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Research Papers/Topics Education

Gender Disparities In Selected Primary Schools In Ainabkoi Division, Uasin Gishu District, Rift Valley Province Kenya

ABSTRACT This research project was carried out to investigate gender disparities in primary schools in Kaptagat zone. The study also was intended to find out causes of gender disparities and try to find out ways of curbing these disparities. The research was carried out in Kaptagat zone, Ainabkoi division of Uasin Gishu district. There are thirty three schools in the zone and the research was carried out in four of these schools. The findings from the four schools reflected the situations in ...

Factors That Affect Performance In English Language, A Case Study Of Amu Division, Lamu District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study investigated factors that affect performance in English language at Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (K.C.P.E). The study specific objectives among which were; (i) To examine the effect of school administration and performance of English. (ii) To assess the effect of students' attitude towards English on performance. (iii) To investigate teaching methods on students' performance on English. (iv) To establish teachers' qualifications and its effect on performance of En...


ABSTRACT The ban of the cane as a measure to deter indiscipline in schools following the adoption of the Children ·s Act of 2001 has caused mixed reactions among education stakeholders. This has been irnrsened by the ill-preparedness of teachers in using guidance and counseling as an alternative. This study therefore took a critical look on the effects of cane withdrawal on discipline in prima1y schools. It also looked at whether the schools still apply the cane as a means of instilling disc...

Stress, Coping Strategies And Students’ Attitude Towards Learningjhe Case Of Kampala International University

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate stress, coping strategies and students’ attitudes towards learning among university students. The objectives of the study were; to find out the relationship between stress and students’ attitudes towards learning, to examine the relationship between stress and coping strategies among university students and to investigate the relationship between coping strategies and students’ attitudes towards learning. In order to achieve these obj...

Instructional Technologyand Student’seducational Achievement: A Case Study Of Selected Schools In Nkozi Sub - County Mpigi District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the impacts of using of instructional technologies on students achievements in selected schools in Nkozi subcounty Mpigi district, the main objective of the study were; to find out the different forms and categories of instructional technologies used in the teaching and learning processes also, to examine the impacts and benefits of using instructional technologies in the teaching and learning process and lastly to find out the challenges bot...

Rural-Urban Migration And Implications For Socio-Economic Development Of Bunyafwa Sub County, Sironko District, Eastern Uganda.

ABSTRACTIn developing countries like Uganda rural urban migration affects development in bothe rural and urban areas. As such this study aims at establishing major causes, effects of the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas and strategic remediation of overcoming rural urbanmigration. To achieve the objectives lOO house hold heads were selected randomly from Bunyafwa sub county .Both primary and secondary data were employed and were analyzed both quatitatativ...

The Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Girl Child Education In Selected Secondary Schools In Kiharu Division, Muranga East District

ABSTRACTThe study looked at assessing the factors affecting academic performance of girl child education in selected secondary schools in Kiharu division Muranga East district. There are direct and opportunity costs of education which has strong negative effects on female educational opportunities. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors affecting performance of girl child education in relation to access, participation and completion rates inkiharu division Mur...

The Impact Of School Feeding Programme On Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils In Marafa Division, Magarini District, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION: ............................................................................................................... IIAPPROVAL ...................................................................................................................... IIIDEDICATION ................................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................

Factors Affecting Enrolment And Performance In Physics Among Students In Agago District, Uganda

ABSTRACTThis study was about the factors leading to poor enrolment and performance in Physics subjectamong secondary schools in Agago district, Uganda. The study was led by four research objectives which were to examine the influence of students’ performance and enrolment in Physics, to identify influence of teacher - students’ relationship on student’s performances inPhysics, determining the nature of school environment where teaching is practiced and to examine influenc...

Challenges Affecting The Learning Of Mild Mentally Challenged Learners In Regular Schools Of Matuga Division Kenya

ABSTRACT The report study was based on team work composed of teachers and stakeholders in education at the DEO's office Kwale Kenya and was guided by the following objectives;To establish the characteristics of mentally retarded learners.- To find out the problems affecting the learning of mild mentally challenged learners in regular schools.- To assess how teachers manage and involve children with mental disorders in teaching learning process.Based on the above objec...

Free Primary Education Policy And Academic Performance Of Primary Schools In Mosiro Zone, Narok North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research study was intended to establish the effectiveness of fi'ee primary education in Kenya with j\;Josiro zone within Narok North district serving as an illustrative example. In the gathering of secondcny source iliformation, all other scholars· 11•orks viewed relevant to the study were utilized.The study employed a descriptive design since much of this study was qualitative in nature. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect data ...

Relationship Between Female Genital Mutilation And The Academic Performance Ofthe Girl Child, Case Study In Suam Sub County, Bukwo District, Eastern Uganda.

ABSTRACTThis research deals with female genital mutilation and its relationship on the girl child educationin Suam sub-county, Bukwo District. Mutilation is done as a way of maintaining culture in some societies, crossing over to a different age/set group and woman hood too. Some countries like Somalia and Sudan do it for public recognition. However, female genital mutilation/cutting(FGM!C) has been outlawed in many countries Uganda inclusive because of its associated evilstowards g...

An Investigation Into Factors Affecting Girl Child School Dropout In Bunyangabu District, Uganda. (Case Study Of Kisomoro Sub-County)

ABSTRACTThe qualitative study investigated the causes of girl child dropout in Kisomoro subcountyThe study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the institutional factors leading to school dropout, to find out if there are some cultural factors in society which cause girls to dropout of schools, to establish if the government policies have influenced girls to dropout of schools and to find out if family background hasinfluenced girls to drop out of school.The stu...

Impact Of Post Election Violence On Academic Performance Of Learners In Eldoret Town In Uasin Gishu District, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the Impact of Post Election Violence on Academic Pe1formance of Learners in Uasin Gishu High school, Eldoret Town, Kenya. Specific objectives of the study were to: Investigate the Psychological effects of post election violence on learners, determine the Effects of post election violence on the quality of teachers, investigate the Effects of post election violence on school infrastructure and school resources, determine Po...

Effects Of Early Pregnancy And Student’s Performance In Selected Secondary Schools In Jinja District Uganda. (A Case Study Of St. Joseph Nakanyonyi Senior Secondary School Bugembe

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to investigate the case of early pregnancy and student’s performance in~ selected secondary schools in Jinja District andsuggested possible solution to the problem. The specific objectives of the study is to investigate the cause’s of early pregnancy and student’s performance in schools. To find the effects of early pregnancy and student’s performance in schools. To get the solutions of early pregnancy and student’s performanc...

1321 - 1335 Of 8017 Results