Art Education Research Papers/Topics

Role Of Education In Poverty Alleviation, In Tingey Subcounty, Kapchorwa District Uganda

ABSRTACT This research report is about education and poverty alleviating .It was carried out in Tingei sub county Kapchorwa Uganda The objectives of this study are To indentify the causes of poverty in Tingey Sub county Kapchorwa Uganda To examine whether education can play role in poverty Alleviation To determine the repercussions of poverty in Tingey sub-county Kapchorwa Uganda The study was descriptive it employed qualitative methods since qualitative methods showed the experience necessar...

Strikes And Academic Performance In Secondary Schools (A Case Study Of Amanang Sec Sch -Bukwo District)

ABSTRACTThe main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that have contributed to student shrikes in public secondary schools in Bukwo sub-county. The objectives of the study were to establish the causes of strike in secondary schools of Bukwo sub-county, to investigate the challenges facing the Performance of students in secondary schools of Bukwo sub-county and toestablish impact of strikes on the student’s Academic performance in secondary schools of Bukw...

The Effect Of Women Leadership In Academic Performance Of Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education In Limuru Division Kiambu District, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to find out the effects of women leadership on the performance of KCPE in public primary schools in Limuru Division of Kiambu District. Limuru Division is always ranked among the best divisions in the district followed by Kikuyu, Githunguri and Tigoni. Most of the schools in this division, are headed by women, hence the researcher was interested in finding out whether their leadership would be having any effects on the performance of ...

Impact Of Poverty On Academic Perforamnce Of Students Of Kamahia Primary School, Kamburu Zone, Lari District Kelfya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .... APPROVAL ... DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.. TABLE OF CONTENTS .. CHAPTER ONE ... INTRODUCTION ... 1.1 Background of the study .. 1.2 Statement of the problem. 1.3 Purpose of the study .. 1.4 Objective  1.4.1 General objective ..  Scope of the study. 1. 7 Significance of the study .. CHAPTER TWO ..... REVIEW Of RELATED LITERATURE ... 2.0 Intr·oduction .. 2.1 Definitive review of poverty .. _ Causes of poverty  2.3 Effects of pove...

Causes Of Child Sexual Abuse At Matuira Division Central Province, Nye1u District Kenya

ABSTRACTThe researcher wanted to expound and add more knowledge to the causes of child sexual abuse. The researcher’s scope of study was at Mathira Division Nyeri District Central province in Kenya. The main objectives of this research were as follows;o To asses, the role the authorities are playing in the fight against childhood sexual abuse.• To establish if drug abuse influences child sexual abuse.To investigate whether the economic status instigates the child sexual abu...

The Impact Of Reading On Academic Performance Of English: A Case Study Of Central Division Ole Sankale Zone In Narok North District-Kenya

ABSTRACT:This study investigated the impact of reading on academic performance of English language in primary schools in Narok No1th District.The researcher used both open ended and closed ended questionnaire and an interview· guide to get the relevant information (data) and the data collected was analyzed by use ofdescriptive statistics that included measures of central tendency (mean, mode, median) measures of dispersion (i.e. range, standard deviation, variance) distributio...

The Causes Of Poor Performance Of English Language Of Education Learners In Primary Schools A Case Study Of Kimulot Division Bureti District Of Kenya

ABSTRACTThe study was carried out in Kimulot Division Bureti district of Kenya. Tl1.e aim was to ascertain why the performance in English subject in Kimulot Division Primary schools was very poor. This was done by collecting data from deferent respondents using different methodologies. Data was collected from 8 head teachers, 8 English teachers and 24 pupils from the selected schools in Kimulot Division.Data was analyzed both qualitatively and qualitatively and presen...

Post Election Conflict And Pupils' Academic Performance From Selected Primary Schools In Gatanga Division In Tidka District In Kenya

ABSTRACTThe study was guided by one general objective which was to identify effects of Post Election Conflicts on academic performance of pupils in Kenya,To identify effects of Post Election Conflicts on academic performance of pupils in Kenya, Thika district. Three specific objectives were drawn from which three research questionswere derived to guide the study.(i) To examine how the Post Election Conflicts have affected pupils' academic performance in standard schools.(ii) To...

Women And Community Development A Case Of Murora Sub-County In Kisoro District

ABSTRACTThe study was an investigation into the roles of women and men in community development in MURORA Sub County , Kisoro District. The study had a number of objectives , to assess the roles of women and men in communitydevelopment ; to find out who is the 'heart' of the home and to investigate the extent to which women are allowed to owe property. The research was carried out due to the continued low status of women in the community.The research was organized into fiv...

Teachers’ Culture And Learning Outcome Of Students In Secondary Schools: A Case Study Of Secondary Schools, Wakiso District

ABSTRACT The study investigated the topic titled “Teachers’ Culture and Learning Outcome of Students in Secondary Schools of Wakiso District.” The objectives of the study included; to find out the demographic characteristics of respondents as to Teachers and students’, establish the relationship between teachers’ culture and students’ academic performance; and assess the contribution of work environment and secondary students academic performance in Schools in Wakiso District. The...

Factors Affecting The Academic Performance Of A Girl Child In A Single Sex Secondary School. Case Study Of Gamatui Girls Secondary School Sipi Sub-county Kapchorwa District.

ABSTRACT The study was on an assessment of factors affecting the academic performance of a girl child education in single sex schools. It investigated the perceptions of girls in single sex schools, the learning challenges facing girls in secondary schools, which discussions where statistical methods and matching of information were employed as tools for data analysis. Findings have shown that girl’s perceptions include; increased confidence, decreased relationship with boys and feel more c...

The Cavses Of Moral Decay In Secondary Schools Of Nakawa Djvision: A Case Study Of Naguru Parish Schools

ABSTRACT The research topic was on the impact of strikes on the academic performance tJ,J.1.(i the research was conducted in Naguru parish, Nakawa division-Uganda. The topic of the study was on the causes of moral decay in secondary schools. A total of 60 respondents took part in the study and these respondents included; twenty (20) students, twenty (20) teachers, fifteen (15) parents and (5) five head teachers who were selected to represent the entire population of approximately 800, 000 res...

Causes Of Poor Performance Of Students In Science Subjects In Secondary Schools Of Mukungwe Sub County Masaka District.

ABSTRACT This research study has been on the causes of poor performance m science subjects in secondary schools. The study was conducted m Mukungwe Sub County Masaka district but raises a theory and recommendation that could apply in others areas in Uganda. The research had specific objectives as to: - Analyze the impact of up grading courses on the teaching and motivation of science teachers. Weigh the relative performance in sciences to other academic subjects in secondary schools in relati...

Determinants Of Poor Performance In Mathematics In Mijwala Sub- County Primary Schools, Sembambule District

ABSTRACT The study intended to find out the effectiveness of the discovery method in teaching of upper primary mathematics in Mijwala sub-county, Mawogola county, Sembabule district. This was done by analysis results of the hypothesis tests from the data collected from teachers, Headteachers and from children. The study was carried out in the sub-county division which comprises of many schools and the total respondents among teachers were sixteen and schools observed were eight. Data was coll...

Relationship Between Students Discipline And Academic Performance In Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT. This section gives the summary ofthe research problem, which is concerned, with discipline and academic performance in secondary schools. The main objectives ofthe study was, to investigate the role played by school rules and regulations in promoting discipline, the types of punishments given to students and there applicability to promoting discipline and finally the relationship between guidance and counseling in conjunctions with discipline and academic performance in schools. The...

286 - 300 Of 1340 Results