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Research Papers/Topics Education


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION IiACKNOWLEDGEMENTLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF ACRONYMSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0. Background of the Problem 11.1. Historical background 11.1.2. Theoretical background 11.1.3. Conceptual background 21.1.4. Contextual Background 31.2. Statement of the Problem 41.3. Objectives of the study 41.3.1 General objective 41.3.2. Specific objectives 41.4. Research questions 51.5. Research hypothesis1.5.1, Null hypothesis 51.5.2. Alternat...


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting academic performance with aview ofrecommendation for behavior modifications on teachers, parents and students.The study will be undertaken in Trans Mara district in rift valley province Kenya. Seven n out ofthe eleven sampled schools in the district will be sampled out. The class sampled out will beform four.In the study various factors under home, school and in between related causes to be ranked bythe respondent acco...


ABSTRACTThis study investigated the factors which affect the academic performance of the married women students in the Faculty of Education, Kampala International University. The study arose out of the belief that dependency and domestic roles fall on every woman and that the married women are likely to bear much of their roles and hence are expected to perform poorer in their academics than the unmarried. The study was guided by the following objectives: whether domestic ...

Role of Parents in the Education of Mentally Retarded Learners-Case Study of Thika District Of Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of parent's involvement in education on the academic performance of the mentally retarded children in primary schools of Garisa, Kianjau, Athena and St Patrick's in Thika Municipality. The objectives of the study was to determine whether cuLunl beliefs among the parent~ affects the enrolments of mentally retarded children in the zone; determine whether the parents teach their mentally retarded children adaptive  skills...

An Investigation into Factors Influencing Girl Child Drop Out in Selected Primary Schools in Banda Sub-County, Nama Yingo District

ABSTRACT The study was to investigate into the fuctors influencing girl child drop out in primary school in Banda Sub-county, Namayingo district. The objectives of the study were: To establish the causes of girl child drop out, to examine the problems facing girl children and to identi:(y solution to girl child drop out in schools. The target population in this study were;- the headteacher, parents, local council and girl children in upper primary as well as some girl child children who dropp...

The Impact of Inclusive Education On Learners with Hearing Impairment in Regular Schools of Suba District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study examined the challenges of inclusion of children with hearing impairment in regular schools in Suba District in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to investigate the problems faced by children with hearing impairment in accessing education, determine the relevance of the education currently offered to children with hearing impairment and to come up with solutions that can avert the problem. Qualitative and quantitative designs were employed where convenient sampling w...

Factor Affecting Performance of Children with Hearing Impairment in Akokoro Sub County in Apac District

ABSTRACT The study was on factors affecting academic performance of children with hearing impairment in apac district. Chapter One contains Background of the study, Problem Statements which include negative attitude of both parents and teachers, lack of trained teachers in schools, lack of instructional materials and communication barrier which to some extent the problems have been addressed by inclusive education in place, classroom construction by government and other Non - Governmental Org...

A Child Mistreatment and Academic Performance in Selected Primary Schools, Oyam District - Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish and describe the causes and effects of child mistreatment in Aber Sub County with the view of alleviating children's problems and securing a good future for them. It was carried out in four parishes and five primary schools of Aber Sub County, Oyam district. The researcher used questionnaires, interviews and observation to gather data. Sixty people took part in the study. Children suffered indiscriminate abuse of their rights, in the hands o...

Challenges Faced by Gifted and Talented Learners in Regular Public Primary Schools in Bondo Zone, Migori District (Kenya)

ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges faced by the gifted and talented learners in regular primary schools in Bondo Zone, Migori District. Quantitative approach using questionnaires~s used to collect data for the study. Twenty teachers and six Head teachers from six regular primary schools took part in the study. The findings of the study show that most teachers understand learners who are gifted and talented but their needs are overlooked. Since they beha...

Impact of Teaching Methods On Academic Performance of Learners in Mathematics and Science Subjects in Magoro Comprehensive Secondary School in Magoro Sub County Katakwi District

ABSTRA CT The study was aimed at investigating the impact of teaching methods on academic performance ofstudents in learning mathematics and sciences in Magoro comprehensive secondary school in Katakwi District. The research was based on three main objectives namely; determining the impact of teaching methods on academic performance of students in mathematics and science subjects in Magoro comprehensive secondary school, finding out the impact of teaching methods on academic performance of st...

Factors Influencing Poor Students Performance in Sciences and Mathematics in Embakasi Nairobi.

ABSTRACT The main objective of this ~tudy was to investigate the relationship between students poor performance in Mathematics and Sciences in K.C.S.E. examination and selected factors among selected schools in Embakasi Division of Nairobi District. The interest for the schools was strongly prompted by poor performance in these schools. The study used a survey method with application of Ex-post facto research design on 3 out of 20 schools in Embakasi Division. From these schools in 3 headteac...

The Impact of Community Based Water Projects On the Health Status: A Case Study of Marimanti Water Supply Project in Tharaka District Kenya

ABSTRACT The research study attempted to determine the impact of Marimanti Water Supply Project on the health of the residents of Marimanti Town. Establish why some people still use river water and if their income has any influence on their behavior. Determine the awareness of the people on their health status in relation to the use of safe water. During the study , qualitative research method was used to investigate the situation. It became evident from the research that majority of the Mbwe...

Teachers Attitudes Towards Mentally Retarded Learners in Kayole Zone in Embakasi Division, Nairobi District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Due to free primary education that was implemented in 2002 in Kenya. Most education with mental retardation were admitted to the regular schools this prompted the researcher to investigate teachers attitudes towards mentally retarded learners. The study was earned out in kayole zone in Embakasi Division, Nairobi district Kenya for nine months 0from January to august 2009.the study obtained information from teachers both male and female in the five sampled schools the sampling was don...

Relationship Between Students Attitudes Towards Mathematics Versus Their Performance: A Case Study of Lelwak Secondary School, _ Nandi South District

Abstract The teaching of mathematics has been viewed classically at all onsets and specific patterns of work teaching methodologies versus the consequent content analysis have been invaluably developed at various research phases. The study looks critically at mathematics as a subject and its relative relevance within the performance environment and it entrenches the whole concept of the same to further evaluation. Study after study has at all time given us concrete evidence of the concept of ...

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