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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

An Evaluation Of The Contribution Of State And Non-State Actors In Availing Primary And Secondary Educational Opportunities In Gokwe – Gumunyu Area, 1980-2008

ABSTRACT The marginalization of rural areas in Zimbabwe in the post-colonial era facilitated the researcher to evaluate on the programs launched by the state and non- state actors in their effort to promote and improve the standards of primary and secondary education from 1980 to 2008 basing in Gokwe rural area. In the first chapter the thesis discuss the efforts done by the state in promoting primary and secondary education, the chapter also covers the constrains or obstacles which hinders ...

Micro-Controller Based Water Level Sensing System

ABSTRACT The Micro-controller based water level sensing system is an Arduino based project that was designed to capture water level distances using micro-controllers as the tank fills up or as it is emptied. The system will be used for monitoring the daily operations which involve the filling up of the tanks that feed water to the main boilers which generate electricity. Information about the current system was obtained using questionnaires, interviews and observations. Previously, during eac...

Portrayal Of “Other” Christian Denominations On Christian Networks. Focus On Yadah Tv And Christ Tv

ABSTRACT The study seeks to establish the representation of the ‘other’ in the process of creation of meaning by Pentecostal churches UFIC and PHD Ministries in Zimbabwe using Television. It explores the production processes of these Christian Television channels in the content that was broadcast on Yadah TV and Christ TV from the period from January 2015 to December 2016. The study used a qualitative research paradigm. Data was collected using in-depth interviews, observation and archiva...

The History Of Sacred Shrines To Zimbabwe Assemblies Of God Africa: The Case Of Bindura Sacred Shrine

ABSTRACT The issue raised in the secrecy of the sacred places being placed by the independent churches in Zimbabwe with the special focus on the Bindura sacred shrine of the Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) are crucial and pertinent to the faith and wellbeing of Christian who follow the ministry. The research document seeks to bring about the roots of the sacred place of Bindura that will reconcile with the myths which led to the expansion of the ministry. The research is striving to...

An Analysis on the Challenges to Gender Balance In The African Union Standby Force: A Case Of The SADC Brigade 2003-2017

Abstract This study analyses the challenges of gender balance in the African Standby Force with specific reference to the SADC Standby Force from the period of 2003 to 2017. Gender balance in other peacekeeping forces is also noted in this paper. The African Standby Force was established for the reason of solving Africa’s problems that is African solutions to Africa’s problems. As per Article 13 of the Protocol relating to the establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African...

Sustainable Development Goals and the impact of Water Sanitation and Hygiene (W.A.S.H) programmes in rural Zimbabwe: Case of Runde District Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to analyze the impacts of W.A.S.H projects in Runde Rural District. The gradual decline of W.A.S.H services from the 1990s due to the economic downfall affected both urban and rural communities. This created wide disparities between the rural and urban communites in terms of access to clean water and good sanitation with the rural areas being the most affected. As a result the livelihoods, health and well being of the rural people decreased significantly ...

A critical examination of Negro identities in James Weldon Johnson’s Ex Colored Man, Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man and Zora Nearle Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God.

ABSTRACT The study focused on the construction of Negro identities in America as depicted in African American fiction. It explored and critically analysed the reasons to why Negro identities are complex and elusive in nature. The study looked at the challenges Negroes in post slavery America faced and how these challenges contributed in the construction of their identities. Among these challenges was racism and hatred towards African Americans by white America, moreover the contribution of sl...

An account of the slump of the timber industry in bulawayo and its effects on workers; 2007 – 2018.

ABSTRACT Although the deindustrialization subject in Zimbabwe has been touched upon by many historians, none of their works address the demise of the timber industry in Bulawayo. The Timber Industry played a pertinent role in sustaining livelihoods of the people in Bulawayo through the creation of employment. Its plunge affected the livelihoods of people in Bulawayo however this has not captured scholarly attention. Consequently, this research brings to the fore the factors that led to the f...

The Implications Of Tokwe-Mukosi Dam On People‘S Welfare; The Case Of Chingwizi Transit Camp (2014-2016)

ABSTRACT The construction of Tokwe-Mukosi Dam in Chivi area resulted in the displacement of thousands of families from their home area to the Chingwizi Transit Camp in Mwenezi District. The idea of the dam construction started in 1998 but faced a lot of drawbacks due to financial strains the country had. In 2014 Chivi area received a lot of rainfall exceeding the average amount the area receives. This saw the area experiencing floods and thousands of families being displaced. The evacuation o...

Ecumenical Church Leaders Forum (Eclf) Peace Building Work And The Sustanable Development Goals (Sdgs) In Zimabwe: Special Focus On Zaka, Masvingo Province

ABSTRACT Zimbabweans have been struggling to attain sustainable development for quite some time. This was caused by the past unresolved conflicts which blocked their unity making it practically possible to work together. However, this study is grounded on the ECLF‟s peace building work and the SDGs in Zimbabwe, using Zaka as a case study. The research uses a theory from John Paul Lederach who defines peace as a comprehensive term that encompasses the full array of stages and approaches nee...

The Rebranding Of ZANU PF In The New Political Dispensation Between The Period Of December 2017 And March 2018: A Case Study Of ZBC News Online.

Abstract The research seeks to explore how ZBC news online is rebranding the new political dispensation. Thus the study looks at how ZBC framed of political news in the new dispensation especially the rebranding of the Zimbabwe African Nationalism Patriotic Front (ZANU PF). The scope of the study is December 2017 to March 2018. The study is qualitative in nature as it applies the use of archival collection and interviews, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and thematic analysis were applied an...

The search for utopia in NoViolet Bulawayo’s We Need New Names (2013)

Abstract This dissertation explores how NoViolet Bulawayo’s We Need New Names depicts the search for utopia, in relation to migration. It uses the post colonial theory to explain Darling’s consciousness in postcolonial Zimbabwe, which she portrays as a degenerate utopia. The theory informs the textual analysis and evaluation of Darling’s consciousness as she responds to crises and betrayal associated with her home country. The escape to America becomes a journey during the course of wh...

An Analysis Of The Role Played By Civil Society In Promoting Peace And Tolerance In Zimbabwe: A Case Study Of Masakhaneni Projects Trust In Matobo District (2009-2013)

ABSTRACT This dissertation is a critical examination of the role that has been played by civil society organisations in their quest to promote peace, reconciliation and democracy in Zimbabwe, the case study being Masakhaneni Projects Trust. It traces the history of politically motivated violence as far as the liberation struggle for independence. It is also through this study that I seek to expose how a violent political culture has been institutionalized in Zimbabwe‘s politics as a means o...

The representation of Zimbabwean liberation war chronicles in The Sunday Mail and The Patriot

ABSTRACT This research set out to explore the role played by The Sunday Mail and The Patriot in the framing of the Liberation war chronicles from 2015 to 2016 respectively. The main argument of this research is that the two newspapers partially represent all political parties in their reportage of the Liberation war chronicles due to political obligation to the ruling party ZANU-PF. The study assessed the effects of ownership, control and funding mechanism of The Sunday Mail and The Patriot o...

Beyond Documentation: An Analytical Approach Towards The Future Of Museums As Information Centres

ABSTRACT In view of the records preservation status in Zimbabwe’s National Museums, this study tries to ascertain the future of museums as information centres. Using the records life cycle principle and the continuum model which state that documents should be properly managed from the time they are created until their ultimate disposal, this study examined the preservation strategies employed by Zimbabwe’s National Museums to ensure their records survive into the future. For the museum�...

3916 - 3930 Of 8249 Results