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Research Papers/Topics Education

The Impact Of Menstraution On Girl Child Education: A Case Study Of Alen Du Primary School, Kisumu-Keny A.

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARA'fION .................................................................................................................. i iPPR_OViL ........................................................................................................................ ii l)f:iDJC1-"fION .................................................................................................................. iii lCI(NOVLEDGElVlENT .................................................................

Motivation And Academic Performance Of Slow Learners A Case Study Of Umuru Division, Kiambu West District Nairobi, Kenya

The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of motivation and academic performance of slow learners in selected learners in Limuru Division, Kiambu West district in Nairobi Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine the problems faced by the slow learners in Limuru division, establish the characteristics of slow learners, and determine the major courses of learning difficulties in Limuru division and to establish the intervention measures which can be taken to overcome learnin...

Auto Ma Tic Teller Machines (Atm) And Service Delivery. A Case Study Of Crane Bank Kampala - Uganda

This research examined the financial institutions that accept deposits from customers and give loans to customers. In Uganda, commercial banks have increased their services by introducing automated teller machines (ATMs). Automated Teller Machine (ATM) banking system is the latest system adopted by bank world wide to foster and improve on service delivery within the banking industry. Crane Bank has installed these machines in order to serve its customers very effectively and efficiently and t...

Difficulties Encountered By Learners With Hearing Impairment In An Inclusive Setting: A Case Study Of Machakos School For The Deaf, Central Division, Machakos District Kenya

ABSTRACT In this special study paper, the researcher aimed at establishing learning difficulties encountered by the Pupils within hearing impairment in the inclusive setting. This study was carried out in Machakos school for the deaf located in central division, Machakos district. Ten class teachers represented the whole population. The researcher targeted a sample population of Head teachers, class teachers, and all learners of ten classes. The researcher used questionnaires as the mai...

Causes Of Girl Child Drop Out From School In Chiakariga Division, Tharaka District, Eastern Province Kenya

Recent research statistics has shown that the prevalence of girls dropping out CJ/ schools in Kenya is expanding rapidly to the distraction of the society. Kenyans cannot afford to complacent about it, thus there arises an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the factors responsible for school dropouts especially among the girls. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the factors responsible for school drop ou...

The Study Of Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Of Mothers Towards Family Planning In Arda Regional Refeeral Hospital

ABSTRACT This report on the " Study of Knowledge, Practices and Attitude of Mothers" carried out in Arna Referral Hospital at the Family Planning Unit specifically to find out; mothers' knowledge, attitude, participation in regard to family planning as well as its impact on their welfare. To comprehend the problem of the study, the researcher carried out a documentary review on the literature. The study employed a descriptive exploratory design based on qualitative and quantitative approaches...

Effects Of Single Parenthood In The Education Of Children: A Case Study Of Kasemeni Division, Kinango District, Kwale County

The recent rapid increase in divorce, along with its distinctive cultural and welfare environments for single-parent families, makes Kenya an interesting case for examining effects of single parenthood on children’s education. Using data from the questionnaires distributed I compared the levels of educational aspiration and student disengagement between students with two parents and those with a single parent, distinguishing divorced single fathers, widowed single fathers, divorced single m...

Discipline And Academic Performance In English Language In Secondary Schools A Case Study Of Ishaka - Bushenyi Municipality Bushenyi District

The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between Discipline and Academic Performance of English in Secondary Schools. The study had three objectives; to determine the level of discipline of~ measure the level of academic performance of students; to find out if there is a significant relationship between the level of discipline and academic performance. The research was conducted in Bushenyi District. It employed descriptive research design. Instruments were questionnaires, i...

The Effects Of Teachers’ Attitudes On Education Of Learners With Hearing Impairement In Regular Schools In Kabarnet Division, Baringo District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The research was carried out on the attitude of teachers towards the inclusion of learners with hearing impairment in regular primary schools, This was because the feelings of most regular primary school teachers that these learners affect and lower the academic performance of their schools. Therefore these learners are forced to repeat classes or dropout of school. It is due to this that the learners with hearing impairment do not perform well in regular schools. The researcher used...

The Impact Of Remuneration On The Performance Of Teachers In Private Secondary Schools Of Serere Districts

ABSTRAcT This study is about remuneration and their effect on the performance of teachers in private secondary Schools in Serere district. The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of remuneration on the performance of teachers in private secondary schools in Serere district; while the specific objectives were to identify the types of remuneration used in Private Secondary schools and to establish the effect of remuneration on the performance of teachers in those schools. The ...

Absenteeism And Academic Performance In Mathematics Of Std Eight Students. A Case Study Of Kiorori Primary School - Kish District-Kenya

ABSTRACT ['he performance of mathematics in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (K. C P E) has ,een dismal, a situation many have said to be sad and wanting. :::hildren from more than 50% of the Kenyan population who live below the poverty line do not Lttend school regularly, due to unknown reasons. This has realiy worsened the performance in C.C.P.E. The researcher therefore ventured to find out the impacts of absenteeism on the >erformance of mathematics of the learners. ter the re...

Tile Effects Of High Enrolment On Academic Performance In Standard Seven Classes In Kabarnet Division, Baringo D;Strtrt Kenya

Having been appointed by the Ministry of Education and posted to one of the primary schools in this area of study ten years ago, I have made several observations. The one which has posed a great concern is the over enrolment of pupils in the Standard Seven classes in the majority of the Primary Schools. As compared to the rest of the classes, the class in reference leads in enrolment. The amateur observations carried out indicate the majority of the pupils are repeaters. Few are promoted from...

The Effect Of Poverty And Attitude On Secondary School Education; The Case Of Othaya Divisionnyeri District Central Province Kenya

The research was principally descriptive involving both qualitative and quantitative techniques of data analysis. Stratified random sampling techniques were also used to select respondents for the study and total of130 respondents participated in the study. The main instruments for data collection were questionnaires, focused group discussions and faceto-face interviews were conducted. Data collected using questionnaires and a structured interview guide was analyzed using frequency counts in ...

Financial Resource Management Challenges On Private Primary Schools In Uganda: A Case Study Of Makindye East Sub Division, Kampala District

This repmi is about a study that aims at establishing the financial resource management challenges on private primary schools in Uganda. The study was conducted from six-selected I Primaiy school in Makindye East Sub Division, Kampala District. The study involved 150 respondents; 6 headteachers, 24 teachers and 120 pupils. The study used self-administered questionnaires and an interview guide as the major data collection instruments. A review of the relevant written documents was also done to...

The Assessment Of Hearing Aid To Learners With Hearing Impairment In Nairobi Kenya

The study aims at assessing the hearing aid to learners with hearing impairment in Nairobi Kenya. The researcher applied survey method that involved qualitative and quantitative approaches of collecting raw data. Thirty questionnaires were sent to thirty respondents who completed and returned all of them to the researcher. The respondents were randomly sampled. Frequency tables, bar graph and pie chart were used to assemble and analyze the raw data in percentages. The data analysis explains h...

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