Art Education Research Papers/Topics

Status Of Adult Education In Tanzania: A Case Of Ilemela District, Mwanza

ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the status of Adult Education in Tanzania by taking experience from Ilemela District. Specifically, the study was set to investigate the existing adult education supporting structures, to assess the extent of the implementation of adult education, to identify factors influencing the implementation of adult education and to solicit stakeholders‟ opinions on the effective way of improving Adult Education in Ilemela district. The study employed a mixed res...

Impact Of Drug Abuse On Secondary School Students Academic Achievement In Tanzania: The Case Of Temeke Municipality

ABSTRACT  The aim of this study was designed to assess the impact of Drug abuse on students‘ academic performance among secondary schools in Temeke Municipality. Specific objectives for this study were to: Investigate the causes of drug abuse among secondary school students in Temeke Municipality; assess the Challenges faced in controlling drug abuse in secondary schools and examine the impact of drug abuse on students‘ academic performance in secondary school in Temeke Municipality. The...

Basic Literacy Skills Training To Primary School Teachers: The Impact On The Lower Grade Pupils Performance

ABSTRACT This study was about the basic literacy skills training to primary school teachers and its impact on lower grades pupils‟ performance. References for this study were drawn from Nyamagana District-Tanzania. The study sought to meet three objectives, namely; to investigate on teachers‟ learned basic literacy skills to improve pupils‟ literacy, assessing the impacts of basic literacy skills training to primary school teachers on lower grades pupils‟ performance and to investiga...

The Contribution Of Drawing In Enhancing Young Children’s Communication In Pre-Primary Education In Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study explored the contribution of drawing in enhancing young children‟s communication in Pre-primary education in Tanzania. The study was conducted in six public primary schools in Dodoma Municipality involving a total number of 63 participants composed of 14 teachers (one male and 13 female), 13 parents (three male and 10 females) and 36 pre-primary school children (18 boys and 18 girls). The study employed three sampling techniques; purposive sampling to obtain pre-primar...

Exploring Teachers’ Experience In Management Of School Funds In Selected Secondary Schools At Nyamagana District In Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT This study explored teachers’ experience in the management of school funds by identifying their roles, skills, and challenges encountered in the management of school funds. The study employed a qualitative research method with a case study Design. Three secondary schools from Nyamagana district in Mwanza Region were selected for the study. Using purposive sampling, data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews with eight informants, viz. 3 heads of schools, 3 tea...

Factors Leading To Poor Academic Performance Of Pupils With Hearing Impairment In Inclusive Primary Schools

ABSTRACT The study explored the factors leading to poor academic performance for HI pupils in inclusive primary schools, which intend to identify the factors, associate the identified factors with the academic performance of pupils with hearing impairment and to suggest possible strategies to overcome the poor academic performance problems of pupils with hearing impairment in inclusive primary schools. The study was mostly used qualitative supplemented by the quantitative approach. Vygotsky ...

Supporting Chemistry Teachers’ Competencies In Developing Lesson Materials For Secondary Schools In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The overall quality of teacher education in Tanzania has increased. However, Chemistry teachers are still faced with some problems in teaching specific topics. These problems have been hardly addressed through the in-service programmes attended by the teachers. Consequently, Chemistry teachers lose confidence in addressing the problems they encounter in their classrooms. The study, therefore explores the topics in Form I;s perceived difficulties in teaching and learning of Chemistry...

Conceptions Of Alternative Methods To Corporal Punishment Among Experienced Teachers In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT The study was conducted on alternative methods to corporal punishments (AMCP) in Zanzibar. It focused on three objectives. Firstly, it explored meaning of AMCP. Secondly, it uncovered the nature of AMCP. Thirdly, it revealed approaches that experienced teachers employ in implementing AMCP. Qualitative approach through phenomenology research design was employed. The sample of 10 experienced teachers was purposely selected. Data were collected through in-depth interview, documentary r...

The Impact Of School-Based Instructional Supervision On Teaching And Learning In Tanzania: A Case Of Primary Schools In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT  This study examined the impact of school-based instructional supervision on teaching and learning in Primary Schools in Tanzania. The study was guided by the Scientific Management and Human Relations theories. The study was mainly qualitative with quantitative aspects. A cross-sectional design was used and data were collected in Dodoma Municipal Council through questionnaires, interviews and documentary reviews. The data were collected from 102 respondents; 60 teachers, 20 heads of...

Constraints Facing The Implementation Of Inclusive Education In Tanzania’s Primary Schools: A Case Of Ikungi District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the constraints facing implementation of inclusive model of education through exploration of how interactive, cooperative, participative, supportive and effective it is to learners with disability and their attitude against the concept in primary schools in Tanzania particularly in Ikungi District and the mitigation strategies in place. It is a qualitative case study with phenomenological approach and was guided by bio-ecological systems theory. Sam...

The Role Of Competence–Based Assessment Practices In Enhancing Learning In Secondary School: Case Of Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT This study explored the impact of competence-based assessment practices in enhancing learning in secondary schools in Tanzania. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of competence-based assessment practices in enhancing learning in secondary schools in Morogoro Municipality. The ongoing debates on competence-based assessment practice with connection to students‟ mass failure triggered this study. The study was informed by a mastery learning theory and constructivis...

Reflections Of Science Students’ Career-Related Needs On Secondary School Curriculum In Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Career needs have been identified as among the challenges that hinder science students in choosing appropriate career. This is due to unique needs that science students have regarding career choices. In this study, the researcher investigated reflections of science students‟ career-related needs on school curriculum, major aspirations behind the identified needs and the degree to which school curriculum reflects those needs. The study was conducted in Dodoma Municipality using bo...

Community Attitude Towards The Relevance Of Community Education Programmes In Tanzaniathe Case Of Wete District

ABSTRACT  The current study sought to assess community attitude towards the relevance of community education programmes in Wete District in Zanzibar. Thus, the specific objectives of this study were to Explore the community perceptions on the relevance of community education in Wete district, determine the relationship between demographic factors and community perceptions towards community education, assess socio-cultural and economic factors associated with community participation towards c...

Stakeholders’ Commitment To The Implementation Of Students-Teacher Enrichment Programme In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Selected Primary Schools In Mbeya City

ABSTRACT This study focused on exploring stakeholders’ commitment to the implementation of student - teacher enrichment programme in Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed at investigating the stakeholders’ attitude towards STEP in primary schools, to determine the impact of STEP on pupils’ performance in primary schools and propose the possible strategies to enhance the implementation of STEP in the primary schools. The study used qualitative paradigms in data collection and data ana...

Student Teacher Enrichment Programme (Step) Contribution To English Teaching In Community Secondary Schools In Dodoma And Singida Regions

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the STEP contribution to English teaching in community-based secondary schools. The reason behind for doing so was due to the government of Tanzania through the MoEST that decided to invest much on 4 subjects: Mathematics, Biology, English and Kiswahili that were revealed to be poorly performed in 2012. The government then came with STEP programme as a strategy towards improving students‟ performance as well as improving teaching. The study was co...

1081 - 1095 Of 1340 Results