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Research Papers/Topics Education

Environment and Academic Performance of Physically Handicapped Learners in Regular Schools of Rongo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research report contains five major chapters as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction; The research investigated effect of environment and academic performance of physical handicapped learners in regular school and suggests solutions to these problems under recommendations in chapter  five.Chapter II. Review of R&ated Literature; The researcher reviewed related literature on the following sub headings:-Types of learners with physical handicap, orthopaedically impaired, Neurologic...

The Impact of In-Service Project on Students' Enrolment in Physics in Secondary Schools in Emining Division Of Ko Iba Tek District

ABSTRACT The central problem of this study was to evaluate the impact that the teacher In-Service Education md Training has had on enrolment of Physics. Over the years, students' enrolment in this subject had been quiet low. Under SMASSE project, probable factors were identified that could have been the possible cause of low enrolment and, subsequently, teacher In-Service Education and Training was recommended. Several cycles of (SMASSE) In-SET have been mounted in the country over the years ...

Agriculture and Rural Development in Bukwo District

ABSTRACT This study examined the role of agriculture in rural development in Bukwo District. This was afler the realization that environmental conditions (i.e., fertile volcanic soils and the equatorial and temperate climatic conditions [reliable rainfall and moderate temperatures]) make the potential for agriculture real in Bukwo District. The challenge was how to tap into this potential even when the necessary infrastructure and human and financial resources were still wanting. Agriculture ...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclarationApprovalDedicationAcknowledgements ivTable of Contents vList of Tables ~jjAcronyms viiiAbstractCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the Problem 21.3 General Objective 21.4 Specific Objectives 21.5 Research Questions 31.6 Scope of the Study 31.7 Significance 4CHAPTER TWOLITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52. 1 Theoretical basis for the Study 52.2 Language Writing 92.2. 1 Some other acceptable rules 112.3 Factors Affecting Wri...

Play and Its Effects on Early Childhood Education Masinga Division, Kathini Village, Ekalakala Zone in Masinga District of Eastern Province-Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the importance of playing on the early childhood education in Masinga District, Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to determine the profile of the respondents in regards to: age, gender and academic level, to investigate the importance of playing in regards to academic achievements, problem solving, social and egoistic competence confidence building and health development artd to identify the hindrance to children's playing the...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGMENT ivKEY TERMSABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE iINTRODUCTION 11.1 Background to the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 11.3 Purpose of the study 21.4 Specific objectives of the study 21.5 Research questions 21.6 Significance of thestudy 31.7 Scope of the study 3CHAPTER TWO 4LITERATURE REVIEW 42.1 Introduction 42.2 Potentials for tourism development 42.2.1 Ecotourism 42.2.2 Amenities 42.2.3 Culture 52.2.4 Accommodation and lodging 52.2.5 Poli...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivLIST OF TABLES viiiLIST OF FIGURES ixLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xABSTRACT XiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Background 11.1 Statement of the Problem 21.2 The Scope of the Study 31.3 The Purpose of the Study 41.4 Objectives 41.4.1 General Objective 41.4.2 Specific Objectives 41.5 Research Questions 51.6 Significance of the Study 51.7 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 61.7.1 Theoretical Framework 61.7.2 Conceptual Framework 61.8 ...

Effects Of Socio-Economic Status On Academic Performance Of Pupils In Kesses Division Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSCOVER PAGE ....................................................................................... iDECLARATION .................................................................................................................. iiAPPROVAL .............................. : ............................................................... iiiDEDICATION ..................................................................................................................... ivTABLE OF CO...

An Investigation into the Effects of Political Insurgency On Performance of Schools in Dokolo District, The Case Study of Dokolo Sub County.

TABLE OF CONTENTSCONTENT PAGEDeclarationApprovalDedicationAcknowledgement ivTable of content vList of tableList of figure viiCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.0 Introduction 12.0 Background of the study 13.0 Problem statement 24.0 The purpose of the study 25.0 Specific objectives of the study 26.0 Research questions 27.0 Scope of the study 38.0 Significant of the study 39.0 Limitation of the study 310.0 Conceptional frame work 4vCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introduction 52.1 Theoretical 52.2 Ac...

Social Networks And Urban Survival In Mukono Town

Table of contents PageDECLARATION.ivAPPROVAL vDEDICATION viACKNOWLEDGMENT viiDEFINITIONS OF TERMS viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background to the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 11.3 Purpose of the study 21.4 Specific objectives 21.5 Research questions 21.6 Significance of the study 21.7 Scope of the study 3CHAPTER TWO 4LITERATURE REVIEW 42.1 Introduction 42.2 Formation of social networks 42.4 Social networks and urban survival 5CHAPTER THREE 7RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 73.1 Int...

Impact of Teachers, Parents, Pupils and Government Participation Towards Improving Quality of Education Among Selected Schools in Iring Region

TABLE ON CONTENTSABSTRACT .... , ..................................................................................... iiDECLARA TIO)'! ............................................................................... iv:SUPERVISOR iAPPROVAL ...................................................................................... vCOPYRIGHT.! ............................................................ , ..................... viACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........................................................

Guidance, Counseling And Students' Discipline Among Selected Secondary Schools In Sabatia Division Vihiga District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ...................................................................................................................... iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... iiiTABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................

Factors Related To Malnutrition Among Children Below 5years In Rengen Health Center Iii, Kotido District

ABSTRACTThe study was carried in Rengen health center iii located in Rengen sub -county Kotido district.The general objectives were to assess factors related to malnutrition among children under 5years in Rengen health center III. Height /length for weight, weight for age, MUAC measurements and general physical examination were used. In 40 children 32 were found to be having malnutrition. Out of 32 children majority 17 (53.1%) were between 2 and 5 years of age followed by ...

Influence Of Plan For Modernization Of Agriculture On Agricultural Practices In Kigulu County. !Ganga District

TABLE OF CONTENTS.D~ENTS PAGE,claration ... . .1Jproval. ..... . ........ 11,di cation ..... . . .. 111cknowledgement ..... . . ... IV1ble of Contents . ..vbstract ..... . . .... lXHAPTERONE.0 Back ground of the study ...... ... II Statement of the problem ... .. J'2 Purpose of the study ..... . . ... 3.3 Research questions ....... . .. 4.4 Objectives of the study .... . .... .4.5 Scope of the study .... . .. .4.6 Significance of the study .......... . .. 5:HAPTER TWO.tEVIEW OF RELATED LITERA...

Physical Facilities And Academic Performance Of Science In Ruchu Girls Secondary School, Maragua District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................ .iAPPROVAL ....... ......................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................ .ivTABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................... vLIST OF FIGURES .....................................................

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