Art Education Research Papers/Topics

The Effect Of Free Primary Education Programme And Academic Performance Of Pupils Of Kcpe In Public Primary Schools: Case Study Of Kirriti Region, Nyandurua District, Kenya

Abstract The study dwelled into the impact of free primary education on the academic performance of pupils in KCPE in public schools with the aim of determining the causes of poor performance, current learning conditions and the extent to which free primary education ha affected the performance of pupils. The study was carried out in Kiriita location, nyandarua District and it utilized the head teachers of the six schools in that location, 46teachers and 124 pupils of the same schools. The fi...

Absenteeism and Students’ Educational Achievement in Selected Secondary Schools of Kasawo Sub-County, Mukono District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .APPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF TABLES viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE IINTRODUCTION I1 .0 Background1.1 Statement of the Problem1 .2 Objectives ofthe Study 21.2.1 General Objective ofthe Study 21.2.2 Specific Objectives ofthe Study 21 .3 Research Questions 21.4 Scope of the Study 2I .4.1 Geographical scope 21.4.2 Time scope 21.5 Significance ofthe Study 2CHAPTER TWO 4LITERATURE REVIEW 42.0 Introduction 42.1 Attitude towards Secondary Schools 42.1 .1 ...

Community Involvement and Performance of Secondary Schools in Khabutola Sub-County Manafwa District, Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of study is to establish the effect of community involvement on performance ofsecondary schools the objectives were examine the ways of community involvement in management of secondary schools, to establish the contributions of community in performance of the secondary schools and to determine the challenges faces in community involvement in the performance of secondary schools. The study was conducted in Khabutola Sub-County in Manafwa district, the study adopted a descr...

Discipline And Students’ Academic Performance In Uce, “A Case Study Of Bukooli College Bugiri”.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of discipline to the academic performance amongst the students of Bukooli College Bugiri District. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the influence of teacher qualities on the academic performance of students and to find out the influence of school facilities on academic performance of students of Bukooli College Bugiri. The methods used for data collection was questionnaire and interview guides to students, ...

A Comparative Study Of Factors Influencing Academic Performance Between Private And Public Primary Schools In Nan Go Zone, Bondo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Scholars and policy makers have raised pertinent issues on the quality of free primary public schools, versus that of private schools. There has been controversial discussions mainly based on the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination. The main focus of this study was class 8 pupils who were admitted in class one in the year 2000, before free primary education program was implemented. The purpose of this study was to compare factors influencing the academic perfor...

Child Labour and Educational Attainments of Students in Mbulamuti Subcounty in Kamuli District

Table of ContentsDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGMENT ivABBREVIATIONS ixABSTRACT XCHAPTERONE 11INTRODUCTION 111.1 Background 111.2 Statement of the problem 121.3 Objectives of the study 151.3.1 Purpose of the study 151.3.2 Specific objectives 151.4 Research Questions 151.5 Scope of the Study 151.5.1 Geographical scope 151.6 Significance of the study 161.7 Definition of Key Terms 171.8 Conceptual Framework 18CHAPTER T’vVO 20LITERATURE REVIEW 202.2 Child Labor in Practice . 202.2.1...

Effects of Child Abuse on Development in Eastern Uganda, A Case Study of Soroti Municipality in Soroti District

ABSTRACT A study on effect of child abuse on development was carried in Soroti Municipality. The purpose of the study was to establish the impact of child abuse on the development of soroti municipality. The objectives of the study were; to find out the forms of abuses facing children, the root causes of the problems of child abuse and how the problem has affected development. The population of the study was 40. The study employed random sampling techniques to arrive at a sample of 40 re...

Challenges of Using English as A Medium of Instruction in The Upper Part of Primary Schools in Rural Uganda A Case of One Primary School in Mpigi District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivABSTRACT vTABLE OF CONTENTS viCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTIONI An Overview of language in education policy in Uganda II .2 Statement ol the Problem 5 -4 1 .3 Purpose of the study 61.4 Speci[ic Oh~ectives oithe study 61 .5 Research questions 7.5. ~1ain escaich question 71.5.2 Specilic research questions 71.6 Scope oithe study 71.7 Signilicance of the study 7CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 92.0 Introduction 92.1 Overview 92.2 The Rol...

The Socio-Economic Effects of Teenage Pregnancies And Academic Performance of Learners in Selected Schools of Budaka District

chapter contains the introductory aspects of the study under the following sub headings: the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, scope of the study, research objectives and research questions. Foege (1999) stated that teenage was a period of life between childhood and .adult hood, those aged from 14 to 19 years though some demographers included up to age 24. It is a transition period that can hurt a young person’s future course. Teenage pregnancy is the...

Educational Technologies And Academic Perfomance Of Pre-primary Pupils In Central Division Marsabit District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ........................................................................................................ i DEDICATION ......................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLODGEMENT ...................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ iv&n...

Impact of Special Needs Education on Mentally Handicapped Learners in Five Special Units Ny Andarua North District Kenya.

ABSTRACT Special Needs Education has been an important instrument of addressing special difficulties found in learners with special needs. Mentally handicapped learners in particular have benefited a lot with this educational programme. This research has been initiated to investigate the impact special needs education has made in this area of disability. The researcher used survey method and employed questionnaire as a technique to ask relevant questions. The answers provided were in quantita...

Effects of Scouts Movement On Students Discipline a Case Study of Makindye Division, Kampala Uganda.

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the scout movements on the students discipline in selected schools in Makindye Division, Kampala- Uganda. It was guided by three specific objectives including; - To determine the extent to which the school environment is influenced by scouting, to investigate the extent to which classroom attendance is influenced by scouting as well as to establish a relationship between students’ parenting and scouting. Qualitative d...

Absenteeism and Academic Performance in Lower Primary Classes in Gasaka Sector Kigeme Cell Nyamagabe District Rwanda

ABSTRACT This research is about the effect of absenteeism on academic performance. It was guided by three objectives; To identify the causes of absenteeism among children of lower primary classes in Gasaka Sector Kigeme Cell Nyamagabe District Rwanda. To find out the methods used to retain children of lower primary in schools. To identify the role of teachers in children’s performance. Purposive and stratified sampling was used to select a population of 40 respondents to represent a populat...

Effect of Teaching Methods on Students’ Performance in Secondary Schools: A Case of Secondary Schools in Namutumba Town Council~Namutumba District.

ABSTRACT The main concern in education sector is how teaching methods affect students’ performance. This study examined teaching methods on performance of students in secondary schools Namutumba District where Namutumba town council was used as a case of study. The study was guided by three specific objectives:To assess students’ perception of the appropriateness of teaching methods used in teaching in secondary ~chooIs, To determine the most effective methods used in teaching students in...

Indiscipline and Academic Performance of Pupils in Njoro I Division Nakuru District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study determines the effects of indiscipline on academic performance in Njoro Division of Nukuru District Kenya. The study employed a descriptive survey to determine how deviance affects performance in the Division. The study concluded that due to · rampant discipline problems teachers are demotivated and unresourceful. This lowers both the performance and the quality of education. The study recommends careful monitoring of the students who break school rules, hence strengtheni...

181 - 195 Of 1340 Results