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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Youth On Peace Building And Post-Conflict Development In South-Sudan

ABSTRACT This research examines the challenges that the youths in South Sudan face in their efforts towards peacebuilding for a post-conflict developed nation. Using the secondary method of analysis the researcher evaluates specific objectives of the study such as the efforts of the youth in peacebuilding in face of an ongoing conflict in South Sudan, the challenges faced by the youths in their endeavor and how they can access the critical resources to achieve post-conflict development. The f...

Gender Parity In Nigeria: Examining The Implementation Of National Gender Policy In The National Assembly (2011 – 2019)

ABSTRACT Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) standards, both men and women should have equal rights and opportunities to everything worldwide, most especially to participate fully in all aspects and at all levels of political processes. In Africa, women constitute over half of the population and contribute in vital ways to societal development generally. This study has investigated gender parity in Nigeria: examining the implementation of national gender policy in the natio...

EXAMINING Ithe Ichallenges Iof Ipromoting Igender Iequality Iin Inigeria: A Icase Iof Ithe Iunited Inations I(UN)

ABSTRACT The Topic Under review examined the Examining the Challenges of Promoting Gender Equality in Nigeria: A Case Study of United Nations (UN)”. Every human guaranteed inalienable rights both men and women, either by integral and indivisible part of universal human rights. The ifull iand iequal iparticipation iof iwomen iin ipolitical, icivil, ieconomic, isocial iand icultural ilife, iat ithe inational, iregional iand iinternational ilevels, iDespite ithe iimpact iof iUnited iNations ii...

The Influence Of Film As A Mass Medium On Second-Wave Millennials – A Study Of Nigerian Youth Culture

ABSTRACT This study examines the influence that film has had on the youth culture in Nigeria, particularly among the second wave of millennials i.e. those born between 1995 and 2004. The impact of films can be traced all the way back to the late 1920s. As this medium gained popularity in the 1950s, concerns also grew about potential harms, especially in connection with young audiences. This study assesses the influence of film as a mass medium in the formation/cultivation of Nigerian youth cu...

An Integrative Notion of Punishment in Traditional Yoruba Culture

ABSTRACT A challenge confronting the study of punishment in contemporary society is the justification of the institution concerned with the deliberate infliction of suffering on an offender. Most of these justifications have been anchored on either of two competing theories, namely the utilitarian and retributivist theories of punishment to the neglect of integrative notion of punishment found among the Yoruba. However, these theories fail to account for some elements necessary for an adequa...

Spectrum Regulation Framework; A Case Study of NCC Nigeria

ABSTRACT Spectrum is a vital requisite for growth enhancement in this Digital Economy, and the efficient way of managing the use of the spectrum resources is very important. In recent years, wireless and mobile data traffic in Nigeria has increased dramatically and requires significant portion of spectrum. However, accommodating this unprecedented usage of spectrum will require new innovative approaches, these approaches includes cognitive radio and geolocation databases, these approaches pe...

A Linguistics Analysis Of Television Talk Show A Case Study Of NTA Kaduna

ABSTRACT This study seeks to make a linguistic analysis of television talk show, a case study of NTA Kaduna with the aim of describing the nature of its dialogue, providing an assessment of it, and exposing the peculiarities therein. It brings to the fore features that have otherwise not been observed in talk show. The usual assumption by discourse analysts is that language used in institutionalized or formal settings is structured and follow the tenets of discourse analysis. As a result, th...


ABSTRACT The research work investigated the availability and use of Digital Information Resources by undergraduates of universities in Delta and Edo States. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population comprised ten thousand eight hundred and eighty-two students (10, 882) in four universities in Delta and Edo States in Nigeria. The sample size comprised one thousand and eighty-eight (1,088) respondents, selected through proportionate stratified random sampling technique...

The Imperative Of Ethical Orientation In The Public Service In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Ethics as implied in the study lays emphasis on the selflessness and the disposition of the individual towards the realisation of the public goods. This study is designed to address the issues of ethical behaviour as a primary requirement for maintaining and sustaining development in the society. The research concentrates on the essence of ethics and examine its imperativeness in the life of this society as an inevitable assets that can  guarantee stable and sustainable development...

The Impact Of The Slump In Oil Price And Production On Recession: Alternative Options For The Nigerian Economy.

ABSTRACT This project work investigated the impact of the slump in oil price, production and recession in Nigeria thereby postulating possible alternatives for the Nigerian Economy. The data used for the project were got from National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) bulletin on the amount of income Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) in % and Government expenditure on Crude oil export, Non-crude oil export, Oil Price and Crude oil production in million barrels per day. The Ordinary Least Squares M...

The Impact Of Pidgin English On Students Competence In Nigeria University : Case Study Of 300 Level Students Of Mell

ABSTRACT This project is an attempt to explore the recurring grave concerning the academic performance of students. Though a large percentage of students in Nigeria learn English as a second language and are instructed in it, the Nigerian pidgin seems to interfere with their acquisition of the language and their performance in it much more than their mother tongues. The impact of pidgin contributes in no small measure to the dismal performance of students in their academic career

An Assessment Of The Role Of Entrepreneurial Action In Influencing Growth Of Rural Farm Enterprises: A Case Of Selected Districts In Zambia

ABSTRACT Human actions involved in identifying and exploiting opportunities for start-ups and enterprise growth have been studied for some time now (Bird & Schjoedt, 2009; Gartner, Carter, & Reynolds, 2010). But how these actions are triggered and what role they play particularly in rural enterprise growth is a matter that has remained relatively un-researched. Despite the understanding that enterprise growth/failure is an outcome of the entrepreneurial processes, which are emergent from a co...

The Effects Of The Rule Of Law On Democractic Consolidation In Nigeria: A Case Study Of The Fourth Republic.

ABSTRACT The issue of democratic consolidation in the country remains sacrosanct in view of the fact that there is no alternative to democracy. Following the new democratic development in Nigeria a lot of anomalies began to show up like the incessant violation of stipulated rules and regulation which could threaten democracy .It is the essence of this work to examine critically the issues of rule of law as it affects democratization. Several cases of the violation of rule of law were identif...

The Effect Of Card Reader On Election Credibility (A Case Study Of 2015 General Elections)

ABSTRACT Beginning from the pre-independence era, elections in Nigeria have been characterized by political violence; gross electoral malpractices; government‟s interference; money politics and the use of ethno-religious identities in shaping the voting patterns of the electorates. Nigeria with a population of over 170 million is fragmented into diverse ethnic groups. The country was conceived by the British Colonialists and till date Nigerians are yet to see themselves as one entity. The ...

The Activities Of Christian Association Of Nigeria (C.A.N) (A Case Study Of Their Religion And Political Activities In Kebbi State, Nigeria).

INTRODUCTION Praise be to Allah, the most merciful, the Holy sovereign as well as guardian of faith, and the exalt in might. He is the master of the day of judgement. He sent Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) with His message (Islamic religion) as a teacher, convener of his message and His mercy upon all human beings. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Allah (S.W.T) sent Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) with the religion of Islam as a complete way of life of humanity. It is the process conveying this great messag...

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