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Research Papers/Topics Education

Factors That Affect Poor Performance of English Language as Subject in Mwala Zone Secondary School, District, Kenya

ABSTRACT English is the official language in Kenya. It is internationally used and anyone who terms themselves educated is judged by their ability to express themselves in the language. The performance of the English subject has however been poor in Mwala division, Machakos district, Kenya. A lot has been done by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to ensure that the subject improves. The research aimed at seeking and identifying the determinants of poor performance of the Engli...

Regular Teachers’ Perception Towards Learners with Epilepsy in Inclusive Settings Kahawa Zone, Nairobi, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The research study was about the “Regular Teachers’ Perceptions towards learners with epilepsy in inclusive settings, Kahawa Zone, Nairobi. Kenya. The main objective was to determine the regular teachers perception towards the epileptic learners in inclusive settings in Kahawa Zone, Nairobi, Kenya. The specific objectives were to identify the knowledge of respondents on epilepsy and also identify the knowledge on factors to be considered for a success in implementing of inclusive...

The Causes of Secondary School Dropout in Moyale District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Although there is high enrolment in schools due to F.P.E and F.S.E however, E.F.A remains an uphill task due to school dropout and the challenges of transition from primary to secondary school dropout is as a result of reproductive health related, poverty related, family related, school related and societal courses. Using data from 20 respondents selected from Moya le boys and Moya le girls' secondary schools; five teachers and five students from each school. This repo11 explores the...

Women Empowerment and Prevalence of HIV Transmission in Munkunyu Sub County, Kasese District

ABSTRACT  This qualitative research investigated the relation between Women empowerment and the’ prevalence of HIV AIDS in Munkunyu Sub-county Kasese District. The descriptive research design was used with and out of total population of one hundred respondents, a sample 50 children and 34 parents both male felmale as well as one NGO within Munkunyu Subcounty, Kasese district drawn using a Stratified random sampling technique. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Scien...

Challenges in the Management of Secondary Schools in Mayuge District

ABSTRACT  The study assessed the challenges in the management of secondary school in Vlayuge district. The specific objectives of the study aimed at investigating the administrative challenge that secondary schools face in Mayuge district. There .5 need for efficient and effective management and running of secondary 3chools. Over the formation however, there has been concern over the mismanagement of secondary schools in Mayuge often resulting to poor performance of these schools in National...

Teachers Turnover Rate and Academic Performance in Mugusu Sub County, Kabarole District, Western Uganda.

ABSTRACT  The study of this report about teachers’ turnover rate in academic performance in mugusu sub county kabarole district western Uganda. It was directed by three objectives and these include. To investigate the relationship between teachers turnover rate and academic performance To determine the levels of academic performance To examine the causes of teachers’ turnover rate The study was carried out using simple random sampling to select a population. A simple size of 240 responde...

The Effects of Classroom Management towards the Academic Performance of Pupils in Madiany Division, Rarieda District, Kenya

ABSTRACT  This study was entirely about the effects of classroom management towards academic performance of pupils in Madiany division, Rarieda district; Kenya. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of classroom management towards academic performance of pupils in Madiany division, Rarieda district. All relevant sources to this particular study were used in I he review of related literature. The research employed a descriptive survey and questionnaires were in this case empl...

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (Aids) and Performance of Pupils Students in Busia District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT  Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) remains a major health challenge world over. In this research, I tried to uncover its effects on performance in schools. It was found that its damage requires special efforts to address.”Ihira” was an illness that closely resembled AIDS. Its cause was “immoral conduct”. The cure for “ihira” was a concotion of herbs called “amanyasi”. Could the cure for AIDS lie in “Amanyasi?”.  In chapter one I deal with the rationale, ...

The Impact of Examination Malpractices on Students Academic Performance In Nyamache Division, Gucha District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..............................................................................................

An Evaluation Of Womens’ Contribution To The Socio-Economic Development Of Madina District In Mogadishu City

ABSTRACT Somali women live in a dominantly patriarchal and matrilineal social system. While men are allowed to establish numerous, autonomous households, women are rarely considered to be independent legal persons. This study investigate core problems of women in their contribution to socio-economic development such as inequality of job opportunities, educational gab for men and women, and cultural backward which can’t allow women participation in community activities. This study is a...

The Use of Teaching and Learning Materials On Curriculum Instruction in Early Childhood Development Centres

ABSTRACT The major purpose of this research study was to assess the availability and use of teaching and learning materials in curriculum instruction in ECD centres within Garissa Division. The researcher employed a descriptive smvey design. Simple random sampling was used to select teachers and head teachers. Questionnaires were also used to somce primary data. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and percentage tables were used to summarize and interpret the data. The findi...

Gender Relations and Spread of Hiv/Aids Among Fishing Communities in Kalangala District. Case Study: Kyamuswa Sub-County.

ABSTRACT The study was carried in Kyamuswa Sub County, Kalangala district. It was carried out to analyze how Gender Relations influence the Spread of HIV/AIDS among Fishing Communities. The study used an exploratory research design to describe how gender relations influence the spread of HIV AIDS in the fishing communities of Kyamuswa Sub county, Kalangala district. The study population included Fisher folk, local council leaders, Beach Management Units, Community Development Officer, Sub co...

Causes of School Dropout in Secondary Schools in Makindye Division- Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on the "causes of school dropout in Uganda" was carried out in Makindye, with specific aims of; determining the reasons of school drop out, finding out whether more girls drop out from school than boys and investigating the role played by the curriculum and the instructors in school drop out. A review of related literature was caiTied out on already existing information on the specific aims of this paper as a way of comprehending the problem and enriching the study findings...

Attitude of Teachers Towards the Teaching of Mother Tongue in Nguni Division, Mwingi District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Cover page Declaration ......................................................................................................... .i Approval ............................................................................................................ . Dedication ....................................................................................................... . Acknowledgement ....................................................................................

The Impact of Subsidized Secondary Education on Academic Performance of Students in Kabartonjo Division, North Baringo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Recent research statistics has shown that the Subsidized Secondary education introduced in the year 2007 had lead to a large influx of Students into Secondary schools. Kenyans cannot afford to complacent about it, thus their arise an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the issue of academic performance on the influx of Students. The study adopted a Descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the impact of Subsidized Secondar...

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