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Research Papers/Topics Education

Influence of School Environment On Academic Achievement of Student in Public Secondary School

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate the influence of school environment on academic achievement of students in Enugu State public secondary schools. The design of the study is descriptive while the population comprised principals and teachers in the education zone. The sample size for the study was 600 respondents while a researchers’ self developed questionnaire formed the instrument for data collection. Three experts validated the instrument and a cronbach Alpha reliability ...

Non- Cognitive Correlates of Senior Secondary School Student Achievement in Geography

ABSTRACT This research was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between noncognitive variables and senior school achievement in geography. The purpose was to see the extent by which non-cognitive variables predict achievement in geography. Three research questions were asked and three hypotheses formulated and tested at .05 level of significance. The design of the study was a correlational survey design. The researcher developed the non-cognitive questionnaire (NCQ) and it was face validat...

Perceived Guidance Counselor Role in Maintenance of Family Stability of Secondary School Teachers

ABSTRACT The study investigated the Guidance Counsellors’ roles in maintenance of family stability of secondary school teachers in Lokoja Education Zone of Kogi State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design in which five research questions were posed and three null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 probability level. The population of the study was 238 teachers, made up of 111 male teachers and 127 female teachers. The entire population of 238 was used as sample. The instrument for data...

Perception of Parent On Over - Schooling of Children at the Pre Primary Education

ABSTRACT Over-schooling at the pre-primary school is a serious violation of the provisions of National Policy on Education. It is seen as over burdening, over tasking and over-tutoring of the preprimary school children. The study was carried out to ascertain the perception of parents on overschooling of these young children using Onitsha educational zone as the area of study. Five research questions and two null hypotheses were formulated while a descriptive survey design was employed. The po...

School Student Achievement in Geography

ABSTRACT The study investigated the comparative effect of Power Point presentation and digital video instruction on secondary schools student achievement in Geography. The study employed a quasi-experimental research design. The study utilized pretest – postest non randomized group design. Three research questions guided the study. Also three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and tested at 0.5 level of significance. The study was carried out in Dutse metropolitan area of Ji...

Strategies for Enhancing Community Participation on Funding of Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the strategies for enhancing community participation in funding of secondary schools in Nsukka Education Zone. The purpose of this study was to find out the constraints that face community participation in funding of secondary schools, community school relation of activities, methods of contribution that would be adopted by the community and policies that should be initiated by the government to enhance community participation in funding of sec...

The Impact of Globalization On Human Resources Management in the Nigerian Public Sector

ABSTRACT This research work assesses the impact of agricultural policies on Nigerian economy. The study covered the key issues on Nigerian agricultural policies especially as it concerned the formulation and implementation of agricultural policies and programmes as well as their achievements in the agricultural sector in Nigeria. The study contends that government’s agricultural policies over the years in Nigeria recorded partial success going by the fact the country still face problems of ...

Parents Attitude Towards the Universal Primary Education in Tororo Municipality

TAB OF CONTENTS PAGE Top page Declaration............................................................................................. (ii) Approval ............................................................................................... . Dedication............................................................................................... (iv) Acknowledgement.................................................................................. (v) List of tables..........................

The Impact of Poor Curriculum Development On the Pupil's Academic Performance in Southern Sudan, Case Study Twic East County Jonglei State

Abstract The study was basically focused on establishing the impact of poor curriculum development on pupil's academic performance taking Twic East County, Jonglei state, in Southern Sudan as a case study, the seriousness of poor curriculum development was unveiled by this study. In the same way effective and appropriate measures that can be applied to rectify the poor curriculum development cases for the proper teaching of pupils in Southern Sudan for the academic excellence were strongly ex...

Child Abuse and Its Effect On Academic Performance of Pupils in Ainabkoi Zone, Eldoret East District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to determine the effects of child abuse on the academic performance of pupils in Ainabkoi zone in Eldoret East district Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the effect child abuse on the academic performance of pupils, to investigate the relationship between Child abuse and emotional behavior, to investigate the relationship between child abuse and violence and to investigate the common types of child abuse in Ainabkoi zone in Eldore...

Administrative Problems Encountered by Public Primary School Head teachers in Kalamba Division, Nzaui District Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research study was to investigate and examine the problems encountered by primary school head teachers during their day-to-day work of administering primary schools in Kalamba Division. The objectives of the study were to identify the kind of administrative problems encountered by public primary school head teachers, determine whether administration problems have any effect on the academic performance of pupils, and to suggest ways on how such problems can be solv...

Factors Hindering the Educational Performance of Orphans in Primary Schools in Kibera Division of Nairobi Province-Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to find out the factors hindering the educational performance of orphans in primary schools. The study involved qnite number of respondents from teachers, pupils from upper classes were, selected in a gender conscious manner, The instrnments employed in this study were mainly questionnaires, and observations accompanied by interview guides. Data was analyzed by the use of statistical packages where by the responses were coded and edited, then presented in t...

Challenges Facing the Education of Hearing Impairment Learners in Schools in Ra Vine Zone Koibatek District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This aims at studying the challenges facing the education of hearing impaired learners 111 schools in Ravine Zone Koibatek District, Kenya. The researcher will also endeavor on finding the solutions to these challenges. The hearing impaired learners face a lot of problems, which affects their academic pe1formance. The data will be collected using questionnaires. The sample will contain head teachers, teachers, parents and learners from the four schools in Ravine Zone. The study will ...

Motivation of Science Teachers and Performance of Secondary School Children in Science Subjects, Eldoret Municipality, Kapsoya Village of Eldoret West District in Kenya a Case Study: Eldoret

ABSTRACT This study is out to assess the impact of motivation to Secondary school science teachers of pupils' performance. The study was guided by three specific objectives: to determine the factors in the motivation systems that motivate science teachers in science subjects in Secondary school; to identify the types of motivation that exist in early childhood education schools; to determine the problems associated with motivation in early child hood education in Secondary schools. To collect...

Investigating Drug Abuse and Their Effects on Learning Process, A Case Study of Kathiani Division Secondary Schools, Machakos District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT There has been great concern on the rising levels of drug abuse in secondary schools. For this reason the objective of this study was to find out the types, sources, effects of drug abuse, reasons and remedies to drug abuse in secondary schools. In this case the study was guided by the following research questions:- 1. What types of drugs are commonly abused by students in our secondary schools? n. Why do students abuse drugs? m. Where do the drugs of abuse come from? Iv. How do thes...

691 - 705 Of 8016 Results