close reference to the virtual public sphere, the network society theory as well as the deliberative democracy theory. The theories helped the researcher by setting the aggregates on how to give evaluations an...

The Contribution Of Youth Development Fund (Loans) Towards Employment Creation Aiming Youth In Zimbabwe From 2009 – 2014. A Case Of Mashonaland Central Province.

Abstract Youths in Zimbabwe constitute a greater proportion of the total population and are the most marginalised group within the African societies in terms of resource distribution. Therefore, the government of Zimbabwe involves the youths in the economy by introducing the Indigenisation and Economic policy, which was supported by numerous programmes. To address the issue of unemployment the government decided to establish the Youth Development Fund in conjunction with the financial institu...

An Examination Of Tactics Used By Zanla To Promote Their Ideology And Agenda For The Liberation Of Zimbabwe. A Case Study Of Muzarabani (1972-1979)

ABSTRACT ZANLA was the armed wing of ZANU, one of the two liberation movements that led the Zimbabwean liberation war. The ZANLA forces adopted the Maoist “fish and water” doctrine along with the Mao’s principles of People’s War in their contest against the Rhodesian army. The reason why the ZANLA cadres choose this warfare strategy was obviously to come out triumphant against the Rhodesian super forces. Guerrilla warfare was adopted for the need of the continued survival of the guerr...

School Dropout In Two Secondary Schools In Zvimba District Area

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at finding the factors leading to secondary school dropout and the strategies that can be used to reduce or eliminate school dropout. The descriptive survey research design was used. Purposive sampling was used to select 30 participants who participated in the study. These included 20 learners, 8 teachers and 2 school heads who all responded to the survey questionnaires. Questionnaires were used in data collection. The research findings showed that there are many ...

The Impact Of Land Size And Farm Fragmentation On Household Welfare: The Case Of Kilosa District In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study on which this thesis is based investigated the impact of land size and farm fragmentation on household welfare in Kilosa District. The specific objectives were to: determine factors affecting household land size, assess the effects of farm size on household income, determine the causes of farm fragmentation, and assess the effect of farm fragmentation on agricultural productivity. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, which was administered to a random sampl...

Chiefs And Contestations Over Power And Territory: The Case Of Njanja Of Buhera District, 1950s-2016.

ABSTRACT The study looked at chiefs and contestations over power and territory: The case of Njanja people of Buhera District, 1950-2016. The research was motivated by the keenness to find the instability of chieftaincy which was informed by contingent socio-economic and political factors. Contestation over power and territory is the prime problem. This was caused by colonial land policies which started in the 1950s such as the NLHA and the abolition of some chieftaincy that disrupt the custom...

3481 - 3495 Of 8249 Results