Art Education Research Papers/Topics

An Assessment of Teachers' Effectiveness On Academic Performance of Pupils in Alebtong District. The Case Study of Omarari Co-Ordinating Centre

ABSTRACT This was undertaken to find out the effects pf teacher effectiveness on pupils' performance at PLE in Omarari coordinating centre, Omoro sub county, Alebtong District. This case study was carried out in four selected primary schools out of the twenty primary schools in Omoro Sub-county, these schools were selected due to their being Zonal centers where coordination and meetings and trainings are done due to proximity, it is also intended that they are developed into centre of excelle...

A Critical Analysis of the Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Act 2013 And Its Impact On the Oil Industry in Uganda

ABSTRACT The PEDP Act 2013, raises legal issues which had to be resolved in order to understand its impact on the upstream sector of Uganda's oil industry. State participation, in the PEDP Act 2013, is only limited to 20% carried interest which is low when compared to Algeria at 51% carried interest, Cameroon at 50% carried interest, Nigeria at 50+% carried interest and Norway at 20-56% WI. This requires a review of section 124 PEDP Act 2013. Corporate governance will also be a daunting task ...

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Male Teachers Towards Human Immune Virus/Voluntary Counseling and Testing in Schools in Nakalama Sub county, Iganga

ABSTRACT HIV/VCT services are one of the national strategies that Uganda has been embraced to combat the high spread of HIV/AIDS. In response, the MOES has embraced in schools and further adopted by the local council authorities, Iganga district inclusive. The purpose of the study was to establish the knowledge, attitudes and practices of male teacher's towards the promotion ofVCT services in schools in Nakalama subcounty. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative design in data co...

Effects of Teenage Pregnancy On Academic Performance: A Case Study of Makulubita Sub County Luweero District.

ABSTRACT The incidence of teenage pregnancy has been very high in Uganda. The study therefore was designed to explore the effects of teenage pregnancy on performance in Makulubita Sub County, Luweero district. Questionnaire, in depth interview, focus group discussion and observation were used to collect data for the study with respect to factors that lead to teenage pregnancy. Quantitative data from the questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using statistica...

Effects of Early Pregnancy On the Performance of the Girl Child in Secondary Schools of Akalo Sub County Kole Disrtict

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of early pregnancy on the performance of the girl child in secondary schools of Akalo Sub County Kole district. It was aimed at identifying the causes of teenage pregnancies among students and how they affected their academic performance in the two selected secondary schools as well as putting across amicable solutions for this challenge in Kole District. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher used a mixed method approach of qual...

Determinants of Effective Participation in Pre - School Education in Dujis Zone, Garissa District Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the critical role of pre - school education in holistic development of the children, there are problems inhibiting access to participation in pre - school education, most government documents in Kenya are silent on the key issues such as terms of services for pre - school teachers, linkages between various players in ECO and modalities of partnership among others. Problems facing EGE have not been investigated and understood. In the light of the above, the purpose of this stu...

Teachers Motivation and Performance at the Work Place, Kericho West District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The main purpose of motivation in any given organization is to increase efficiency and effectiveness at work which eventually leads to high levels of productivity and the benefits thereof People are motivated by many different kinds of needs. They have basic needs for food, clothing and shelter, but they also need acceptance, recognition and self - esteem Each individual experience those needs ways and to varying degrees. To complicate matters more, people are motivated by different ...

Factors Affecting the Performance of Girl Child Education in Nasir Combining Primary School Upper Nile State of Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the girlchild education in Nasir Combining primary school located in the Upper Nile state The specific objectives of the study were to determine whether the Socio cultural and Religious Factors affect the academic performance of girls in Nasir Combining primary, to determine whether the School Environment affect the academic performance of girls in Nasir Combining primary; and to determine if school facilities affect ...

Learning Resources and English Language Ability of Learners (A Case Study of Ggaba Mixed Secondary School) In Ggaba Parish, Makindye Division, Kampala District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT The research study was carried out in Ggaba particularly covered Makindye East division, Kampala District. The research was basically based on a topic: “Learning resources and English language ability of learners in Ggaba Mixed Secondary school in Ggaba Parish Makindye. The research was guided by a number of objectives which included the following;- to find out effective ways of improving students’ English language ability, to establish the impact of learning resources on primary...

Causes of Poor Performance of Students in Science Subjects Within Secondary Schools of Bamunanika Sub County, Luwero District

ABSTRACT This study focused on the causes of poor performance of students in science subjects within secondary schools. It was conducted in Bamunaniika Sub County, Luwero district although raises a theory and recommendations that could apply in others areas within Uganda. The research had specific objectives as to: - Establish the causes of poor performance of students in science subjects within Bamunanika Sub County. It utilized both quantitative and quantitative methods of study and discipl...

Child Labor and Childrens’ Rights for Welfare in Rural Areas of Kwanyiy Sub-county Kween District Uganda

ABSTRACT Employment of children in the rural areas is an enormous problem in many parts of the world. It is estimated that Sub—Saharan Africa follows Asia—Pacific in having the largest number of child workers with 48 million. This study therefore explored from an ethical point of view the relationship between child labor and children’s rights or welfare, as well as its effects on health, safety and education of the children involved. . The study also sought to suggest strategies in tack...

An Evaluation On the Guidance and Counseling Services of Moi Institute of Technology Migori District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Counseling as a process that involves listening to people talk about their problems and helping them work out solutions for these problems. In the process the counselor guides and counsels in making alternative choice to either cope or over come the problems on looking at Africa tradition Counseling, was a process where a counselor or advisor utilized insight and values drown from the rich Africa wisdom and culture heritage as informed by worldview.The purpose of this study is to est...

Effectiveness of Free Primary Education Policy on Academic Performance of Primary Schools in Masinga Zone, Masinga Division, Masinga District,kenya

ABSTRACT Recent research statistics has shown that the fi·ee primary education introduced in the year 2003 had lead to a large influx of pupils into primary schools. Kenyans cannot afford to complacent about it, thus their arises an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the issue of academic performance on the influx of pupils. The study adopted a Descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the impact of free primary education on acad...

Factors Influencing The Performance of English Subject in Public Secondary Schools. A Case Study Kapichorwa District, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENT  DECLARATION ....................................................................................................................... 2  APPROVAL .............................................................................................................................. 3  DEDICATION .......................................................................................................................... 4  ABBREVIATIONS .....................................................

Influence of Mass Media on Agricultural Development In Uganda, A Case Study Of Omulimi Asinga, Bukedde Tv

ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the role of media on agricultural development in Uganda, a case study of Omulimi Asinga, Bukedde TV. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included To identify the major source of agricultural information to farmers through mass media, Omulimi Asinga, Bukedde, to analyze the effectiveness of mass media in the dissemination of agricultural technologies among the respondents on Omulimi Asinga, Bukedde TV and determining the challenges met fr...

136 - 150 Of 1340 Results